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Search Results

Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 133Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 134Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Puerto Rican Freedom Fighters Puerto Rican Freedom Fighters
Call Number: PM 193AFormat: Cass ACollection: Puerto Rico
Interviews with Dylcia Pagan, Judith Mirkinson, Eduardo Colon with Michael Deutsch, and Josephina Rodriguez.
Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War
Date: 1/10/1992Call Number: LA 050Format: Cass A & BProducers: Noelle Hanrahan (in assoc. with Gloria Alonzo), Jane Segal, J. Mullins, Bo (Rita D.) BrownProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the USCollection: Puerto Rico
Part of a thirteen part series (You Can’t Jail the Spirit). Interviews with PR PPs/POWs over prison phones and Puerto Rican Independentista activists and academics. Intro by Gloria Alonzo, Interviews by Avotcha. Recorded voices of Felix Mata, then Umberto Pagan (recorded at 1989 Grito de Lares Event in San Francisco). Interviews with Rafael Cancel Miranda, Dylcia Pagan (POW talking from prison), Jose Lopez (re: MLN today), Adolfo Matos (POW talking from Lompock Penintentiary). Music. Interview with Margarita Mengal (professor, talking on Ofensive ‘92). (duplicated on LA 070)
Women in Prison Women in Prison
Call Number: PM 210Format: Cass A & BCollection: Prisons - Women
Intervew of Women in Prison, Dublin, CA 1995. Political prisoners Dylcia Pagan, Linda Evans, Ida Robinson, and Marilyn Buck are asked to speak about themselves and why they are in prison. The women also discuss the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the lack of wages and benefits for the poor and oppressed, and the wrongs of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Ida Robinson speaks about families of ethnic minorities, and Marilyn Buck speaks about how political prisoners aren’t violent, they are just casualties during the conflict. The women discuss the state of the poor white woman, how is marginalized because no one is fighting for her and she has no representation.
March for Vieques; Elizam Escobar March for Vieques; Elizam Escobar
Date: 1/12/2003Call Number: V 135Format: Mini DVProducers: hana tauber, nyla rosen, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Unedited video taping used for a project on the Puerto Rican former political prisoners. All in Spanish except interview with Dylcia. First half hour is at a March to get the Navy out of Vieques. Former political prisoners Dylcia Pagan (min16) and Luis Rosa (min. 19) talk about the connection between the Vieques struggle and PR Independence and the political prisoners. Korean war vetran talks about serving time for civil disobediance on vieques (min. 3). Also includes brief interview with a teacher’s union at the March and the union’s band playing music, and brief interview on the connection between Palestinian and Puerto Rican liberation. Second half hour is the continuation of an Interview with former politcal prisoner Elizam Escobar at his hosue (V 139). Talks about the role of art in the struggle for freedom, self-determination and Puerto Rican liberation. NOTE: For easier viewing, check out V 143 which has extracted, edited and english-subtitled interviews of these and other PR Independentistas.
Interview with Dylcia Pagan Interview with Dylcia Pagan
Date: 1/14/2003Call Number: V 138Format: Mini DVProducers: nyla rosen, hana tauber, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Unedited interview used to get clips for a project on the Puerto Rican former political prisoners. In English. Independence figher, media creator, artist, and former political prisoner Dylcia Pagan talks about the connections between Puerto Rican Independence and the release of the political prisoners, about her history and current projects, about the women Nationalists, about Vieques, etc. NOTE: For easier viewing, check out V 143 which has extracted, edited and english-subtitled interviews of her and other PR Independentistas. Dylcia is also briefly intervied on V 135.
Interviews with Puerto Rican former political prisoners and their lawyer Interviews with Puerto Rican former political prisoners and their lawyer
Date: 1/30/2003Call Number: V 143Format: VHSProducers: nyla rosen, hana tauber, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
First 20 minutes: Edited and subtitled (both English and Spanish) interviews on the connection between the release of the prisoners and the Puerto Rican Independence Movement. First footage of a march for peace for Vieques; then former political prisoner Dylcia Pagan talks about the connection between Vieques and PR Independence and the prisoners’ release; lawyer Jan Susler talks about fear and action; former political prisoner Jose Solis Jordan talks about solidarity, love, formal and informal/social/internal prison, the academy/university, and freedom; former political prisoner Elizam Escobar talks about art and liberation. Next 40 minutes: Roughly edited clips from interviews with these Independence fighters, as well as with Luis Rosa and Adolfo Matos. In English and Spanish, Not subtitled. To use these or other clips, see full interviews -- V 135 through V 142.
Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War
Date: 1/10/1992Call Number: LA 067AFormat: Cass AProducers: Noel Hanrahan (in assoc. with Gloria Alonzo), Jane Segal, J. Mullins, Bo (Rita D.) BrownProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit #9: Political Prisoners in the USCollection: Puerto Rico
(Incomplete Duplicate of LA 050). Part of a thirteen part series (You Can’t Jail the Spirit). Interviews with PR PPs/POWs over prison phones and Puerto Rican Independentista activists and academics. (Missing LA050’s Intro by Gloria Alonzo, interviews with Felix Mata, Umberto Pagan (recorded at 1989 Grito de Lares Event in San Francisco), and Rafael Cancel Miranda). Does include interviews by Avotja with Dylcia Pagan (POW talking from prison), Jose Lopez (re: MLN today), Adolfo Matos (POW talking from Lompock Penintentiary). Music. Interview with Margarita Mengal (professor, talking on Ofensive ‘92).
Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War
Date: 1/10/1992Call Number: LA 070Format: Cass A & BProducers: Noel Hanrahan (in assoc. with Gloria Alonzo), Jane Segal, J. Mullins, Bo (Rita D.) BrownProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the USCollection: Puerto Rico
(Duplicate of LA 050.) Part of a thirteen part series (You Can’t Jail the Spirit). Interviews with PR PPs/POWs over prison phones and Puerto Rican Independentista activists and academics. Intro by Gloria Alonzo, Interviews by Avotcha. Recorded voices of Felix Mata, then Umberto Pagan (recorded at 1989 Grito de Lares Event in San Francisco). Interviews with Rafael Cancel Miranda, Dylcia Pagan (POW talking from prison), Jose Lopez (re: MLN today), Adolfo Matos (POW talking from Lompock Penintentiary). Music. Interview with Margarita Mengal (professor, talking on Ofensive ‘92).