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Search Results

Interview at Alternative House Interview at Alternative House
Date: 9/14/1971Call Number: PM 111Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
Interview with various individuals at “Alternative House” about cycles of violence and repression in prisons. Talk about the increase in abuse after murder of George Jackson, Attica, etc. The more the inside is controlled, the more people will take to the streets. The prison movement is similar to the movement around the world of oppressed people - understanding colonialism in various contexts. Only psychologically sick people can cage and abuse people, which makes revolution that much more possible. It is oppression that makes the revolutionary realize that he is not receiving what any human needs to survive and live with dignity. Distinction between oppression related to mentality vs. material things. Blatant atrocities that are evident within the prison system as well as in the Third World. Cause of prisoners is a just cause - even for those who lack humanity because of the overwhelming cost of housing a prisoner.
Remember Attica: The Rebellion Remember Attica: The Rebellion
Date: 9/11/1971Call Number: PM 149Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Delores CostelloProgram: WBAICollection: Attica
Live coverage of the Attica rebellion starting September 9, 1971. LD Barkley reads the prisoner’s manifesto which outlines their demands . Tom Soto of the Prisoner Solidarity Committee speaks on the prison conditions that lead up to the rebellion. Members of the negotiating committee, Rev. Wyatt T. Walker, Black Panther leader, Bobby Seale, Assemblyman Jim Evers and Juan Ortiz of the Young Lords Party are interviewed while visiting the prison. The inmates requested that three reporters be sent into the prison. Contains the reporters’ interviews with inmates and hostages from within the prison during the occupation.
Remember Attica: The Invasion Remember Attica: The Invasion
Date: 9/12/1971Call Number: PM 150Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Paul Fisher, Delores CostelloProgram: WBAICollection: Attica
Commissioner of Correctional Services, Russell Oswald statement to the prisoners on 9/12/71. Prisoners are assaulted by air and ground. Jerry Hoolahan speaks on Oswald’s statement. Paul Fisher reports outside Attica’s gates as the invasion takes place. Interview with William Kunstler, an attorney and member of the Citizen’s Negotiating Committee. Includes Oswald’s speech after the invasion and Clarence Jones (Publisher of Amsterdam News and member of the Citizen’s Negotiating Committee) response to Oswald’s speech. Interview with a medical assistant exiting the scene reporting on the conditions of the prisoners
Remember Attica: Reconstruction, Reflection, Reaction Remember Attica: Reconstruction, Reflection, Reaction
Date: 11/5/1971Call Number: PM 158Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Bruce Soloway, Paul FisherProgram: WBAICollection: Attica
Part V of the “Remember Attica” series. Responses of clergy, attorneys, doctors, congressmen and the prisoner’s relatives in the weeks following the rebellion. Lawyers were admitted on 9/17/71. A week later the National Lawyers Guild gave a press conference outside the prison. They concluded that Rockefeller, and prison officials (Oswald, Mancusi and Vincent) provoked the attack by giving wrongful information to guards and troopers. On 9/17/71 BUILD, black community activists in Buffalo, went to Meyer Memorial Hospital where seriously wounded prisoners had been taken. BUILD’s executive director, Bill Gater demands that the administrative director of the hospital let him see the prisoners or give him information on their conditions. A list of prisoners and their medical conditions is read. The next day clergy and relatives are let in to see patients. Reverend Richard Ford, president of BUILD speaks about the conditions of the prisoners. Committees were formed to investigate the events at Attica. A group of New York clergymen and a congressional delegation group speak on Attica.Finally on 9/29 relatives are let into the prison to speak with prisoners. Interviews are conducted with families exiting prison.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 9/8/1971Call Number: RD 004Producers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Talks about the retaking of Attica prison in the struggle for humane treatment of prisoners. The demands include that they be moved to a non-imperialist country. Also news of inequality for Black students in public education, riots in San Diego, CA; Police brutality in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Puerto Rican youth struggle with the police in Hoboken, NJ. Also mention of Los Angeles and San francisco racist acts and killings.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 10/24/1971Call Number: RD 008Producers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Begins with spoken word recalling Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet, who wrote from his cell during his 10-year imprisonment. News coverage of the State murder of George Jackson at San Quentin Prison; Continued and expanding victories for Indochine region, especially Laos; Mexican armed guerilla movements; Eritrean movement against Ethiopia; North Vietnam victim of the heaviest bombing raid waged against them since 1965; Right wing CIA-supported coup in Bolivia; Reading of "Concerning Hopes" by a Palestinian poet; China is opposing the Indian government; Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh; Divisions in the Black Panther Party
The Real Dragon The Real Dragon
Date: 10/2/1971Call Number: RD 017Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real Dragon/Midnight FlashCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Opens with Che Guevara/Bolivia tribute, Weather Underground bombing in Marin County & a communique, San Quentin 6, and prison related news.
Remember Attica: The Rebellion Remember Attica: The Rebellion
Date: 9/11/1971Call Number: CD 857Format: CDProducers: Delores CostelloProgram: WBAICollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Live coverage of the Attica rebellion starting September 9, 1971. LD Barkley reads the prisoner’s manifesto which outlines their demands . Tom Soto of the Prisoner Solidarity Committee speaks on the prison conditions that lead up to the rebellion. Members of the negotiating committee, Rev. Wyatt T. Walker, Black Panther leader, Bobby Seale, Assemblyman Jim Evers and Juan Ortiz of the Young Lords Party are interviewed while visiting the prison. The inmates requested that three reporters be sent into the prison. Contains the reporters’ interviews with inmates and hostages from within the prison during the occupation.
Remember Attica: The Invasion Remember Attica: The Invasion
Date: 9/12/1971Call Number: CD 859Format: CDProducers: Paul Fisher, Delores CostelloProgram: WBAICollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Commissioner of Correctional Services, Russell Oswald statement to the prisoners on 9/12/71. Prisoners are assaulted by air and ground. Jerry Hoolahan speaks on Oswald’s statement. Paul Fisher reports outside Attica’s gates as the invasion takes place. Interview with William Kunstler, an attorney and member of the Citizen’s Negotiating Committee. Includes Oswald’s speech after the invasion and Clarence Jones (Publisher of Amsterdam News and member of the Citizen’s Negotiating Committee) response to Oswald’s speech. Interview with a medical assistant exiting the scene reporting on the conditions of the prisoners
Remember Attica: Reconstruction, Reflection, Reaction Remember Attica: Reconstruction, Reflection, Reaction
Date: 11/5/1971Call Number: CD 860Format: CDProducers: Bruce Soloway, Paul FisherProgram: WBAICollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Part V of the “Remember Attica” series. Responses of clergy, attorneys, doctors, congressmen and the prisoner’s relatives in the weeks following the rebellion. Lawyers were admitted on 9/17/71. A week later the National Lawyers Guild gave a press conference outside the prison. They concluded that Rockefeller, and prison officials (Oswald, Mancusi and Vincent) provoked the attack by giving wrongful information to guards and troopers. On 9/17/71 BUILD, black community activists in Buffalo, went to Meyer Memorial Hospital where seriously wounded prisoners had been taken. BUILD’s executive director, Bill Gater demands that the administrative director of the hospital let him see the prisoners or give him information on their conditions. A list of prisoners and their medical conditions is read. The next day clergy and relatives are let in to see patients. Reverend Richard Ford, president of BUILD speaks about the conditions of the prisoners. Committees were formed to investigate the events at Attica. A group of New York clergymen and a congressional delegation group speak on Attica. Finally on 9/29 relatives are let into the prison to speak with prisoners. Interviews are conducted with families exiting prison.