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There are many ways to search the collections of the Freedom Archives. Below is a brief guide that will help you conduct effective searches. Note, anytime you search for anything in the Freedom Archives, the first results that appear will be our digitized items. Information for items that have yet to be scanned or yet to be digitized can still be viewed, but only by clicking on the show link that will display the hidden (non-digitized) items. If you are interested in accessing these non-digitized materials, please email
Exploring the Collections without the Search Bar
Under the heading Browse By Collection, you’ll notice most of the Freedom Archives’ major collections. These collections have an image as well as a short description of what you’ll find in that collection. Click on that image to instantly explore that specific collection.
Basic Searching
You can always type what you’re looking for into the search bar. Certain searches may generate hundreds of results, so sometimes it will help to use quotation marks to help narrow down your results. For instance, searching for the phrase Black Liberation will generate all of our holdings that contain the words Black and Liberation, while searching for “Black Liberation” (in quotation marks) will only generate our records that have those two words next to each other.
Advanced Searching
The Freedom Archives search site also understands Boolean search logic. Click on this link for a brief tutorial on how to use Boolean search logic. Our search function also understands “fuzzy searches.” Fuzzy searches utilize the (*) and will find matches even when users misspell words or enter in only partial words for the search. For example, searching for liber* will produce results for liberation/liberate/liberates/etc.
Keyword Searches
You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.

Gender and Sexuality

This collection features materials from a number of sources focusing on struggles revolving around gender and sexuality. These struggles are not separate from larger struggles for liberation but specifically incorporate unique voices and perspectives.


  • Connexions
    Connexions is the collective product of feminists of diverse nationalities and political perspectives committed to contributing to an international women\'s movement.
  • Feminist and Lesbian Politics: Monographs-Periodicals-Articles
    This collection contains materials focusing on radical feminist and lesbian politics. While diverse in medium and subject matter, this collection contextualizes women’s liberation highlighting issues of class, race, sexuality and imperialism.
  • Materials shot and collected in the making of The Forest for the Trees
    Raw materials from the documentary "The Forest for the Trees" which details the amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.
  • Out of Control: Lesbian Committee to Support Women Prisoners
    Out of Control (OOC) was a self-supporting committee formed in 1987 to organize resistance to the Lexington Control Unit for women.
  • Prisons - Women
    This collection contains materials relating to the specific conditions, challenges and struggles facing women in prison. Topics are varied but materials include conference papers, informational materials, legal perspectives and audio recordings.
  • Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
    This collection contains grassroots radio programming produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms. This programming primarily occurred during the 1980s and 1990s.
  • Sterilization
    This collection contains materials focusing on the sterilization of women and efforts to resist this practice.
  • Violence Against Women
    This collection contains materials focusing on violence against women. Specific topics covered include women who fight back against their abusers, rape, pornography, sexism and self-defense.
  • Women Against Imperialism
    Women Against Imperialism was a grassroots, feminist, anti-imperialist solidarity organization formed in San Francisco in 1981. Women Against Imperialism’s work primarily consisted of direct action organizing and political education activities.


Judi Bari Updates Her FBI Case Judi Bari Updates Her FBI Case
Date: 11/14/1996Call Number: JB 122Format: VHSProducers: Nicholas WilsonCollection: Materials shot and collected in the making of The Forest for the Trees
Earth First! event, Bari scheduled to give update on case. Bari given a heartfelt introduction, accompanied by Littletree on guitar. Bari shortly discusses her wrongful accusation, shows picture of bomb scene, which gives background to her song, "The FBI Stole My Fiddle." Audience sings along with Bari (very good quality). Gives detailed/informative update on evidence and how they plan to proceed. Links to COINTELPRO, gives history of, what she's learned through her experience on FBI and how they treat activists. Shows death threats, and fake Earth First! documents circulated to press/community. Other topics include: FBI documents, FBI spies in EF!, THERMCON, and missing files. Q&A session.
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney vs. The FBI and The Oakland Police Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney vs. The FBI and The Oakland Police
Darryl Cherney gives lecture on his personal experience with Oakland Police and FBI to a Oakland High school class. Explains background, evidence, legal argument of his case, and the legal justification of the verdict. Channel 2 news announces first day of Bari v. FBI, shows Cherney giving speech to audience outside court, and gives recap of bombing incident. Serra talks to press about ludacricy of accusation of Bari and Cherney. Cherney shows bombed car to press to prove bomb was under driver's seat. Cherney introduces legal team in front of press including, Dennis Cunnigham, Bob Bloom, Tony Serra, Ben Rosenfeld, Bill Simpich, and Alicia Littletree. Dennis Cunningham explains evidence in bombed car. Cherney's mother talks to press about hearing news of Darryl's accusation. A lot of footage of Cherney, Cunningham, Serra, Simpich, Bloom, and Littletree talking to press outside of courthouse. Bloom gives speech in a church. Cunningham and Littletree give a Q&A session on the case.
Judi Bari in Action Judi Bari in Action
At Capella Mill, Judi Bari on bullhorn: "we're not protesting employees of Louisiana Pacific, but Harry Merlo, who is logging to infinity." Cherney speaks, quoting Bari. Bari and Cherney sing, "Closing Down the Mill at Potter Valley." Loggers wearing anti-EF! shirt, Bari talks to them. Bari speaks to board of supervisors, shows photos of stripped redwoods, reads nonviolence code, explains strategy for Redwood Summer, tells of false press releases, is told that she's stopping loggers not corporations, shows death threat that violence is coming from other side, police as well. (Same as JB 101).
Judi Bari's Deposition/Bombing News Judi Bari's Deposition/Bombing News
Date: 8/9/2001Call Number: JB 125Format: VHSCollection: Materials shot and collected in the making of The Forest for the Trees
Second part of Judi Bari's deposition. News clips of breaking news on bomb.
Judi Bari's Deposition (II) Judi Bari's Deposition (II)
First part of Judi Bari's deposition. Goes through exhibits.
Redwood Footage Redwood Footage
Aerial footage of redwood forests in Yosemite and Northern California. Songs included: "Humbolt Desert," "Chipping mill," "Destruction of Embaracadero Freeway," "Lawn mowing Apples," and "Stafford Site."
Enchanted Meadow Cablecast Dubs Enchanted Meadow Cablecast Dubs
Various clips: Cunningham in court. Footage of forest with cut-down trees. Environmental protest. A group of people from Louisiana Pacific have meeting. Back in court, Bari takes stand and Cunningham examines. A valedictorian speech by Michael Ross about environment and waste. Footage of the enchanted meadow. A three minute musical about the enchanted meadow called, "The Story of the Enchanted Meadow."
News Coverage of Judi Bari Bombing News Coverage of Judi Bari Bombing
Coverage of two newscasts of immediate aftermath of bombing and arrest of Bari and Cherney.
Judi Bari Video in Progress Judi Bari Video in Progress
Aerial footage of forests and logging. Norman de Vall, district supervisor of Medicino County, explains growth process of trees. Footage of environmental protest/parade - interviews with various community members. Logger discusses feeling of cutting down big tree. Cherney with others perform at protest. Discussion with three loggers explaining timber industry. Mendocino town meeting at which community members, including Bari, speak. Bari sitting with friends/loggers discussing current state of logging, singing, and reading poetry.