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There are many ways to search the collections of the Freedom Archives. Below is a brief guide that will help you conduct effective searches. Note, anytime you search for anything in the Freedom Archives, the first results that appear will be our digitized items. Information for items that have yet to be scanned or yet to be digitized can still be viewed, but only by clicking on the show link that will display the hidden (non-digitized) items. If you are interested in accessing these non-digitized materials, please email
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Basic Searching
You can always type what you’re looking for into the search bar. Certain searches may generate hundreds of results, so sometimes it will help to use quotation marks to help narrow down your results. For instance, searching for the phrase Black Liberation will generate all of our holdings that contain the words Black and Liberation, while searching for “Black Liberation” (in quotation marks) will only generate our records that have those two words next to each other.
Advanced Searching
The Freedom Archives search site also understands Boolean search logic. Click on this link for a brief tutorial on how to use Boolean search logic. Our search function also understands “fuzzy searches.” Fuzzy searches utilize the (*) and will find matches even when users misspell words or enter in only partial words for the search. For example, searching for liber* will produce results for liberation/liberate/liberates/etc.
Keyword Searches
You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.

Search Results

Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1994Volume Number: Vol. 18-2 FallFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: Put Your Left Foot Forward; 501 Blues: Boycotting Levi's; Health Care Rationing: The Slippery Slope; Across the Borderline; Close-Up in Black and White; Bosnia: As the World Turns Its Back; Pounds for Money; Sister Spirit; Letters from Our Readers; Haiti on the Brink interview with Max Blanchet; Write Through the Walls
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1991Volume Number: Vol. 15-1 WinterFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
George Bush and the Last Crusade; The Anti Feminist Mystique: Men R Back; Interview with Hungary's Feminist Newwork: Starting from Absolute Zero; Glimpses of South Africa, August 1990; War of Words: Language, Colonialism and English Only; Malcolm X Speaks in the 1990s: Declaration of the African-American Delegation to Symposium in Havana; Femininity: What's it to You?; A Golden Cage: Dora Maria Tellez Talks About Women and Men in Nicaragua; Free Mumia Abu Jamal: An Open Letter from the Black Cultural Workshop, Lompoc Federal Penitentiary; Spanish Political Prisoners: Hunger Strike, One Year Later; CIPES on El Salvador; Write Through the Walls
SDS Educational Packet: Self-Determination SDS Educational Packet: Self-Determination
Publisher: Students for a Democratic SocietyFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
NACLA Report On The Americas NACLA Report On The Americas
Publisher: The North American Congress On Latin AmericaYear: 1997Volume Number: Vol. 31-3 November-DecemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: NACLA
Still Paying: Ten Years After Debt Crisis. Plus Venezuela: The Politics of Privatization; Hawaii: Stirrings in the Colony; Anniversary Essay on Socialism
NACLA Report On The Americas NACLA Report On The Americas
Publisher: The North American Congress On Latin AmericaYear: 1998Volume Number: Vol. 31-4 January-FebruaryFormat: PeriodicalCollection: NACLA
Sexual Politics In Latin America. Plus Closing the Door on Undocumented Workers; Anniversary Essay on Feminism
NACLA Report On The Americas NACLA Report On The Americas
Publisher: The North American Congress On Latin AmericaYear: 2002Volume Number: Vol. 36-3 November-DecemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: NACLA
NACLA: A 35 Year Retrospective
NACLA Report On The Americas NACLA Report On The Americas
Publisher: The North American Congress On Latin AmericaYear: 1998Volume Number: Vol. 31-6 May-JuneFormat: PeriodicalCollection: NACLA
Under Fire: Menemismo and the Politics of Opposition in Argentina. Plus Testing NAFTAs Labor Side Agreement; Latin American and Caribbean Resource Guide
What is the MIR? Notes on the History of the MIR: Miguel Enriquez Collection (Documents from Chile on Party Building) What is the MIR? Notes on the History of the MIR: Miguel Enriquez Collection (Documents from Chile on Party Building)
Publisher: MIRYear: 1974Volume Number: No. 1Format: PeriodicalCollection: Chile
Contents include notes on the history of the MIR: how the organization was founded, the history preceding the foundation, basic political concepts of the MIR, the general history up to the writing of the periodical in 1974.
Afrikan Awakener Afrikan Awakener
Publisher: Pan Afrikan Peoples OrganizationYear: 1977Volume Number: Vol. 2-16 MayFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Africa- General Resources
The organ of the Pan Afrikan Peoples Organization. Contents of this issue include: Zimbabwe Patriotic Front Recognized, Roots: Red, White and Blue or Black?, Will Zaire be the next Vietnam?, How the Camp Pendleton 14 resist Klan violence, psychology of the Black Revolution, Home Births- Not a Bad Thing, What's Happening to Our Bad Youth
African Agenda: A Voice of Afro-American Opinion African Agenda: A Voice of Afro-American Opinion
Publisher: African AgendaYear: 1975Volume Number: Vol. 4-4 June-JulyFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Africa- General Resources
Articles include: Womens Liberation is Essential for the Revolution, Chile's Experience and problems of the class struggle, Scientific Socialism in Africa, Africa's Choice, After 477 Years of Struggle, more.