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Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms

Historical Note: This collection contains grassroots radio programming produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms. This programming primarily occurred during the 1980s and 1990s.

Contents: Reel to Reel and cassette tapes.

Major Topics of Focus:

Political Prisoners- Focused on Puerto Rican political prisoners, women political prisoners and the Resistance Conspiracy Case. 

HIV/AIDS- Focused on prisoners with AIDS, AIDS and its impact on women and communities of color, AIDS awareness events.

Latin America- Focused on the Sandinista revolution and government in Nicaragua, civil war, peace negotiations and subsequent elections in El Salvador, the drug war in Colombia and Bolivia, political events in Mexico, and the Cuban embargo. 

LGBTQ- Focused on identity, experiences of LGBTQ folks, civil rights, education, awareness events.  

Health care- Focused on abortion, HIV/AIDS, women’s health in communities of color in the US, healthcare inside US prisons, women’s health in Latin America.

Important Names:

Laura Whitehorn, Marilyn Buck, Linda Evans, Alan Berkman, Sylvia Baraldini, Susan Rosenberg,  Geronimo Ji Jaga, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, George Jackson, Dhoruba Bin-Wahad, Sundiata Acoli, Oscar Rivera Lopez, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Reverend Father Ernesto Cardenal Martínez, Assata Shakur, Alejandrina Torres, Alfredo Cristiani, Archbishop Oscar Romero      


Puerto Rico status Puerto Rico status
Date: 9/9/1989Call Number: JG/ 003Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
ACLA show, Just Peace Today Program, Bill Crossman from the Free PR committee on upcoming US government referendum on PR's status.
Public Schools Public Schools
Date: 11/9/1989Call Number: JG/ 004Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Tom Keating on public schools, Halloween community forum.
Abortion issues Abortion issues
Call Number: JG/ 009Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Very short tape (less than 1 minute) about harassment of abortion service providers and regulation
Abortion issues Abortion issues
Call Number: JG/ 010Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Very short tape including footage of harassment of service providers
Resistance Conspiracy Resistance Conspiracy
Call Number: JG/ 012Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Tim Blunk, Susan Rosenberg, Marilyn Buck, Linda Evans, Laura Whitehorn, Alan Berkman on trial for capitol bombing in 1983, two military bases between 1983 and 1984.
Creating Change: Gay and Lesbian Task Force Creating Change: Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Date: 6/15/1905Call Number: JG/ 026Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
6th annual "Creating Change conference" in Durham, NC. Keynote speaker Mab Segrest, southern gay/lesbian activist, anti-Klan organizer and author of "Memoirs of a Race Traitor". Speech was a call to bring racism and inhumanity of capitalism into the discourse.
Southern African freedom struggle Southern African freedom struggle
Date: 6/2/1905Call Number: JG/ 027Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
An interview with Ellen Musialela (sp?) from SWAPO, South West Africa People's Organization, speaking about their armed struggle against apartheid. Discusses role of women In the struggle, links between U.S. black liberation struggles and those in South Africa, and the CIA's attempts to thwart those alliances through memorandum #46 in 1978, the effect of Angola's freedom on the struggle, and the living and working conditions of everyday life in apartheid.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Creating Change Conference National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Creating Change Conference
Date: 11/1/1993Call Number: JG/ 030Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Creating Change Conference in Durham, NC. Various speakers present on the Right and its agenda, violence, rhetoric and organizing tactics against it. Speakers include Jean Barstown from political research associates in Boston which does oppositional research about the right.
Gay & Lesbian Programming Gay & Lesbian Programming
Call Number: JG/ 031Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Part of eight hours of programming put together by Judy Gerber on Gays and Lesbians. Great into song "Glory, Glory I'm a Homosexual". Interview with Carlos Ortiz, a Puerto Rican Independista and member of National committee to free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners. Ortiz discuss the Stonewall riots, AIDS work in Puerto Rican community, and repression and acceptance of homosexuality in the national liberation movement. Also interview with Carmen Vasquez a Puerto Rican Independista and member of GLTF. Music from local Atlanta gay/lesbian bands. Interview with Bill Haskill of ACT UP SF on the investigation NC senator Jesse Helms instigated against ACT UP.
Lesbian Live: Lesbians of Color, Triple Jeopardy, Multiple Strength Lesbian Live: Lesbians of Color, Triple Jeopardy, Multiple Strength
Date: 6/1/1991Call Number: JG/ 032Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
"Lesbian Live: Lesbians of Color, Triple Jeopardy, Multiple Strength" This show was put together by Judy Gerber and includes the voices of Latina, African American and Native American women.