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Search Results

Black Panthers- Geronimo Ji Jaga Black Panthers- Geronimo Ji Jaga
Date: 1/14/1987Call Number: JG/ 057Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: interview with GeronimoCollection: Geronimo Pratt
This is an interview with Geronimo Ji Jaga, a Black Panther leader who was imprisoned for over 20 years at San Quentin prison, charged with a murder in Los Angeles, even though FBI surveillance showed him to be in the Bay Area at the time.
Female Political Prisoners - series of interviews Female Political Prisoners - series of interviews
Call Number: JG/ 070Format: CassetteProducers: Judy Gerber, Lisa RudmanProgram: KPFACollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
This is a collection of different interviews and recordings of female political prisoners from around the world. Lisa Rudman collages them together to show the injustice towards political prisoners and to highlight some of the many tactics used by the US government and prison system to get information out of political prisoners. Rudman defines political prisoners and interviews Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans and speaks about their cases and the circumstances leading to their imprisonment. The other political prisoners interviewed on the tape are: Dora Garcia, active in the national liberation struggles in the US colony of Puerto Rico; Mercedes Algado, a refugee active in the FSLM and FDR in El Salvador; Elizabeth Sebego, active in the Pan African Congress; Assata Shakur, active with the Black Panthers and now a refugee in Cuba; a Filipina imprisoned for her work with the church.
You Can’t Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the United States You Can’t Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the United States
Call Number: PM 226Format: CassetteProducers: Gloria AlonzoCollection: Political Prisoners- General Info
This program takes a look at political prisoners within the United States and their contributions and efforts to the social justice movement. The program takes a look at four specific cases. The first portion of the program addresses Cuban detainees being held without due process in U.S. federal prisons. The second part takes a look at Haitian refugees in the U.S. The third part discusses Irish national Joseph Daugherty who was imprisoned in 1983 without being charged of a crime within the U.S. The final portion of the program takes a look at the case of Silvia Baraldini, an Italian national who was imprisoned on charges of conspiring to free prominent Black Panther leader Asada Shakur and conspirancy to commit a bank robbery.
Presentation on Puerto Rican political prisoners by Josefina Rodriguez Presentation on Puerto Rican political prisoners by Josefina Rodriguez
Date: 1/15/1989Call Number: LA 078Format: CassetteCollection: Puerto Rico
Josefina Rodrieguez, mother of two Puerto Rican prisoners in the United States speaks about her international work and solidarity with political prisoners, and her fight to have Puerto Rican political prisoners recognized around the world. She discusses also the prison conditions in which prisoners are subjected, expecially women prisoners within the system.
“Lockdown in California Prisons” “Lockdown in California Prisons”
Date: 12/29/1993Call Number: PM 232Format: CassetteProducers: KPFACollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
KPFA broadcast of the overcrowding of prisons and the violent tactics employed by prison guards. Old interviews from George Jackson and James "Doc" Holiday discuss the brutal conditions of inmate abuse and the inattention it receives from the media. They discuss the San Quentin strike and outline their demands of: adequate health care, the necessity for a congressional investigation into the prison administration, federal control, and negotiations with the media to provoke dialogue among the general public. The subsequent lockdown is discussed and by San Quentin Six inmate Hugo Pinell. Pinell, along with other inmates, recount the torture of being tear-gassed and beaten by brutal guards. Reporters describe action taken by Bay Area legal organizations challenging the lockdown and inhumane "quiet rooms" also known as "the hole". This report then describes the breaching of inmate rights such as attorney/client confidentiality, and rights to be interviewed. Background prison noise sometimes muffles the sound and makes it difficult to understand; other interviews relatively clear.
Memorial for SLA members Memorial for SLA members
Date: 1/1/1974Call Number: KP 143Format: CassetteCollection: Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
Memorial service for six Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) members killed in shootout with Los Angeles police. Recorded one week after shooting. Popeye Jackson, Kathleen Ann Soliah and community members discuss the movement and government infiltration.
Discussion with DHoruba Bin Wahad Discussion with DHoruba Bin Wahad
Date: 5/20/1990Call Number: PM 248Format: CassetteCollection: Dhoruba Bin Wahad
Discussion group addressing the state of the black revolution, featuring Dhoruba Bin Wahad. Issues include cross cultural hostility, Black revolutionaries vs. reactionary activists, the state of the Black Muslim community, the importance of political prisoner, and AIDS in the community and prison.
Historical Perspectives Historical Perspectives
Date: 11/15/1991Call Number: PM 249Format: CassetteProducers: Prison Radio ProjectProgram: Can't Jail the Spirit #1Collection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
Discussion of definitions of political prisoners and the US government's denial of their existence in the US. Readings from Harriet Jacob's "Diary of a Slave Girl", from Assata Shakur's "Assata", and from Emma Goldman, in addition to discussions from Dr. Chinasole from San Francisco State University, and a question and answer segment with Gloria Alonzo of the National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners, Dr. Candace Falk, Dr. Jose Lopez from the Movimento de Revolucion Nacional, and former political prisoner Alvaro Luna Hernandez from the Jailhouse Conveyor.
Political Prisoners in the US Political Prisoners in the US
Call Number: PM 256Format: CassetteProducers: Prison Radio ProjectProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit #8Collection: Political Prisoners- General Info
Political prisoners Ed Mead and Linda Evans, former political prisoner Pat Levasseur and Marilyn Kalmen, attorney and a member of Out of Control: Lesbian Community in Support of Political Prisoners. A discussion of their anti-imperialist actions; defying the government by using armed guerrilla tactics. Government repression of anti-imperialist action (labeled "terrorism") through lengthy jail sentences, harsh prison conditions, corruption of the prison industrial complex, and organizing support for political prisoners.
Interview with Lolita Lebron Interview with Lolita Lebron
Call Number: LA 165Format: CassetteCollection: Puerto Rico
Lolita Lebron on Puerto Rican independence speaks in San Francisco, date unknown. Subjects include abortion, forced sterlization of Puerto Rican women, and genocide. Draws from her own experience as a political prisoner and discusses their feelings of abandonment, isolation and obscurity. Makes parallels between Vietnam's victory over the US (in which the American people were complicit) and Puerto Rico's own liberation.