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Latin America

This collection contains materials from Central and South America and the Caribbean. Primary topics include Cuba and the Cuban Revolution, the Sandanista revolution in Nicaragua, the Nicaragua-Contra War, the Chilean struggle for independence and US imperialism.


  • Chile
    This collection focuses primarily on the advent of the elected socialist Presidency of Salvador Allende in Chile, the 1973 fascist coup against Allende, engineered by the CIA and led by General Augusto Pinochet, and the subsequent repression of the left.
  • Cuba
    This collection primarily contains recordings focusing on various aspects of life in Cuba after their Communist Revolution.
  • El Salvador
    This collection contains materials related to the liberation struggle in El Salvador.
  • Guatemala
    This collection contains materials detailing the revolutionary struggles in Guatemala, the role of Guatemalan women during the revolution and the United States role in Guatemalan politics.
    North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) is an independent non-profit organization founded in 1966 to research the political economy of the Americas and US policy towards the region.
  • Nicaragua
    These materials focus primarily on the Sandanistas and their struggle for national liberation.
  • Struggles in Latin America
    This collection contains materials from throughout Latin America. Detailed interviews, poems and accounts from the 1973 revolution in Chile, the Sandinista Contra conflict in Nicaragua, and from revolutionary forces El Salvador are all included.


Interview with Joane Camell on Peru Interview with Joane Camell on Peru
Call Number: LA 083BFormat: Cass BCollection: Struggles in Latin America
Joane Camell and an unidentified radio interviewer discuss the dynamics of the Peruvian cocaine trade, the history of its prominence in the Huallaga valley, its effects on the economy of Peru and the pressure to eradicate from the American government.
Interview with William Leo Grand on Panama Interview with William Leo Grand on Panama
Date: 12/29/1989Call Number: LA 085BFormat: Cass BProducers: Atlanta Committee for Latin AmericaProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Struggles in Latin America
This interview with William Leo Grand, a professor of government at the American University explores the dynamics of the recent US invasion of Panama. He explains the relationship of Noriega with the CIA, the relationship of Panama with Nicaragua and Cuba, nationalism in Panama and the predicted outcome of the invasion.
Seeking Peace with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Others in Costa Rica Seeking Peace with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Others in Costa Rica
Date: 6/25/1989Call Number: LA 167BFormat: Cass BProgram: New Demensions Radio CommunityCollection: Struggles in Latin America
Massive gathering of different sects and religious leaders around the world in Costa Rica to find a new way of dealing with societal problems in Costa Rica. The guests include The 14th Dalai Lama, Archbishop of Costa Rica, Indigenous people of Costa Rica, and the Islamic leaders. The ceremony is meant for building bridges in Costa Rica between many different communities.
Linda Evans on U.S politics in prison and in Central America Linda Evans on U.S politics in prison and in Central America
Call Number: LA 168BFormat: Cass BCollection: Struggles in Latin America
Interview inside prison in 1990 or 1991. Linda Evans, a long time activist and anti-imperialist, talks about her years of prison experience due to her political beliefs. Evans also speaks against the U.S imperialism in Latin America. Evans covers various topics ranging from racism, the meaning of women's liberation in anti-imperialist struggle, unfair treatment of political prisoners and poor prison conditions, prejudice against gays and lesbians inside prison and in society in general, and U.S imperialism in Latin America and the world.
Cuba’s new Family Law Cuba’s new Family Law
Date: 1/1/1974Call Number: KP 169BFormat: Cass BCollection: Cuba
Lincoln Bergman on fighting machismo and sexism in Cuba and the new Cuban Family Law Commentary about the International Human Rights Tribunal on US war crimes in Vietnam and the struggle for Blacks in the US. Appeal to Black GIs encouraging them to refuse to fight in the Vietnam War. US POW statements from captivity in Vietnam.
Tour of Havana Psychiatric Hospital-Part 2 Tour of Havana Psychiatric Hospital-Part 2
Call Number: LA 161BFormat: Cass BCollection: Cuba
Continued from LA 160-Tour of the Havana psychiatric hospital system. Begins with patients singing in the hospital. Includes more interviews that describe how the activities in Havana hospitals create a positive atmosphere and teach the patients to be functional and that the staff in U.S. hospitals do not care for the patients the way the staff does in Havana.
Fidel Castro Fidel Castro
Date: 1/23/1976Call Number: KP 278BFormat: Cass BCollection: Cuba
Discussions of Fidel Castro's role in the Socialist-Cuban revolution, the U.S. Bay of Pigs invasion, the second declaration of Havana, and the solidarity with Chile and Angola.
Chile Conference on the Current Economic Crisis - Part 1 Chile Conference on the Current Economic Crisis - Part 1
Call Number: LA 118BFormat: Cass BCollection: Chile
A conference series recordings on Chile. The seminars focused on the present economic situation that has been implanted by fascist leaders. The first speaker discusses how the economic situation in Chile is characterized by a market economy. La Junta, a conservative political party, has produced a perfect unstable environment to attract foreign investors. Side two of the tape is a question and answer period where the speaker addresses the struggles of the Mapuches, the only indigenous group left in Chile.
Jose Maria Ortiz - Guatemalan Worker's Party – Part 1 Jose Maria Ortiz - Guatemalan Worker's Party – Part 1
Call Number: LA 206BFormat: Cass BCollection: Guatemala
This recording details how Jose Maria Ortiz became involved in guerilla movements, student movements, and communist movements in Guatemala. Interview conducted in Spanish and translated to English. Side B.
El Salvador Focus El Salvador Focus
Date: 4/13/1990Call Number: LA 088BFormat: Cass BCollection: El Salvador
El Salvador, the internal dynamics of peace negotiations are discussed, such as UN mediation, the outside support for the FMLN, Washington’s position on providing aid and women’s issues in El Salvador.