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Search Results

Continent to Continent with Robert F Williams Continent to Continent with Robert F Williams
Date: 10/3/1995Call Number: RFW 071Format: Cass A & BProducers: KPFKCollection: Robert F. Williams!
We have no legal rights to reproduce or distribute this item! This is a program of Continent to Continent on KPFK commemorating 30 years since the 1965 Watts rebellion. Robert Williams is a call-in guest and addresses how the influence of the rebellion was reflected in The Crusader and on Radio Free Dixie, the conditions for Blacks in Monroe North Carolina and the role of the NAACP, his reflections on the importance of Mao's statement of support, his description of how he got to Cuba from Canada, his perspective on the difference between gun control and crime control in contemporary times, and his perspective on the conflicts in Bosnia and Yugoslavia.
My Life as Myself- Alice Walker My Life as Myself- Alice Walker
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: KP 203Format: Cass A & BProducers: RykodiscCollection: Black Arts
In this intimate meeting, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Alice Walker takes you into her private world and summons the powerful spirits and events that have shaped her life. Topics include: fighting oppression through creativity; reconnection to the natural world; the secret of joy; work as prayer; much more. With eight original poems
Conditions and Chain Gangs in Alabama Conditions and Chain Gangs in Alabama
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: PM 278Format: Cass A & BProducers: Prison Activist Resource CenterProgram: On the OutsideCollection: Prison Labor
Arun Rasiah of the American Friends Service Committee's police and jail accountability project on speaks prison conditions. Then an interview with an Alabama prisoner discusses the conditions on Alabaman prison chain gangs, as allowed by a state law passed in 1995 and then abandoned again in 1996.
HIV and Aids in prison HIV and Aids in prison
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: PM 280Format: Cass A & BProducers: Prison Activist Resource CenterProgram: On the OutsideCollection: Medical Care In Prison
Judy Greenspan of the HIV/AIDS in Prison Project discusses the state of medical care in prisons as well as the Shumate v. Wilson class action lawsuit filed in April 1995 to address this inadequate care. An interview with Jean Stewart of the Disabled Prisoners Justice Fund also highlights the case.
Mexico and the Zapatistas Mexico and the Zapatistas
Date: 2/10/1995Call Number: CV 021Format: Cass A & BProgram: KPFACollection: Chuy Varela Collection
John Ross and Cecilla Rodriguez on the on-going situtation occurring in 1995 between the Mexican government and the Zapatistas. They spoke about the role of the Mexican government, the U.S., the EZLN and the media, as well as the effects of globalization. Bilingual.
War on Crime Panel War on Crime Panel
Date: 4/8/1995Call Number: PM 288Format: Cass A & BCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
Panel of speakers providing critical perspectives on the government's "War on Crime" and related topics.
Medical Neglect Medical Neglect
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: PM 302Format: Cass A & BProducers: Prison Activist Resource CenterProgram: Prison Activist RadioCollection: Medical Care In Prison
Prison Activist Radio discuss the battle for medical care and healthcare rights for prisoners. Judy Greenspan, director of HIV/AIDS in Prison Project and member of California Coalition for Women Prisoners, speaks about the lack of women's healthcare in prisons, the serious medical conditions that men and women prisoners enter the system with, and the hostility of doctors, officials, and guards towards prisoners. She also discusses prisoner-activist Joanne Walker and the effective campaign for HIV/AIDS care and medical rights. Jean Stewart, from the Disabled Prisoner's Justice Fund and ADAPT discusses the abuses suffered by prisoners with disabilities. She also discusses health care issues, including the Armstrong and Shumate cases. Stewart states that the biggest problem with medical justice is the public's ignorance of people with disabilites.
Radical News Hour Radical News Hour
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: PM 304Format: Cass A & BProducers: Free Radio BerkeleyProgram: Radical News hourCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
Program includes stories on indigenous struggles, ecological defense, and police brutality.
The Braceros: A U.S. Mexico Saga The Braceros: A U.S. Mexico Saga
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: CV 035Format: Cass A & BProducers: KUMNCollection: Chuy Varela Collection
A mini documentry about migrant farm workers from Mexico and the cotton industry in the southwest.
Chain Gangs in Alabama Chain Gangs in Alabama
Date: 6/1/1995Call Number: PM 332Format: Cass A & BProducers: Prison Activist Resource CenterProgram: On The OutsideCollection: Prison Labor
Michael Corsentino on the reinstitution of chain gangs in Alabama and excerpts from an article by Reese Erlich on prison labor.