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Search Results

Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 1/16/1990Call Number: JH 294Format: Cass A & BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Panama -Profesor Carlos Russell of Brooklyn College NY, former Panamanian Ambasador to the O.A.S.
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 3/4/1994Call Number: JH 436Format: Cass A & BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
La Jornada-Luis Guerrera Periodista que paso 42 dias en las Margaritas Mosivais
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 10/2/1997Call Number: JH 540Format: Cass A & BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
500 Años del Pueblo Chicano: Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez
Samouri Marksman on African and Caribbean People Samouri Marksman on African and Caribbean People
Date: 1/16/1985Call Number: AFR 012Format: Cass A & BProgram: African Activists in AmericaCollection: Africa- General Resources
Michael Warren, chairman of African Activists in America, speaks about Maurice Bishop, and introduces Samouri Marksman. Marksman speaks about struggles of African people around the world; how Europeans control Latin American economies, cultures, and societies, and the struggle for Latin American independence; the struggle to alter the slave relationship with Europeans in the Caribbean and Africa; criticizes the IMF (International Monetary Fund) ; and American politics in South Africa and the struggle against Apartheid.
Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2 Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2
Date: 5/1/1962Call Number: KP 095Format: Cass A & BProducers: Public Affairs Department of WBAI, and Pacifica RadioProgram: “The Crisis of Racism”Collection: Black Liberation
A Continuation of KP 094, A panel discussion on "The Crisis of Racism", with Malcolm X, James Farmer, and William Worthy. Moderated by Murray Kempton. Conclusion and Question and Answer period - Malcolm X answers questions from the audience about racism in America. James Farmer, the National Director of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), speaks about the 500 years of racial oppression in America. Malcolm X speaks about being ready to die for liberation, and about how the American colonists were also labeled revolutionaries. Finally there's a speech by James Farmer about CORE and the responsibilities of the blacks today to do something and take action against white racism.
Chile 3 and 4 Chile 3 and 4
Call Number: LA 162Format: Cass A & BCollection: Chile
A panel of representatives from the Socialist and Communist parties in South America speak on various issues facing Chile after the coup d'etat in September of 1973. Topics discussed include: Chile's natural resources, boycotting imports from countries supporting the military Junta, United States support of Pinochet's fascist repression of the Unidad Popular, information of disappeared people and the National Liberation Movement's fight to regain socialist momentum. Speakers reflect on the effectiveness of Allende's Socialist party's dedication to equality for women, and the failures of the party's armed forces.
Chile 5 and 6 Chile 5 and 6
Call Number: LA 163Format: Cass A & BCollection: Chile
A panel of representatives from the socialist and communist parties in South America speak on various issues facing Chile after the coup d'tat in September of 1973. Speakers discuss the history of Chile's armed forces, why these armed forces provided insufficient defense during the coup, the Junta's political prisoners, and the United State's involvement in the demise of the Unidad Popular.
Chile 7 and 8 Chile 7 and 8
Call Number: LA 164Format: Cass A & BCollection: Chile
A panel of representatives from the Unidad Popular on their resistance to the Fascist dictatorship that took over Chile in the coup d'etat in September of 1973. The panel discusses the Socialist Alliance as a combination of communists, socialists, workers, the Radical Party and members of the Christian Left. Speakers outline expanding the Unidad popular outside of Chile and South America, keeping the working class at the center of the movement but incorporating members of the "petty bourgeoisie" and the "middle bourgeoisie."
"Cuba and the World" "Cuba and the World"
Date: 1/1/1975Call Number: LA 176Format: Cass A & BProgram: Cuba and the WorldCollection: Cuba
"Cuba and the World" weekly review series from Jan. and Feb. 1975.Interview with Joan Jara wife of Victor Jara a revolutionary folk singer from Chile who was tortured and killed Sept. 11,1973. A descriptive reading of the events and detailed planning of the 1974 Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.
Wayne Dow Amnesty International- Chiapis, Mexico
Loretta Ross CDR on "Patriots" Wayne Dow Amnesty International- Chiapis, Mexico Loretta Ross CDR on "Patriots"
Call Number: LA 177Format: Cass A & BCollection: Struggles in Latin America
Chiapis Mexico and the role of the United States. Wayne Dow from Amnesty International interviewed by Judy Gerber of "Just Peace". Attempt to connect Oklahoma native Americans with native people of Chiapis ,Mexico. Music by Holly Near and Ronnie Gilbert "War of the Fleas". Judy Gerber interview with Loretta Ross, research director from the Center for Democratic Renewal from Atlanta GA. Discussion about Oklahoma City bombing, white supremacist sentiment, media role, link to Waco, and civil liberties violations.