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Search Results

Kathleen Cleaver with Kiilu Nyasha Kathleen Cleaver with Kiilu Nyasha
Date: 8/25/1994Call Number: KN 005Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Kiilu NyashaProgram: interview for airCollection: Geronimo Pratt
Struggle By Kathleen Cleaver to represent Geronimo Ji Jaga at his parole hearing, Geronimo's case, COINTELPRO
The Radical Underground in America The Radical Underground in America
Date: 1/29/1975Call Number: KP 008Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Earl OfariCollection: Black Liberation
This documentary produced by Earl Ofari contains a wide array of voices about the importance of the underground in revolutionary struggle; from FBI director Clarence Kelly and Attorney General William Saxbe to Kathleen Cleaver, Herman Bell and Mark Allen. There is music by Smokey Robinson.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/6/1973Call Number: NI 001Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
This is the first "Nothing Is More Precious Than" (Freedom and Independence) program. Begins with a report from the Union of Vietnamese, commentary on political prisoners. States that under the Thieu regime, huge numbers of people in concentration camps and prisons—more prisons have been built than schools and churches combined. The Union demands that all political prisoners be released, all US aid cut off, and implementation of the agreement take place. Update on Chile, actions against the fascist coup, reports on bomb explosions at ITT and ATT. Weather Underground communiqué read in full. News roundup of events and protests throughout Latin America, October 8th, the Day of the Heroic Guerrilla--international week of solidarity with Chile.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/13/1973Call Number: NI 002Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program includes reports on Chile and Bay Area solidarity demonstrations, Middle East, San Quentin Six, Black Liberation Army
George Jackson Communiqués George Jackson Communiqués
Call Number: PM 013Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksProgram: Real Dragon/NIMPT 1975Collection: George Jackson
Reading by Claude Marks and Lincoln Bergman of communiqués re armed actions in retaliation for George Jackson assassination; rally in Willard Park, reporter reads statement from Herman Bell for Unity.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 6/9/1973Call Number: RD 046Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude Marks, Mary MackeyProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program on Walpole State Prison, Ruchell, and news roundup.
Black Liberation Army - Fact or Fantasy Black Liberation Army - Fact or Fantasy
Date: 1/1/1974Call Number: PM 165Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Ron Magee, Rest of the News, Claude Marks, Bruce Soloway, Mark SchwartzProgram: Rest of the NewsCollection: BLA
Interviews and discussion concerning the Black Liberation Army and it’s alleged members. The question is raised as to the actual existence of the group which some claim to be a fabrication of the media and police to justify increased repression of Black revolutionaries. Various criminal trials of black activists are looked at to reveal how the local Police, FBI, News Media, and U.S. Justice System have worked together to pursue a repressive course to combat what they see as a threat to the very structure of American Society. Interviews detail use of police violence and torture to intimidate and demoralize the black radical movement. The cases of the “New York Five”, Joanne Chesimard (Assata Shakur), and Fred Hilton are described, along with the killing of Fred Hampton and the imprisonment of Muhammad Arif and Victor Cumerbash. Black Liberation Army prisoners (Herman Bell and Gabriel Torres) are interviewed extensively. Family members speak to the violence and repression of the police at a press conference. The murder by police of Twyman Myers is extensively addressed.
Herman Bell Interview Herman Bell Interview
Date: 6/13/1974Call Number: PM 081Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksCollection: Herman Bell
Interview done by Claude Marks Marks with Black Liberation Army member Herman Bell. Bell discusses the need for organizing within the black community and the means of strengthening itself through resistance and struggle. The SLA and Black Liberation Army are discussed extensively.