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Search Results

Capital Punishment Discussion Capital Punishment Discussion
An interview of/discussion between Curtis Sliwa (Founder of Guardian Angels) and Karima Wicks of the Legal Defense Fund and Capital Punishment Project of the NAACP on the issue of the death penalty and capital punishment. Race/Class in punishment. Disproportionate sentencing.
Real Dragon
Real Dragon
Date: 8/15/1971Call Number: RD 003Producers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real Dragon (Midnight Flash)Collection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Lincoln Bergman reads "Midnight Flash" with focus on the civil war in Northern Ireland in 1971. News reports on other events of the world in August of 1971 include Uruguay's attempt to remove their president, the United States basketball team's loss to the Cuban national team, South Africa's continued protests against apartheid by proposing a bill to turn the U.S. companies in South Africa over to Black Africans, the United States continued to stall an NLF Peace Proposal in VietNam, the six year anniversary of the 1965 Watts Riot. Reading of a poem written by Charlie Cobb formerly of SNCC. Bergman also reports the crumbling of the Saigon government, and rebellion by war veterans at an Air Force base that was trying to appeal for benefits from the U.S. government. Other coverage of 6 Pitt River Indians forced off their land by Pacific Gas & Electric, and Chicano march at Folsom Prison in protest of prison conditions.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 9/8/1971Call Number: RD 004Producers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Talks about the retaking of Attica prison in the struggle for humane treatment of prisoners. The demands include that they be moved to a non-imperialist country. Also news of inequality for Black students in public education, riots in San Diego, CA; Police brutality in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Puerto Rican youth struggle with the police in Hoboken, NJ. Also mention of Los Angeles and San francisco racist acts and killings.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 10/24/1971Call Number: RD 008Producers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Begins with spoken word recalling Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet, who wrote from his cell during his 10-year imprisonment. News coverage of the State murder of George Jackson at San Quentin Prison; Continued and expanding victories for Indochine region, especially Laos; Mexican armed guerilla movements; Eritrean movement against Ethiopia; North Vietnam victim of the heaviest bombing raid waged against them since 1965; Right wing CIA-supported coup in Bolivia; Reading of "Concerning Hopes" by a Palestinian poet; China is opposing the Indian government; Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh; Divisions in the Black Panther Party
Speeches on Race and Immigration (Part 2) Speeches on Race and Immigration (Part 2)
Speeches from a Vietnamese-American, Mayan-Guatemalan, Japanese-American and an El Salvadoran on racism and immigration experiences in the United States. Copy of SS 034B
Press Conference on Folsom Prison Strike Press Conference on Folsom Prison Strike
Date: 11/5/1970Call Number: KP 460Producers: Alexander P. HoffmannCollection: General materials
Press conference by representatives chosen by striking prisoners, with 31 demands related to prison conditions and human rights. Opened by attorney Charles Garry, includes comments from National Lawyer's Guild, Black Berets, Black Panther Party, and attorney Alex Hoffmann.
Palestine Refugee Crisis Palestine Refugee Crisis
Call Number: CE 357Producers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Two leading experts discuss serious crisis in plight of Palestinian refugees and the role of the United Nations. Dr Musa Alami was one of the most well known and respected Palestinian nationalist leaders. He describes a "Boystown" project which John H. Davis was also involved with.
People's Bicentennial Celebration - Part 2 People's Bicentennial Celebration - Part 2
Date: 7/4/1976Call Number: KP 484Producers: KPFACollection: General materials
Bicentennial demonstration: Speakers on the state of gay rights and workers rights. Poetry by Carlos Puebla.
Carl Oglesby Speech, "Let Us Shape the Future" Carl Oglesby Speech, "Let Us Shape the Future"
Date: 11/27/1965Call Number: CE 488Collection: Colin Edwards Collection
Carl Oglesby, President of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), delivers speech, after his return from Vietnam, at anti-war rally, considered to be "a landmark of American political rhetoric." He condemns the “corporate liberalism," American economic interests disguised as anti-Communist benevolence, that, he argued, underpins the Vietnam War. He says, "Don't blame me for sounding Anti-American. It's mowed my liberal values and broke my American heart." 7th Speed
Geronimo Ji Jaga from Cointelpro 101 Geronimo Ji Jaga from Cointelpro 101
Publisher: Freedom ArchivesCollection: Cointelpro
Interviews with Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt, Catherine Campbell and others on the Federal Government's targeting of Pratt for his involvement with he Black Panther Party.