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Search Results

Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 5/26/1973Call Number: RD 044Program: Real Dragon Collection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Real Dragon Watergate and Africa, interspersed with limericks.
A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons
Call Number: JG/ 007Producers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
"A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons" California male prisoners with AIDS are sent to insufficient facility in Vacaville and totally removed from the rest of the prison population
Empleo at San Quentin Prison Empleo at San Quentin Prison
Date: 6/3/1972Call Number: RP 021Producers: Raul Torres, Emiliano EcheverriaCollection: Reflecciones de la Raza by Comunicacion Aztlan
Larry Martinez and Manuel Estrada of EMPLEO, San Quentin, discuss issues relating to finding employment for Chicano ex offenders
Capital Punishment Discussion Capital Punishment Discussion
An interview of/discussion between Curtis Sliwa (Founder of Guardian Angels) and Karima Wicks of the Legal Defense Fund and Capital Punishment Project of the NAACP on the issue of the death penalty and capital punishment. Race/Class in punishment. Disproportionate sentencing.
Redstocking Interview Redstocking Interview
Call Number: FI 048Producers: Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Interview by Barbara Lubinski of an unidentified activist in the New York area women’s movement.
Jenin, Jenin Jenin, Jenin
Date: 1/1/2002Call Number: V 114Producers: Mohamed BakriCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
'Where is God,' an elderly man desperately wonders when surveying the debris in the Palestinian refugee camp Jenin. The film, directed and co-produced by Palestinian actor and director Mohammed Bakri, includes testimony from Jenin residents after the Israeli army's Defensive Wall operation, during which the city and camp were the scenes of fierce fighting. The operation ended with Jenin flattened and scores of Palestinians dead. Palestinians as well as numerous human rights groups accused Israel of committing war crimes in the April 2002 attack on the refugee camp. "Jenin Jenin" shows the extent to which the prolonged oppression and terror has affected the state of mind of the Palestinian inhabitants of Jenin. Bitterness and grief are the prevailing feelings among the majority of the population. Many have lost loved ones or are still searching for victims and furniture among the debris. A little girl, who does not seem to be much older than twelve, tells her story but knows no fear. The ongoing violence in her day-to-day life only nourishes her feelings of hatred and the urge to take revenge. She tells what she would do to Prime Minister Sharon if he visited the camp and she shouts that the Palestinians will never give up the struggle. They will keep on producing children, who can continue the fight against injustice. The sad question forces itself on the spectator. What will become of a country, a people when its children are confronted with war and violence from a very early age? Banned in Israel, "Jenin Jenin" is dedicated to Iyad Samudi, the producer of the film, who returned home to Yamun after the shooting of the film was completed. On June 23, as Israeli forces besieged Yamun, Samudi was shot and killed as he was leaving a military-closed area with three friends.
El Salvador: Terror and Hope El Salvador: Terror and Hope
Call Number: LA 059Producers: Lucy EdwardsProgram: American Radio JournalCollection: El Salvador
The terror of the El Salvador government’s armed forces from 1980 to 1990 is discussed. The discussion centers around the murder of the Arch Bishop of Oscar Ramiro and other members of the clergy within the Catholic church. The Catholic church’s alleged connection to the Salvadoran Armed Opposition (FMLN), through its assistance to the poor that had been ravaged by government bombings, is also examined. Primary accounts of torture by the government by a few people are also available.
The Road to Wounded Knee IV The Road to Wounded Knee IV
Date: 7/18/1974Call Number: KP 113Producers: KPFACollection: Native Americans
SAME AS CD 170. Events on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota regarding Wounded Knee. Hour 4 of 5 hour program. Hour 4: An interview with Crow Dog, the chief spiritual advisor to AIM and the Independent Oglala Nation. Topics discussed: the red man philosophy of life, need for human recognition by the white man, spiritual and political leadership of AIM, situation and poverty of Indian People today, the Indian Way of Life, broken promises, white man brings sickness to western hemisphere, red man fighting for unborn generation, militancy as reaction to white man discrimination, Ghost Dance, reincarnation, “relation” concept as core of life, and Crazy Horse as savior.
Conditions in Zimbabwe and political consciousness America Conditions in Zimbabwe and political consciousness America
Call Number: AFR 077Collection: Zimbabwe
Judy Jensen,of the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) is interviewed about raising support in America for revolutionary struggles in Africa. A passionate anti-imperialist, she speaks about the wrongs being done to Africans, particularly those in Southern Africa. She aims to educate Americans on the revolutionary struggles in Africa, and to teach them about anti-Apartheid goals. She details the measures and protests the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU will use to achieve their objectives. She speaks about war in Central America, and about American political consciousness, saying that people are slowly realizing the American government’s aggressive and imperialist nature. Side B contains an interview between two women. They discuss the problems facing Zimbabwe, such as land issues and dwindling resources. Next, the provincial secretary for the ZANU Women’s League, Eastern Province, is interviewed about the organization’s work for the Zimbabwean elections and their work in the provinces. Lastly, several women speak about problems getting material and supplies in Zimbabwe, expressing their thoughts on the newly independent Zimbabwe, and their hope for more equality between men and women.
Interview With Ramon Cordona Interview With Ramon Cordona
Call Number: LA 100Collection: El Salvador
Beginning with some children singing, this tape segues a few minutes in to an interview with Ramon Cordona, a representative of the FMLN to the United States. He tells the story of his humble beginnings and experiences with the FMLN, the construction of the FMLN forces, history of El Salvador and other issues of injustice in the war-torn country.