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Search Results

Chile Event at Glide, Part 2 Chile Event at Glide, Part 2
Date: 10/1/1973Call Number: CAA 005 R2Format: Reel 2Producers: Stan JohnstonProgram: Comunicacion AztlanCollection: Arts, literature and poetry – a program series produced by Comunicacion Aztlan
Poetry reading in protest of the Chilean coup at Glide memorial Church bringing together poets in protest. First public assembly condemning the events of September 11, 1973. Dolby Stereo
El Festival Del Sexto Sol - Part 2 El Festival Del Sexto Sol - Part 2
Date: 7/3/1974Call Number: CAA 009Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Andres Alegria, Nina SerranoProgram: RefleccionesCollection: Arts, literature and poetry – a program series produced by Comunicacion Aztlan
First Chicano/Latino Encuentro held at Stanford in 1974. Poetry from the historic conference that includes: Nina Serrano, Alejandro Murguia, Carmen Olivares, Fernando Alegria,Pamela Donnegan, Jose Montoya, Dorinda Moreno,Roberto Vargas, Victor Hernandez Cruz and Arturo Madrid. Same as CD 392
Sexto Sol, La Mujer Sexto Sol, La Mujer
Date: 3/29/1973Call Number: CAA 026Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Arts, literature and poetry – a program series produced by Comunicacion Aztlan
A group discussion from the Festival de Sexto Sol. A group of women, and a couple men, speaking about the importance of women expressing their voices through poetry and documenting them to use as inspiration for future female poets and writers. Same as CD 289
“Puerto Riqeno” (Raw Materials) “Puerto Riqeno” (Raw Materials)
Date: 9/1/1973Call Number: CAA 137Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Arts, literature and poetry – a program series produced by Comunicacion Aztlan
Raw Materials related to Puerto Rican struggle and Young Lords Party same as CD 416
Reports on the murder of Ricardo Falcon of the Crusade for Justice in New Mexico Reports on the murder of Ricardo Falcon of the Crusade for Justice in New Mexico
Date: 8/31/1972Call Number: CAP 195Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Political issues of the time – a program series produced by Comunicacion Aztlan
Report on Ricardo Falcon murder by police 1. Murder of Ricardo Falcon in Almagordo, NM 2. Background of Raza Unida Party convention 3. Falcon Press conference with Priscilla Falcon (widow) and Francisco “Kiko” Martinez (lawyer)
Analysis of Chile Election Analysis of Chile Election
Andres Alegria reports on the results of the Chilean Congressional election on March 4th, how the election was beneficial for the development of Allende’s Socialist program in Chile. How the number of seats held by members of the Unidad Popular increased from 17 to 19 in the Senate and 56 to 63 in the House of Representatives. Comments about the San Francisco Chronicle headline, “Allende’s Foes Gain.”
Chile Chile
Excerpt from one of Neruda’s last speeches and comments on his death on the 23rd of Sept. 1973. Reports of abuse and deaths of people in Chile during and following the coup including an account from a French priest about several prisoners who were taken away by guards and then reported to have been killed while attempting to escape. Allende’s last speech.
Chicano Arts Program Chicano Arts Program
Date: 12/11/1971Call Number: RP 003Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Raul Torres, Emiliano EcheverriaCollection: Reflecciones de la Raza by Comunicacion Aztlan
Rudy Espinosa discusses the arts in the Chicano Movement, how art has been suppressed in formal education, and the situation at Grove Street Community College. Also, the new student magazine, “Third World” which only published three issues. Phone in’s from the audience.
Puertoriqueno Puertoriqueno
Date: 12/18/1971Call Number: RP 004Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Raul Torres, Emiliano EcheverriaCollection: Reflecciones de la Raza by Comunicacion Aztlan
Puerto Rican poets and community activists Rafael Ramirez and Orlando Ortiz discuss the state of the Bay Area and New York Puerto Rican community, and its ties to current affairs on the Island. Mention the UPR student movement and the struggle versus the ROTC . Give history of the Nationalist Movement. Hechebelto Cofresi speaks about NYC Puerto Rican community (1950s-1971). They also read some of their poetry.
Phone Conversation with Ray Balberan of Mission Mediarts Phone Conversation with Ray Balberan of Mission Mediarts
Date: 7/8/1972Call Number: RP 025Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Raul Torres, Emiliano EcheverriaCollection: Reflecciones de la Raza by Comunicacion Aztlan
Raul Torres interviews ray Balberan of Mission Mediarts about their ongoing struggle against KQED TV. Mission Mediarts produced the series “Mission & 24th Sts. (1971 - 1973), as a grass roots Mission community produced program.