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Search Results

Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination
Date: 1/1/1987Call Number: V 085Format: VHSProducers: Howard Dratch, Allan FrancovichCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Testimony of former agents, archival footage, first-hand accounts of victims of CIA-backed torture, and other interviews reveal CIA’s mode of operation as well as its goals in Latin America. Goes into depth on subversion of labor movements. Also intervention in Brazil in particular as well as Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Mentions Chile and others targets of CIA.
Chavez, Venezuela and the new Latin America Chavez, Venezuela and the new Latin America
Date: 2/1/2004Call Number: V 227Format: DVDProducers: Oceanfilm - Alea GuevaraCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
In February 2004, Alea Guevara (the daughter of Che Guevara) conducted an extended, exclusive interivew with Hugo Chavez, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, exploring Venezuela's explosive revolutionary terrain post-April 2002 — when Hugo Chávez survived a coup attempt instigated by the United States. Featuring interviews with Hugo Chávez, and Jorge García Carneiro, newly appointed head of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, along with others involved in the country's many social programs, this film affords a rare opportunity to glimpse through the blockade of information imposed by the United States and into a country rich with hope, dreams and... oil.
Interview with Gladys Baez Interview with Gladys Baez
Tape Two: Students interview Gladys Baez, Vice President of the Commission of Women, Children, Youth, and Family in Nicaragua, at Leon Legal Office. Baez speaks on Women's contributions to Nicaraguan economy. This tape has partial translation.
Female Tobacco Workers Interviewed Female Tobacco Workers Interviewed
Tape Three: Nicaraguan women working in Tobacco fields are interviewed. This tape is in Spanish only.
Sofia Montenegro Interview Sofia Montenegro Interview
Tape Four: Sofia Montenegro one of the founders of the Sandinista Daily Paper, Barricada, is interviewed. She speaks on the development of a feminist movement in Nicaragua since the 1979 U.S. supported the insurgence of counterrevolutionaries. The women's movement originated out of necessity changed old military, economic and social values.Women began working manual labor jobs normally only given to men, lobbied for a national referendum on abortion, and participated in guerrilla warfare.
Cara el Pueblo Cara el Pueblo
Tape Five: "Cara el Pueblo" (Face the People) was a tradition of the Nicaraguan revolution. Once a week top Sandinista leaders met face to face with hundreds of people to discuss their questions, complaints, demands and suggestions. This meeting focuses on the particular concerns of women fighting in the revolution. This tape also has footage from The Mother's March. Spanish only.
Journey with the Revolution Journey with the Revolution
Call Number: V 267Format: DVDProducers: Global Women's Strike - Finn Arden, Nina LopezCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
A journey into the heart of the Venezuelan revolution. Meet the midwives, nurses, doctors, housewives, teachers, gay and disability activists, who are transforming Venezuela. Visit health clinics, soup kitchens, land committees, education and micro-credit programmes… The excitement of the revolution is contagious. Features: President Hugo Chávez, “the president of the poor”; Nora Castañeda, President of the Women’s Development Bank; Sharmini Peries, Adviser to President Chávez on International Relations.
La Huelga de los Locos
La Huelga de los Locos
Date: 1/1/2002Call Number: V 287Format: VHSProducers: Mariana ArrutiCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
En el año 1956, un año después del golpe de Estado que derroca al General Perón, la Federación de Obreros en Construcciones Navales, de tradición anarquista, inicia reclamos por las 6 horas de trabajo debido a las tareas insalubres, invocando el derecho a la cultura y al tiempo libre. Las patronales comienzan a cerrar sus puertas originando un Lock Out patronal. Los obreros Navales transforman el Lock Out en un huelga, resistiendo durante 14 meses - conocida como la huelga más larga del siglo - en defensa de sus puestos de trabajo. El conflicto gremial se pierde. La patronal reconoce un sindicato paralelo que no representa los intereses de los trabajadores. La industria naval comienza a declinar y los puertos argentinos prácticamente no construyen ni reparan buques. Los obreros de la Construcción Naval, sin embargo, recuerdan esta huelga como un hecho histórico y personal, y se siguen reuniendo para conmemorarla, como un hito en la historia de Argentina, que recupera la dignidad y la libertad.
Los Presos de Bragado Los Presos de Bragado
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: V 288Format: VHSProducers: Mariana ArrutiCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The struggle for justice by three Argentinian anarchists: Vuotto, Mainini and Diago, a case which shook Argentinian society throughout the 1930s and subsequently.
World in Action - Volume One World in Action - Volume One
Call Number: V 311Format: DVDProducers: Granada TVProgram: World in ActionCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
A major strand of British television programming – in this case Granada’s World in Action - roots through its archive and comes up with twelve fascinating offerings made between the 1960s and the 1990s. • Mick Jagger (tx. 31.07.1967) • End of a Revolution? (tx. 11.12.1967) Che Guevara and Regis Debray • The Demonstration (tx. 18.03.1968) Vietnam anti-war • The Quiet Mutiny (tx. 28.09.1970) Vietnam troops • The Man Who Stole Uganda (tx. 05.04.1971) Idi Amin • Death of a Revolutionary (tx. 27.09.1971) George Jackson • The Siege of Kontum (tx. 05.06.1972) Montagnards • The Life and Death of Steve Biko (tx. 03.10.1977) • Prisoner of Terrorism (tx. 10.07.1978) horst mahler • Banged Up (tx. 02.04.1979) Strangeways Prison • Killing for a Cure (tx. 16.02.1981) Animal Liberation Front • The Birmingham Six: Their Own Story (tx. 18.03.1991) Irish Republican Army