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Search Results

Green with a Vengeance Green with a Vengeance
Call Number: V 144Format: VHSProducers: Date Line AustraliaCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
News piece by an Australian TV news team about the environmental justice movement in the Northwest. Focus includes the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the case of Jeff ‘Free’ Luers, who received a sentence of 22 years 8 months for a political arson, burning 3 vehicles in a Eugene, Oregon car lot. Luers is interviewed in prison. Craig Rosebraugh, who makes public ELF statements, is interviewed as is John Zerzan of Green Anarchy in Eugene.
On the Record with Ed Kowas On the Record with Ed Kowas
Date: 1/13/1993Call Number: V 194Format: VHSCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
This video contains an episode of a Northern California public access television program. Host Ed Kowas and guest, photojournalist Nick Wilson, discuss photos portraying the "liquidation logging" techniques used by timber companies in a forest area called Enchanted Meadow, located in Albion, CA. There is also footage of a tree-sit site in the same area.
The Forest for the Trees: Judi Bari v. the FBI The Forest for the Trees: Judi Bari v. the FBI
Date: 1/1/2004Call Number: V 228Format: DVDProducers: Redbird Films - Bernadine MellisCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
In 1990, Earth First! organizer Judi Bari's car was bombed. Within three hours of the bombing, Bari was accused of transporting the explosives that had nearly killed her. Still in the hospital, she was arrested, and labeled a terrorist in the national media. The Forest for the Trees follows the bombing and arrest of Judi Bari, and her subsequent civil suit against the FBI. At the heart of the film, made by Bari’s lawyer’s daughter, is Bari, a folk hero with an electrifying onscreen presence, and the legal battle against law enforcement that few believed she could win.
The Forest for the Trees: the amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist. The Forest for the Trees: the amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: V 229Format: DVDProducers: Bullfrog Films - Bernadine MellisCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
An intimate look at an unlikely team of young activists and old civil rights workers who come together to battle the U.S. government. Filmmaker Bernadine Mellis is the daughter of 68-year-old civil rights lawyer Dennis Cunningham. Dennis started out his career representing the Black Panthers and the Weathermen. Judi Bari was an Earth First! leader who was one of the first to place as much importance on timber workers' lives and families as she did on the legacy and future of the trees. But that strategic relationship was too much of a threat. Her car was bombed in 1990, and three hours later, she was arrested as a terrorist--charges that were later dropped. Convinced it was a ploy by the FBI to discredit her and Earth First!, Judi decided to sue. Cunningham took on Judi's case and after 12 years, Judi Bari v. the FBI finally gets a court date. Knowing this is one of her father's most important cases, Mellis is there at strategy meetings, at breakfast, driving to and from the court, documenting her morally driven, very tired dad. Not your typical "Take your daughter to work day," THE FOREST FOR THE TREES offers access into a unique father-daughter relationship, the painfully short yet extraordinary life of Judi Bari, and a piece of U.S. history that everyday grows increasingly resonant as once again the lines between dissent and terrorism are being intentionally blurred. Note: This is a completely reworked version of the award-winning 2004 film of the same name. See the filmmaker's note below. "I completed a version of THE FOREST FOR THE TREES as my master's thesis from Temple University in 2004. While that film was the same length as the final cut, and essentially followed the same story, it was quite a different film. It was my first documentary, and I was producer, director, shooter and editor, learning everything about the process as I did it. I submitted the film to festivals, and it showed at several (as listed here). Soon after finishing it, in early 2005, I went to the Working Films/MASS MoCA Documentary Residency, designed to help filmmakers develop outreach strategies for social justice films. There, I was encouraged to re-open the film by Judith Helfand (BLUE VINYL), who later became one of the Executive Producers of THE FOREST, along with Julia Parker Benello. Judith felt that if I brought in an editor, I could bring the film to a new level. Then, in the summer of 2005, Chicken & Egg Pictures was founded by Judith Helfand, Julia Parker Benello, and Wendy Ettinger in order to support emerging and veteran women filmmakers. Chicken & Egg provided the support to hire an editor, Susan Korda. Working closely with Judith, Susan and I spent several months re-editing the film. The old cut was divided into two parts: The first half was about Judi Bari, her organizing work in the Redwoods, the bombing of her car, and the FBI and Oakland Police's arrest of her and Darryl Cherney. The second half followed Judi's civil case against the FBI, and the legal team who fought that battle, which included my father, Dennis Cunningham, as lead attorney. What Judith Helfand pushed me to do was to integrate those two stories, and to foreground my father's role a bit more, teasing out some of the richness of the father-daughter element of the film. Making the first cut was a personal victory for me (there were times I was not at all convinced I would be able to finish it), and it was a hugely important step in the process. Ultimately, the new film, enabled by the awesome support of the women of Chicken & Egg, feels like the true realization of my initial vision, the vision that drove me to begin shooting in the first place." Bernadine Mellis
Green Guerrillas - Volume 1 Green Guerrillas - Volume 1
Date: 6/6/2006Call Number: V 257Format: DVDCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The "Green Guerrillas" are local young people who knew relatively nothing about digital media, green building, organic food, or renewable energy at the start of the summer. Through twenty hours per week of hands-on instruction with an all-volunteer staff and limited equipment, the Green Guerrillas learned how to use computer and video technology to build entrepreneurial job skills, convert a diesel engine to run on vegetable oil, and make a music video for a local hip hop group.
Green Guerrillas - Volume 2 Green Guerrillas - Volume 2
Date: 8/1/2007Call Number: V 266Format: DVDCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The Green Guerrillas presented "a year in review," highlighting the latest in sustainable style, the community's response to racism in the Ithaca City Schools, the hottest and fastest fuel-efficient whips, and the modern impact of 500+ years of genocide and slavery on both sides of the prison wall in communities of color. Featuring M1 of dead prez, the 122nd exonerated death row prisoner Harold Wilson, the MOVE Organization, the West Philadelphia High School Electric Vehicle Team, Dine Punk Rock Band BLACKFIRE, and Ithaca's Peoples Garden Project, the Blockumentary challenges pollution and prisons, while demonstrating the Green Guerrillas' commitment to sustainability and social change. The Green Guerrillas Blockumentary v.2 premiered in Ithaca in August 2007.
Crimethink, Guerilla Fil Series, Volume 1 Crimethink, Guerilla Fil Series, Volume 1
Date: 1/1/2008Call Number: V 283Format: DVDProducers: CrimethinkCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Our first DVD release features two discs loaded with some of the best films in modern anarchist filmmaking: three feature-length documentaries (Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, and The Miami Model) and five short films (three documenting various thinktank experiments and two CrimethInc. essays brought to life by SubMedia). New commentary tracks recorded by the filmmakers are included for the films Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, and Auto-Revision. All films are in English. All three features have subtitles in Spanish and English, additionally The Miami Model has Portuguese subtitles. Disc Two features computer-accessible DVD-ROM content including MP3s, PDFs, and other assorted documentation & reading materials. PICKAXE An eclectic mix of activists take a stand to protect an old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon, blockading the logging road and repelling the State Police. Over months a community builds around the illegal blockade as it develops into the Cascadia Free State and similar actions spread across the region. Years after its release, Pickaxe has become a classic document of the potential for grassroots direct action to achieve victory against the forces of both government and big business. Lovingly crafted by the participants themselves, the film expertly presents every moment, from confrontation to celebration. Includes new commentary track by filmmakers Tim Lewis and Tim Ream. [94 min.] BREAKING THE SPELL An hour-long look at the 1999 Seattle WTO protests and the anarchists who traveled there to set a new precedent for militant confrontation, this documentary picks up where Pickaxe left off. Filmed in the thick of the action, including footage that aired nationally on 60 Minutes, it captures a moment when world history was up for grabs. Includes new commentary track by filmmakers Tim Lewis, Tim Ream & Sir Chuck A. Rock. [63 min.] THE MIAMI MODEL Against the prescribed template of paramilitary oppression, information warfare, and profit above all values, activists converge in Miami to demonstrate grassroots resistance, creative action, and international solidarity—a clash between competing visions of globalization, soon to be known as the Miami Model. Indymedia activists shot hundreds of hours documenting the 2003 FTAA protests in Miami and shaped it into a documentary that cuts through the mass media blackout to reveal the brutal repression and assault on civil liberties that took place, as well as the inspiring alternatives to capitalist globalization that were also in full effect in Miami. [91 min.] FIVE SHORT FILMS An hour of shorts with three documented thinktank experiments and two CrimethInc. essays recreated for the screen by SubMedia. Thinktank: Safetybike [3 min.] How to Turn a Bicycle into a Record Player (includes original version and new 21st century version) [13 min.] Auto Re-Vision (includes new commentary track by participants Mark, Etta & James) [26 min.] SubMedia: Join the Resistance, Fall in Love [17 min.] Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations [5 min.]
Bari/Cherney Bombing Bari/Cherney Bombing
Date: 5/7/2002Call Number: V 362Format: VHSCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Media news about the bombing of Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney, the police accusations that they carried a pipe bomb.
World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet - 1 World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet - 1
Date: 2/1/1992Call Number: V 380Format: VHSProducers: Trella LaughlinCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Interviews with Dr. Rosina Wiltshire from DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era) and Magda Renner from ADFG (Acao Democratica Feminina) who took part in the World Women’s Congress for a Healthy Planet. Both women discuss hardships for women in developing countries. They share their anguish about disparities of wealth which keep widening and their desire for greater human rights, morality, equality and justice for all. The congress sought to produce a Women's Action Agenda , to demand global gender balance, and to build an international network of women acting in solidarity to ensure a strong women's voice on all issues pertaining to environment and development.
Women's Congress for a healthy planet - 3 Women's Congress for a healthy planet - 3
Date: 2/1/1992Call Number: V 385Format: VHSProducers: Trella LaughlinCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The Women's Action Agenda was organized to demand global gender balance and to build an international solidarity network of women on the environment and development. Winona La Duke, Carrie Dann, and Marilyn Manibusan defend indigenous people’s values and their rights to live in harmony with nature. They denounce the massive and widespread devastation of the eco-system by the US and Canadian governments.