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Search Results

A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons
Call Number: JG/ 007Producers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
"A Double Sentence- AIDS in Prisons" California male prisoners with AIDS are sent to insufficient facility in Vacaville and totally removed from the rest of the prison population
Gay & Lesbian Programming Gay & Lesbian Programming
Call Number: JG/ 031Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Part of eight hours of programming put together by Judy Gerber on Gays and Lesbians. Great into song "Glory, Glory I'm a Homosexual". Interview with Carlos Ortiz, a Puerto Rican Independista and member of National committee to free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners. Ortiz discuss the Stonewall riots, AIDS work in Puerto Rican community, and repression and acceptance of homosexuality in the national liberation movement. Also interview with Carmen Vasquez a Puerto Rican Independista and member of GLTF. Music from local Atlanta gay/lesbian bands. Interview with Bill Haskill of ACT UP SF on the investigation NC senator Jesse Helms instigated against ACT UP.
AIDS in Prison: A Double Sentence AIDS in Prison: A Double Sentence
Call Number: JG/ 061AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Judy Gerber speaks with inmates, activists, and prison officials about conditions in the AIDS Unit inside the California Correctional Facility in Vacaville, California. Attica Brother Akil Al-Jundi and others speak on AIDS prisoners' confrontations with racism, quarantine, lacking medical facilities and personnel, involuntary and suspect testing, and cruel prison administrations. Also included, are depictions of prisoner resistance to inhumane treatment and a call for action from the public outside the prison walls.
AIDS in Focus: Women of Color with AIDS AIDS in Focus: Women of Color with AIDS
Call Number: JG/ 071Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: AIDS in FocusCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
This is a short recording from the Care Fair for women of color with AIDS. Black women are one of the fastest growing population of those contracting AIDS. At the time of this recording, however, much of the research on HIV and AIDS was done on men, so the differences in symptoms and signs had not been discovered. There is an interview with Dayson Dixon, a Black women living with AIDS and she speaks about the lack of services available for those with AIDS and their families. She echoes the concern that there needs to be more research done on how HIV and AIDS affects women and especially Black women. Janet Cleveland, a copy editor at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution speaks as well.
AIDS in Focus: Joyce and Jackie music performance AIDS in Focus: Joyce and Jackie music performance
Call Number: JG/ 072Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: AIDS in FocusCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
The tape begins abruptly in the middle of a lecture on AIDS. The taping is from the same conference as JG/LS 071. What is primarily on the tape is a concert performed by two feminist folk musicians Joyce and Jackie. It is about forty-five minutes of their music which such songs as “Higher Ground” and “Sisters of the World.”
Gender Issues in Russia, 1992 Gender Issues in Russia, 1992
Call Number: JG/ 085BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Interview with Gene Peters, lesbian & gay activist who traveled to Russia in 1992 with Friendship Force to examine women's issues after the dissolution of the USSR. Peters talked extensively with female Russian professors and officials. She describes how many women were forced out of the workforce with the fall of communism, particularly in high status jobs. 70% of the Russian unemployed are women and fewer women have been elected to office since the fall of USSR. Peters describes the work of the Russian Federation of Women, a Soviet women's organization. She notes a lack of adequate medical supplies and dearth of contraceptives in Russia that renders an average of 8 abortions per woman. She describes the AIDS epidemic in the former USSR and current Russian AIDS campaigns. She also describes political reform initiatives for gay men & women who were brutally repressed under the Soviet regime, as well as the development of open gay life. She concludes with a general warning against Western media coverage of Russia, noting remarkable social retrogression and stratification in the wake of the fall of the USSR.
Wishlist of Political Prisoner Pardons, 1994 Wishlist of Political Prisoner Pardons, 1994
Call Number: JG/ 086BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Wish list of New Year's resolutions for Bill Clinton focusing on political prisoners and prisoners of war, 1994. Eulogy for AIDs activist Michael Callen. Requests for the retrial and/or pardoning of political prisoners Leonard Peltier, Geronimo Pratt, Mumia Abu Jamal, and Silvia Baraldini and for the pardoning of Puerto Rican prisoners of war, with background information on each of their situations.
Queer in Cuba (Part 1) Queer in Cuba (Part 1)
Date: 10/25/1992Call Number: JG/ 102Format: CassetteCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
In Part 1 of this moderated discussion recorded in 1992, Sonja De Vries and Jorge Cortinas talk about their experiences in Cuba and their observations on how HIV/AIDS and other LGBT issues are addressed in the country. De Vries spent six months in Cuba interviewing gay men and women. Cortinas spent a year in Havana, working for the National Center for Health Education. Several key topics raised during the discussion include: how the Communist party in Cuba is dealing with HIV/AIDS and LGBT issues, the impact of U.S. foreign policy, the effectiveness of sanatoriums, and different methods of safe sex education. In addition to this, both De Vries and Cortinas talk about daily aspects of queer life in Cuba, like the visibility of the LGBT community and the influence of machismo.
Queer in Cuba (Part 2) Queer in Cuba (Part 2)
Date: 10/25/1985Call Number: JG/ 103Format: CassetteCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
In Part 2, the question and answer portion of a moderated discussion continues. Members of the audience asked the speakers, Sonja De Vries and Jorge Cortinas, questions that called for a further exploration of the impact of race, class and colonialism on Cuba. De Vries and Cortinas talk about their experiences in Cuba and their observations on how HIV/AIDS and other LGBT issues are addressed in the country. De Vries spent six months in Cuba interviewing gay men and women. Cortinas spent a year in Havana, working for the National Center for Health Education. Several key topics continued from Part 1 include: how the Communist party in Cuba is dealing with HIV/AIDS and LGBT issues, the impact of U.S. foreign policy, and the effectiveness of sanatoriums.
A Defiant Heart: Focus on Sodomy A Defiant Heart: Focus on Sodomy
Date: 1/8/1990Call Number: JG/ 104Format: CassetteCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
In 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld Georgia state sodomy laws in the landmark case "Bowers vs. Hardwick". Recorded here is a mass demonstration against such laws. The demonstration takes place at the Georgia state capitol on the opening day of its 1990 state legislature. Groups represented ranged from the Aids Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT UP), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the National Organization for Women (NOW) to religious groups to advocates for AIDS awareness, pro-choice, anti-racism, and anti-ableism. Speakers touched upon many subjects, from the importance of choice in and out of the bedroom, the danger of sodomy laws' silencing consequences in the face of the AIDS crisis to sodomy laws' place in the long-standing history of persecution in the U.S. and in the world. Many of the speeches featured are intended to rally the crowd and do not go into great depth.