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Search Results

Sa'iqa, Syria, and the PLO in 1976 Sa'iqa, Syria, and the PLO in 1976
Date: 10/13/1976Call Number: CE 256Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Sa'iqa and the Conflict of LoyaltiesCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
How the Palestinians in the Syrian-backed Palestinian Ba'athist guerilla group called Sa'iqa reacted to Syria taking the side of the Lebanese rightists against the PLO and its Lebanese allies. Relations were poor between Yassar Arafat and Syrian president Al-Assad. Includes reactions of Syrian-based units of the Palestine Liberation Army with Said Hamammi.
Felicia Langer - Part 1 Felicia Langer - Part 1
Date: 10/13/1976Call Number: CE 302Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
An Israeli human rights attorney describes her work defending Palestinian Arabs and her association with the Rakah communist party. Describes Israel's policy of collective punishment, torture in Israeli prisons, and hypocrisy on part of the Mapam political party and Histadrut trade union when dealing with Arabs' rights. Discusses the Gush Emunim settlement movement as one that terrorizes the Israeli left and Palestinians. Also about testifying before the UN in Geneva.
Felicia Langer - Part 2 Felicia Langer - Part 2
Date: 10/13/1976Call Number: CE 303Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
An Israeli human rights attorney describes her work defending Palestinian Arabs and her association with the Rakah communist party. Describes Israel's policy of collective punishment, torture in Israeli prisons, and hypocrisy on part of the Mapam political party and Histadrut trade union when dealing with Arabs' rights. Discusses the Gush Emunim settlement movement as one that terrorizes the Israeli left and Palestinians. Also about testifying before the UN in Geneva.
Dr. Emil Touma - Part 1 Dr. Emil Touma - Part 1
Date: 10/15/1976Call Number: CE 304Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Editor of a communist Arab newspaper in Israel, Al-Ittihad, discusses publishing and Israeli military censorship. Explains that Israel's only official Arab newspaper falsifies Arab attitudes and doesn't recognize the humanitarian crisis facing Palestinians. Discusses the history of Zionist terrorism, the Haganah bombing homes, shooting residents, loading survivors in trucks for deportation, Arab leaders and journalists being expelled without court hearings, Israel assassinating people abroad, and official repression of Palestinians on part of the Mapai labor party.
Dr. Emil Touma - Part 2 Dr. Emil Touma - Part 2
Date: 10/15/1976Call Number: CE 305Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Editor of a communist Arab newspaper in Israel, Al-Ittihad, discusses publishing and Israeli military censorship. Explains that Israel's only official Arab newspaper falsifies Arab attitudes and doesn't recognize the humanitarian crisis facing Palestinians. Discusses the history of Zionist terrorism, the Haganah bombing homes, shooting residents, loading survivors in trucks for deportation, Arab leaders and journalists being expelled without court hearings, Israel assassinating people abroad, and official repression of Palestinians on part of the Mapai labor party. Interview with Jeffrey Witner on solar energy.
Tawfiq Zayyad - Part 1 Tawfiq Zayyad - Part 1
Date: 10/14/1976Call Number: CE 308Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Mayor of Nazareth and Rakah member of the Knesset describes the segregation of Nazareth into an Arab quarter and a Zionist one, the expulsion of 100,000 Palestinians the expropriation of Palestinian homes and restrictions against Palestinians buying land. Describes the militant campaigns by Zionist forces to rid Galilee, Ikrit, and Nazareth of Arabs and how refugees live a few kilometers from their original homes. Explains so-called free elections in Israel - Israeli ministers visit Nazareth and threaten to withhold Israeli funding if a pro-PLO candidate is elected. Attempts to delegitimize Arabs and communists from political process and preventing them from teaching, working in the government, traveling and frequent arrests.
Tawfiq Zayyad - Part 2 Tawfiq Zayyad - Part 2
Date: 10/14/1976Call Number: CE 309Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Mayor of Nazareth and Rakah member of the Knesset describes the segregation of Nazareth into an Arab quarter and a Zionist one, the expulsion of 100,000 Palestinians the expropriation of Palestinian homes and restrictions against Palestinians buying land. Describes the militant campaigns by Zionist forces to rid Galilee, Ikrit, and Nazareth of Arabs and how refugees live a few kilometers from their original homes. Explains so-called free elections in Israel - Israeli ministers visit Nazareth and threaten to withhold Israeli funding if a pro-PLO candidate is elected. Attempts to delegitimize Arabs and communists from political process and preventing them from teaching, working in the government, traveling and frequent arrests. Jeffrey Witwer on generating solar energy in the Middle East - Part 2
Lebanon's Civil War - Part 1 Lebanon's Civil War - Part 1
Date: 9/1/1976Call Number: CE 313Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Lebanon's Civil WarCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
How the conflict is not Christian versus Muslim and the socioeconomic factors behind the war. On Syrian President Assad's decision to invade Lebanon and repress the PLO and Lebanese leftist groups in support of the militant right-wing extremists. Interview with Said Hamami, PLO representative in London, on PLO setbacks in Lebanon and the prospect of an independent rightist 'Christian state' in Lebanon. Includes descriptions of rightist militias indiscriminately killing Muslims at military checkpoints.
Lebanon's Civil War - Part 2 Lebanon's Civil War - Part 2
Date: 9/1/1976Call Number: CE 314Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Lebanon's Civil WarCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Interview with Said Hamami on Israel's role in the Lebanese conflict, the Palestinian presence as a factor, PLO acceptance of a Palestinian mini-state, and the PLO's relations with Egypt.
Lebanon's Civil War - Part 3 Lebanon's Civil War - Part 3
Date: 9/1/1976Call Number: CE 315Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Lebanon's Civil WarCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Said Hamami and Zuhair Mohsen on the dilemma between as-Sa'iqa and the Palestinian Liberation Army. Said Hamami on Syrian President's Assad's motives to invade Lebanon and how the conflict is not one that is strictly Muslim versus Christian.