
During our recent trip to Detroit we began to assess and plan the preservation of Robert, Mabel, and John Williams’ artifacts, papers, audio and video materials, and more. Here are some pictures of a couple of the amazing artifacts we were able to engage. We’ve already done considerable work around preserving the legacy of both Robert and Mabel, and this current effort continues a long political and personal relationship with the family.

Spending time in the Williams family home in Baldwin, MI was an amazing experience. Seeing the family’s thousands of books, sorting canisters of Black and White 16mm film from China, and organizing boxes of correspondence and personal papers not only allowed me to see an enormous wealth of history, but also to get a glimpse into the personal side of Robert and Mabel, often unseen in documentaries or written about in books. We are truly grateful to Lisa Williams for her constant guidance, support, and love. Stay tuned for further updates on our work to preserve the Williams family’s legacy including assisting in releasing three memoirs (Robert, Mabel and John); a complete set of transcripts and recordings of Radio Free Dixie and a complete reprint of TheĀ Crusader newsletter. You can check out our archival collection here.


Baldwin, MI

Baldwin, MI

Protest the US Post Office Ban Against the Crusader Stamp

Protest the US Post Office Ban Against the Crusader Stamp