
During our recent trip to Detroit, we collaborated with Sine Hwang Jensen, librarian at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library, to present a session at the 19th annual Allied Media Conference entitled “Activist Archiving 101.” Held every summer in Detroit, the Allied Media Conference brings together a vibrant and diverse community of people using media to incite change: filmmakers, radio producers, technologists, youth organizers, writers, cultural artists and more.

Our session was intended to empower activists to be stewards of their own and/or organizational archives and to share basic tools, strategies and resources that already exist from which we can draw from to ensure that future generations will have access to our ideas, materials, experiences and lessons. Important conversations around the importance of human relationships and accountability to our communities, blurring the line between documentation and journalism and corporate control of social media made for a vibrant and engaging session. We were thrilled to be joined by over 50 people clearly demonstrating that documentation and the legacy of our movements is something many people are thinking about.

You can find tools, resources, principles from our session on activist archiving and more HERE. More from our trip to Detroit soon!

Also, if you haven’t gotten a chance to donate to our summer fundraising campaign, please take a moment and help us continue the important work we do. Your SUPPORT makes all this possible.
