Exciting news! Emory Douglas has donated an original print entitled Mother, Child, Peace for the Freedom Archives’ 15th anniversary. Emory has been a supporter for years and we’re really appreciative of his continued contributions to radical history and the Freedom Archives. We’ll be taking bids on this print at our event and all proceeds go towards funding our work to – preserve the past – illuminate the present – shape the future.

Join us this Thursday, October 16th, at the African-American Art and Culture Complex on 762 Fulton Street to celebrate! Festivities for the evening include musical performances from Rico Pabon and Friends and Joan Tarika Lewis and her Youth Ensemble; support statements from members of the San Francisco 8 as well as current political prisoners; poetry; culture and more! We ask for a donation at the door of $15 (for 15 years!), however no one will be turned away for lack of funds.*

We’re really looking forward to the opportunity to celebrate the past 15 years with founders, contributors, supporters, former staff and interns, activists, organizers, educators, community members, friends, family and loved ones. See you there!!


* If you can’t make it on October 16, please support our important work by making a donation online at: https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=33028