October 17th begins the three day celebration of the Black Panther Party’s 47th anniversary. Held at the Arlene Francis Center, 99 Sixth St. in Santa Rosa California, the program includes speakers and films about political prisoners and fallen comrades centered around the chosen theme of “Myths and Realities.” The schedule can be found here. This event will surely be memorable and should not be missed!

While there are many archives containing Panther materials, the Freedom Archives is proud to feature a number of sub-collections featuring various perspectives and information about the party. Check out our various sub-collections here and enjoy exploring the scope and substance of the BPP before heading to Santa Rosa or when you get back!

One of the most sobering yet relevant topics of discussion this weekend will be the number of Panthers still behind bars. Many of these Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War have now been locked up over 3 and 4 decades. One of the ways in which we all can contribute to the vision of the Panthers is to organize around winning these men their freedom. A pamphlet which compiles statements from Panthers still doing time is available to read here. You can also hear the voices of imprisoned Panthers Jalil Muntaqim and Herman Bell.

The Black Panther Party’s  imaginative survival programs, solidarity with international liberation struggles, and commitment to curbing police violence had a massive impact on freedom struggles around the world. We salute all those who dedicated their lives to Black Liberation.

All Power to the People!
