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Welcome to the Freedom Archives' Digital Search Engine.The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements. We are also in the process of scanning and uploading thousands of historical documents which enrich our media holdings. Our collection includes weekly news, poetry, music programs; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; numerous voices from behind prison walls; diverse activists; and pamphlets, journals and other materials from many radical organizations and movements.

Asian Liberation Struggles

The Asian Liberation Struggles collection is primarily comprised of materials related to the national liberation movement of the Philippines, specifically the revolutionary struggle of the National Democratic Movement against the oppressive U.S. backed Filipino government. Much of the material in the collection focuses on opposition to the dictatorial regime of Ferdinand Marcos Senior and continued resistance to US military presence and US-backed regimes through the 1990s. The collection includes various booklets and pamphlets related to the struggle against the Marcos regime and the more recent government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, as well as a number of articles, speeches, and pamphlets by Filipino revolutionary, Jose Maria (Joma) Sison.

This collection also includes publications related to China during the 1970s and in commemoration of Mao’s Passing, such as the Peking Review, a couple of monographs related to Bangladesh shortly after independence in 1971, resources on South Korea, and more.


Questions & Answers - On the Armed Intervention of US Troops in the Philippines Questions & Answers - On the Armed Intervention of US Troops in the Philippines
Publisher: Philippine Information Network ServicesDate: 3/2002Call Number: Format: PamphletCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
Provides detailed information about the nature of U.S. military intervention in the Philippines, particularly in regard to the Balikatan, a series of joint military exercises conducted by the U.S. and the Philippines.
Primer on Filipino "Comfort Women": Questions and Answers Primer on Filipino "Comfort Women": Questions and Answers
Author: Task Force on Filipina Victims of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan SecretariatPublisher: Asian Women’s Human Rights Council (AWHRC) - Philippines and BAYAN - Women’s DeskYear: 1992Format: PamphletCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
Basic description of WWII "comfort women"; outline of demands to Japanese government on behalf of Filipina victims.
Babaye: A Primer about Women and for Women Babaye: A Primer about Women and for Women
Publisher: GABRIELA-Mindanao and Womens Studies and Research Center (Philippines)Year: 1986Format: MonographCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
Produced by organizers in the Filipino Women's Movement, this monograph explores gender in the pre-colonial Philippines, where women took on prominent leadership roles and held important positions in communities throughout the islands. Addressing the destruction of established ways of living with Spanish colonization and later, U.S. imperialism, the monograph provides a historical context for the continued oppression of women in the Philippines from the 16th through 20th Century.
People's War in the Philippines People's War in the Philippines
Publisher: Union of Democratic FilipinosDate: 8/1974Call Number: Format: BookletCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
Provides an overview of the oppression of the Filipino people under the U.S. backed dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, including the imposition of martial law in 1972. Details the formation of revolutionary organizations such as the National Democratic Front (NDF) and the New People's Army (NPA), and explains the goals of their struggle. Also includes an interview with a member of the NPA.
Stop U.S. Military Aid to the Marcos Dictatorship Stop U.S. Military Aid to the Marcos Dictatorship
Call Number: Format: FlyerCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
A flyer about Martial Law and state terror under the Marcos Dictatorship, including data related to political prisoners and the economic stake of the U.S. in the Philippines. Also discusses the training of Philippine police in torture techniques by the C.I.A.
Jose Maria Sison: Filipino Revolutionary Fighter Jose Maria Sison: Filipino Revolutionary Fighter
Publisher: Alliance for Philippine National Democracy (Ugnayan Para Sa Pambansang Demokrasya Sa Pilipinas)Call Number: Format: PamphletCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
This pamphlet includes an essay on the struggle to free Jose Maria Sison, who was captured by the Marcos dictatorship. It includes poems by Sison while he was imprisoned and a section of commentary
Balita [Vol. 1, No. 1] Balita [Vol. 1, No. 1]
Publisher: Alliance for Philippine Concerns (APC)Date: 6/1985Call Number: Volume Number: Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1985Format: PeriodicalCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
In this issue, groups of Filipinos across major cities in the US and Canada call for an end to US economic and military aid in militant protest; a health campaign gains support from health professionals in North America when a prominent Philippine doctor articulates the Philippine peoples' concerns on a speaking tour; church workers develop creative ways to speak out against killings and human rights violations in the Philippines; and more.
Kilusan: In the Face of Adversity [Vol 1, No. 1-2] Kilusan: In the Face of Adversity [Vol 1, No. 1-2]
Publisher: Komite ng Sambayanang Pilipino (Filipino People's Committee)Call Number: Volume Number: Vol. 1, No. 1 and 2Format: PeriodicalCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
This issue includes a map of people's resistance in the Philippines and a list of US bases on the islands; an article on the situation of political prisoners in the Philippines under Marcos with details about targeted sectors, prison conditions, torture and constitutional violations, as well as information about tactics of resistance such as hunger strikes; excerpts from a letter written by Juliet Sison shortly after her release to raise support for her husband, Jose Maria Sison; an article on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs); an article on seafarers with information about government measures preventing worker strikes; and more. Excellent resource for understanding the situation of military abuses and government repression in the Philippines during its longest dictatorship.
Movement for a Free Philippines Movement for a Free Philippines
Publisher: Movement for a Free PhilippinesDate: 10/1985Call Number: Volume Number: Number 17Format: NewsletterCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
This newsletter includes excerpts from an opinion ballot that asked over 60,000 US residents to assess whether US intervention in the Philippines should continue; information about the wealth amassed by the Marcos family; an article on U.S. financial assistance to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) which exposes the AFP's mismanagement of funds and reliance on US support; progress in efforts to authorize suits by US residents who have been victims of torture, extra-judicial killings, or prolonged arbitrary detention in the Philippines; documentation of AFP killings; and more.
PAG-ASA [Vol. IV, No. 5] PAG-ASA [Vol. IV, No. 5]
Publisher: Philippine American Group - Advocates for Social Action (PAG-ASA)Date: 10/1985Call Number: Volume Number: Vol. IV, No. 5Format: NewsletterCollection: Asian Liberation Struggles
In this issue, the Philippine military deploys Christian sects to Mindanao to carry out operations targeting left forces; the death toll of Filipino journalists is on the rise; peasants plan to strike on October 21, 1985, the 13th anniversary of the Marcos fake land reform program; and more.