[News] Israel forces uproot 400 olive trees in Bethlehem

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 10 12:58:24 EDT 2020


  Israel forces uproot 400 olive trees in Bethlehem

March 10, 2020

Israeli occupation forces yesterday uprooted 400 olive trees in the 
farms of Wadi Fukin village, west of occupied Bethlehem, /Quds Press/ 

Local Palestinian sources reported that the targeted farm belongs to 
Palestinian farmer Mohamed Al-Harroub.

According to the sources, 800 olive trees and grape vines have been 
uprooted by settlers over the past two weeks in the farms of Al-Khader 
neighbourhood, south of Bethlehem.

Wadi Fukin is a Palestinian village located ten kilometres west of 
Bethlehem. It is surrounded by five illegal Israeli settlements.

Israel has expropriated 8,300 dunams (8.3 square kilometres) of its 
lands since 1967 
including 700 dunams (1.7 acres) for the illegal settlement of Bitar Elite.

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