[News] Latin America's Women's Day: Huge Marches Across the Continent

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Mon Mar 9 11:04:59 EDT 2020


  Latin America's Women's Day: Huge Marches Across the Continent

March 8, 2020

Millions of women across Latin American cities took to the streets 
Sunday to protest against growing inequality, femicide, and abortion 
laws, as women’s day unfolded throughout the world.

 From Buenos Aires to Mexico City, women marched to demand their right 
for a life free of gender violence in a world where femicides claim the 
lives of more than 10,000 women each year.

Latin America has a top position within this bleak panorama with the 
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 
(ECLAC) reporting in late 2019 that more than 3,500 women were 
assassinated in 2018.

El Salvador is the country that leads the ECLAC list, followed by 
Honduras, Bolivia, and Guatemala.

In Chile, more than two million women joined Sunday a massive 
demonstration in a country shaken by social unrest and where ongoing 
protests started in October to reject the policies of right-wing 
President Sebastian Piñera’s 

    — ©halecos Amarillosᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ ��ʷAͤNͣOͬNͤYˡMͤOᵍUͥSͦⁿ��
    (@ChalecosAmarill) March 8, 2020

*More than two million Chilean women have taken to the streets against 
violence, neoliberalism and the repression of the Piñera government for 
International Women's Day.*

A spokesperson for the country’s largest feminist advocacy group, La 
Coordinadora Feminista 8M Alondra Carrillo, said that along with sharing 
the demands of the wider protest movement, women in the South American 
country are fighting for distinct issues related to gender violence, 
such as legal abortion, domestic violence, and equality in the workplace.

“Women are permanently subjected to various forms of patriarchal 
violence, which is an integral part of the way in which Chile is 
organized,” Carrillo said.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Argentina, the 2020 International Women's Day 
comes just three months after President Alberto Fernandez took office.

The latter has announced plans to create a minister for women and 
support an effort to legalize abortion after previous attempts 
were blocked in Congress.

Women in Buenos Aires marched on Congress late Sunday afternoon, and are 
planning to hold work strikes Monday in support of the abortion law, 
equal pay and legislation aimed at fighting violence against women.

Further north in Mexico, the day brought record numbers of women into 
the streets of the capital, as the number of femicides has more than 
doubled over the last five years.

In Colombia, women in Bogota celebrated the capital’s first female 
mayor, while protests unfold fueled by outrage over a recent court 
ruling that upheld limits on abortion.

Feminist mobilizations have been constantly growing and gaining momentum 
over the past years in Latin America.

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