[News] Amnesty International’s Troubling Collaboration with UK & US Intelligence

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Thu Jan 17 12:30:32 EST 2019


  Amnesty International’s Troubling Collaboration with UK & US Intelligence

by Alexander Rubinstein - January 17th, 2019

*LONDON —*Amnesty International, the eminent human-rights 
non-governmental organization, is widely known for its advocacy in that 
realm. It produces reports critical of the Israeli occupation in 
Palestine and the Saudi-led war on Yemen. But it also publishes a steady 
flow of indictments against countries that don’t play ball with 
Washington — countries like Iran, China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, North 
Korea and more. Those reports amplify the drumbeat for a “humanitarian” 
intervention in those nations.

Amnesty’s stellar image as a global defender of human rights runs 
counter to its early days when the British Foreign Office was believed 
to be censoring reports critical of the British empire. Peter Benenson, 
the co-founder of Amnesty, had deep ties to the British Foreign Office 
and Colonial Office while another co-founder, Luis Kutner, informed the 
FBI of a gun cache at Black Panther leader Fred Hampton’s home weeks 
before he was killed by the Bureau in a gun raid.

These troubling connections contradict Amnesty’s image as a benevolent 
defender of human rights and reveal key figures at the organization 
during its early years to be less concerned with human dignity and more 
concerned with the dignity of the United States and United Kingdom’s 
image in the world.

    *A conflicted beginning*

Amnesty’s Benenson 
an avowed anti-communist, hailed from a military intelligence 
background. He pledged that Amnesty would be independent of government 
influence and would represent prisoners in the East, West, and global 
South alike.

But during the 1960s the U.K. was withdrawing from its colonies and the 
Foreign Office and Colonial Office were hungry for information from 
human-rights activists about the situations on the ground. In 1963, the 
Foreign Office instructed its operatives abroad to provide “discreet 
support” for Amnesty’s campaigns.

Also that year, Benenson wrote to Colonial Office Minister Lord 
Lansdowne a proposal to prop up a “refugee counsellor” on the border of 
present-day Botswana and apartheid South Africa. That counsel was to 
assist refugees only, and explicitly avoid aiding anti-apartheid 
activists. “Communist influence should not be allowed to spread in this 
part of Africa, and in the present delicate situation, Amnesty 
International would wish to support Her Majesty’s Government in any such 
policy,” Benenson wrote. The next year, Amnesty ceased its support for 
anti-apartheid icon and the first president of a free South Africa, 
Nelson Mandela.

The following year, in 1964, Benenson enlisted the Foreign Office’s 
assistance in obtaining a visa to Haiti. The Foreign Office secured the 
visa and wrote to its Haiti representative Alan Elgar saying it 
“support[ed] the aims of Amnesty International.” There, Benenson went 
undercover as a painter, as Minister of State Walter Padley told him 
prior to his departure that “We shall have to be a little careful not to 
give the Haitians the impression that your visit is actually sponsored 
by Her Majesty’s Government.”

The /New York Times /exposed the ruse, leading some officials to claim 
ignorance; Elgar, for example, said he was “shocked by Benenson’s 
antics.” Benenson apologized to Minister Padley, saying “I really do not 
know why the /New York Times,/which is generally a responsible 
newspaper, should be doing this sort of thing over Haiti.”

    Amnesty International’s new ‘[Regime] Change is Possible’ video
    calls for solidarity with right-wing insurrection in Venezuela
    https://t.co/Co6OVL7xRV pic.twitter.com/MJtG7wyevz

    — Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) October 6, 2018

    *Letting politics creep into mission*

In 1966, an Amnesty report on the British colony of Aden, a port city in 
present-day Yemen, detailed the British government’s torture of 
detainees at the Ras Morbut interrogation center. Prisoners there were 
stripped naked during interrogations, were forced to sit on poles that 
entered their anus, had their genitals twisted, cigarettes burned on 
their face, and were kept in cells where feces and urine covered the floor.

The report was never released, however. Benenson said that Amnesty 
general secretary Robert Swann had censored it to please the Foreign 
Office, but Amnesty co-founder Eric Baker said Benenson and Swann had 
met with the Foreign Office and agreed to keep the report under wraps in 
exchange for reforms. At the time, Lord Chancellor Gerald Gardiner wrote 
to Prime Minister Harold Wilson that “Amnesty held the [report] as long 
as they could simply because Peter Benenson did not want to do anything 
to hurt a Labour government.”

Then something changed. Benenson went to Aden and was horrified by what 
he found, writing “I never came upon an uglier picture than that which 
met my eyes in Aden,” despite his “many years spent in the personal 
investigation of repression.”

    *A tangled web*

As all of this was unfolding, a similar funding scandal was developing 
that would rock Amnesty to its core. Polly Toynbee, a 20-year-old 
Amnesty volunteer, was in Nigeria and Southern Rhodesia, the British 
colony in Zimbabwe, which was at the time ruled by the white settler 
minority. There, Toynbee delivered funds to prisoner families with a 
seemingly endless supply of cash. Toynbee said that Benenson met with 
her there and admitted that the money was coming from the British 

Toynbee and others were forced to leave Rhodesia in March 1966. On her 
way out, she grabbed documents from an abandoned safe including letters 
from Benenson to senior Amnesty officials working in the country that 
detailed Benenson’s request to Prime Minister Wilson for money, which 
had been received months prior.

In 1967 it was revealed that the CIA had established and was covertly 
funding another human rights organization founded in the early 1960s, 
the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) through an American 
affiliate, the American Fund for Free Jurists Inc.

Benenson had founded, alongside Amnesty, the U.K. branch of the ICJ, 
called Justice. Amnesty international secretariat, Sean MacBride, was 
also the secretary-general of ICJ.

Then, the “Harry letters” hit the press. Officially, Amnesty denied 
knowledge of the payments from Wilson’s government. But Benenson 
admitted that their work in Rhodesia had been funded by the government, 
and returned the funds out of his own pocket. He wrote to Lord 
Chancellor Gardiner that he did it so as not to “jeopardize the 
political reputation” of those involved. Benenson then returned unspent 
funds from his two other human-rights organizations, Justice (the U.K. 
branch of the CIA-founded ICJ) and the Human Rights Advisory Service.

Benenson’s behavior in the wake of the revelations about the “Harry 
letters” infuriated his Amnesty colleagues. Some of them would go on to 
claim that he suffered from mental illness. One staffer wrote:

    Peter Benenson has been levelling accusations, which can only have
    the result of discrediting the organisation which he has founded and
    to which he dedicated himself. …All this began after soon after he
    came back from Aden, and it seems likely that the nervous shock
    which he felt at the brutality shown by some elements of the British
    army there had some unbalancing effect on his judgment.”

    Even former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski was on
    Amnesty's board of directors for a time. He was the architect of the
    'Afghan trap' and bragged about giving the Soviets their own Vietnam
    quagmire by training, funding & equipping Mujahedeen

    — Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) October 9, 2018

Later that year, Benenson stepped down as president of Amnesty in 
protest of its London office being surveilled and infiltrated by British 
intelligence — at least according to him. Later that month, Sean 
MacBride, the Amnesty official and ICJ operative, submitted a report to 
an Amnesty conference that denounced Benenson’s “erratic actions.” 
Benenson boycotted the conference, opting to submit a resolution 
demanding MacBride’s resignation over the CIA funding of ICJ.

Amnesty and the British government then suspended ties. The rights group 
then promised to “not only be independent and impartial but must not be 
put into a position where anything else could even be alleged” about its 
collusion with governments in 1967.

    *Amnesty’s role in the death of Black Panther Fred Hampton*

But two years later, senior Amnesty officials engaged in far more 
troubling coordination with Western intelligence agencies.

FBI documents 
released by the Bureau in the spring of 2018 as a part of a series of 
disclosures of documents pertaining to the assassination of President 
John Kennedy, detail Amnesty International’s role in the killing of 
Black Panther Party (BPP) Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton, the 21-year-old 
up-and-coming black liberation icon — a killing that was widely believed 
to be an assassination but was ruled officially as a justifiable homicide.

Amnesty International co-founder Luis Kutner attended a November 23, 
1969 speech of Hampton’s delivered at the University of Illinois.

During the speech, Hampton described the BPP “as a revolutionary party” 
and “indicated that the party has guns to be used for peace and 
self-defense, and these guns are at the Hampton residence as well as BPP 
headquarters,” according to the FBI document.

“Kutner has reached the point where he would like to take legal action 
to silence the BPP,” the FBI wrote. “Kutner concluded by stating that he 
believed speakers like Hampton were psychotic, and it is only when they 
are faced with a court action that they stop their “rantings and ravings.”

The FBI internal report on Kutner’s testimony cited above was issued on 
December 1, 1969. Two days later, the FBI, alongside the Chicago Police 
Department, conducted a firearms raid on Hampton’s residence. When 
Hampton came home for the day, FBI informant William O’Neal slipped a 
barbiturate sleeping pill into his drink before leaving.

At 4:00 a.m. on December 4, police and FBI stormed into the apartment, 
instantly shooting a BPP guard. Due to reflexive convulsions related to 
death, the guard convulsed and pulled the trigger on a shotgun he was 
carrying – the only time a Black Panther member fired a gun during the 
raid. Authorities then opened fire on Hampton, who was in bed sleeping 
with his nine-month pregnant fiancee. Hampton is believed to have 
survived until two shots were fired at point-blank range towards his head.

    Kutner was also deeply involved with the Taiwan Independence
    Movement, which attempted to assassinate the son of Chiang Kai-shek
    in 1970.

    A worthy goal or not, I don't know, but just by looking at Wikipedia
    it appears the CIA was at work there again.https://t.co/BDYRJMwVen
    pic.twitter.com/LbQW5GRxF5 <https://t.co/LbQW5GRxF5>

    — Our Hidden History (@OurHiddenHistry) October 6, 2018

Kutner would go on to form 
“Friends of the FBI” group, an organization “formed to combat criticism 
of the Federal Bureau of Investigations,” according to the /New York 
after its covert campaign to disrupt leftists movements — COINTELPRO — 
was revealed. He also went on to operate in a number of theaters that 
saw heavy involvement from the CIA — including work Kutner did to 
undermine Congolese Prime Minister and staunch anti-imperialist Patrice 
Lumumba — and represented the Dalai Lama 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Kutner>, who was provided $1.7 
million a year by the CIA 
the 1960s.

While Amnesty International’s shady operations in the 1960s might seem 
like ancient history at this point, they serve as an important reminder 
of the role that non-governmental organizations often play in furthering 
the objectives of governments of the nations where they are based.

Top Photo | Peter Benenson, left, with George Ivan Smith at a 1966 
Nordic Africa Institute Seminar. Uppsala-Bild | Creative Commons

/*Alexander Rubinstein* is a staff writer for MintPress News based in 
Washington, DC. He reports on police, prisons and protests in the United 
States and the United States’ policing of the world. He previously 
reported for RT and Sputnik News./

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