[News] Cuba closes 2018 with the lowest infant mortality rate in its history

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 18 12:08:02 EST 2019

/*US Infant mortality rate: *//*total: *//*5.8 deaths/1,000 live births*//*
*//*male: *//*6.3 deaths/1,000 live births*//*
*//*female: *//*5.3 deaths/1,000 live births (2017 est.)*/


  Cuba closes 2018 with the lowest infant mortality rate in its history

Author: Lisandra Fariñas Acosta <http://en.granma.cu/archivo?a=40> | 
lisandra at granma.cu <mailto:lisandra at granma.cu>

january 7, 2019

WE have expected the same news every January for several decades. At the 
beginning of each New Year, we are once again presented with the figures 
that reveal that thousands of women have successfully completed their 
pregnancy, thousands of babies are now growing, and thousands of Cuban 
families are enjoying a desired son or daughter.

To note that for the eleventh consecutive year, Cuba maintains its 
infant mortality rate below five per thousand live births, is reason 
enough to rejoice.

But to confirm that for the second year in a row, the country reached 
the end of 2018 with the lowest infant mortality rate in its history, at 
4.0 per thousand live births, is more than extraordinary – it is 
comforting. With respect to the previous year – when the figure was 
4.044 deaths per thousand live births – the rate was reduced by 0.081, 
which represents four fewer deaths, standing at 3.963 deaths per 
thousand live births.

This figure is not reached through force of habit or by chance. It is 
the result of the determined will to prioritize universal health access, 
and inclusive and human social development. It is the expression of 
efforts and perseverance on the part of thousands of health 
professionals throughout Cuba – from doctors’ offices to hospital 
services, with the decisive participation of maternity homes, health 
centers, perinatal care wards, neonatal and pediatric intensive care 
units; of the medical genetics network, of neonatal surgery and of 
cardio-pediatric care; without neglecting intersectoral and community 
support for health measures.

Preliminary data for 2018 offered to *Granma* by the Medical Records and 
Health Statistics Directorate – processed from the early hours of 
January 1st – reveals that in the recently concluded year, there were a 
total of 116,320 births registered in Cuba, representing 1,349 more than 
in 2017; while 461 children under one year of age died, four fewer than 
in 2018.

The exact scope of these statistics, illustrating the extent to which 
deaths of our children have been reduced, is appreciated if we consider, 
for example, that in 1970, the country saw 9,173 deaths, with an infant 
mortality rate of 38.7.

“At the end of a year of unquestionable achievements and improvements in 
the main health indicators, it is fitting to recognize all workers of 
the health system, who are the true protagonists of these results, which 
confirm the magnitude of the work of the Revolution, now in its 60th 
anniversary. In this effort, workers linked to the Maternal and Child 
Care Program deserve special mention,” stated Dr. Roberto Álvarez 
Fumero, head of the Maternal and Child Department of the Ministry of 
Public Health (Minsap).

He added that the measures implemented to improve the family doctor and 
nurse program, and the development achieved by the community medical 
genetics network and the national diagnosis, management and prevention 
of congenital defects and genetic diseases program, contributed to 
reducing the country’s infant mortality rate. For six consecutive years, 
the infant mortality rate due to birth defects has been maintained below 
one per thousand live births; and at the close of 2018 stood at 0.8.

Likewise, Dr. Álvarez highlighted the work undertaken by perinatal 
special care wards, neonatology services, intensive pediatric therapies, 
the cardio-pediatric network and the William Soler Pediatric Cardio 
Center; which also contributed to reducing mortality rates associated 
with hyaline membrane disease, intraventricular hemorrhage, influenza 
and pneumonia, healthcare-acquired sepsis and intestinal infections.

Meanwhile, a similar mortality rate due to pulmonary hemorrhage; other 
perinatal conditions; neonatal sepsis; neonatal pneumonia; bacterial, 
viral and unspecified meningitis; and poorly diagnosed or unknown causes 
was maintained.

He noted that from the beginning of 2018, the Ministry of Health 
implemented a plan of measures aimed at maintaining and improving infant 
mortality indicators, which included eight components: the improvement 
of the management and control systems of the program in those provinces 
with the greatest problems; strengthening the work of the cadres 
involved in the management of the Maternal and Child Care Program; a 
professional training plan to raise the necessary skills among health 
personnel; research development; the assurance of necessary resources; a 
broad health promotion strategy to modify habits, customs and increase 
population’s self-responsibility in maternal and child health care; as 
well as the implementation of specific measures to reduce the main 
causes of infant mortality.

On this last aspect, Dr. Álvarez mentioned the introduction of new 
guidelines for the most frequent obstetric conditions, including 
predictive technology for early diagnosis and prevention of intrauterine 
growth restriction, prematurity, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, 
diabetes and hemolytic disease of the newborn, among others.

Reasons to celebrate this January are not lacking, but we can also be 
proud of living in a country that strives every day to preserve the most 
sacred thing: children’s lives.


2.1       Isla de la Juventud special municipality


2.7       Cienfuegos

2.8      Granma

2.9       Sancti Spíritus

3.0       Pinar del Río

3.5       Villa Clara

3.6       Santiago de Cuba

3.7       Holguín

3.8       Las Tunas

4.0       Artemisa


7.3       Guantánamo

6.3       Mayabeque

4.9       La Habana

4.4       Ciego de Ávila



- The under-five mortality rate decreased from 5.5 in 2017 to 5.3 in 2018.

- The preschool child mortality rate was reduced from 3.2 to 3.0 per 
10,000 preschool age inhabitants.

- The school-age mortality rate remains below 3.0 since 2002.

- Births increased by 1,349 compared to 2017.

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