[News] At least one Gazan is killed by Israel every single day

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 18 12:01:18 EDT 2018

  Euro-Med: 'At least one Gazan is killed every single day'

Oct. 18, 2018 - http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=781511

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) --The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights 
Monitor (Euro-Med) said that Israeli forces caused injuries to one in 
every 100 Palestinians as Gaza protests conclude 200 days and called on 
the international community to exert serious pressure on Israel to end 
its targeting of Palestinian demonstrators.

Euro-Med said in a statement "The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights 
Monitor calls on the international community to exert serious pressure 
to put an end to the targeting of Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza 
Strip and to protect their right to peaceful assembly."

Euro-Med also called on "all parties concerned to exert pressure on 
Israel to lift its blockade affecting every aspect of Gaza’s largely 
civilian population."

Euro-Med described the continued use of excessive force by Israeli 
forces against Palestinian protesters at the Israel-Gaza fence as 
"deeply shocking," noting that in the 200 days of protests, Gaza lost 
205 residents.

Euro-Med Monitor said that at least "one Palestinian is killed every 
single day," further noting that "in every 100 Gazans, one injury was 

"Despite the fact that the protesters were mostly unarmed civilians and 
did not in most cases pose a credible threat, the Israeli forces met 
them with lethal force, including by live fire and explosive bullets, as 
well as toxic gas and tear gas."

In addition, 69 of those injured, 14 of whom were children, suffered 
permanent disability, according to the latest statistics by the 
Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Euro-Med stressed "Israel's response to protests violates the principles 
of international human rights law; that is, despite the fact that 
protests have largely been peaceful, Israeli soldiers killed 205 people, 
including five women and 38 children, while also injuring 22,527 others, 
18% of whom are children."
"The Israeli authorities continue to impose a relentlessly suffocating 
blockade that has left civilians unaccounted for, simply as collateral 
damage to a policy of collective punishment."

"The Israeli forces targeted Palestinians indiscriminately."

Euro-Med said "Neither medical teams nor journalists were spared; three 
medical personnel have been killed and 409 others wounded by live 
ammunition and tear gas canisters since the beginning of demonstrations. 
In addition, 84 ambulances and medical tents have been targeted using 
gas bombs."
Sarah Pritchett, Euro-Med's spokesperson, said "The Israeli soldiers 
deliberately caused the greatest harm they could to civilians, added 
Pritchett, stating that, in light of the international community's 
failure to take concrete steps to end the Gaza crisis, Israeli soldiers 
continue to target Gazans with impunity."

Pritchett emphasized "The targeting of civilians while exercising their 
right to peaceful assembly, guaranteed by Article 21 of the 
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, cannot be 
justified, and violates the protection accorded to them as civilians - 
in accordance with Article III of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which 
prohibits attacks on persons not taking part in hostilities."

She added "The targeting of medical staff and journalists also 
contravenes international humanitarian law, specifically articles 15 and 
79 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which stipulate 
that medical, journalistic and civilian personnel must be respected and 
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