[News] Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (11 – 17 October 2018)

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Oct 19 12:32:31 EDT 2018


  Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied
  Palestinian Territory (11 – 17 October 2018)

34-43 minutes

/Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against unarmed 
civilians and peaceful protestors in the Gaza Strip. 8 Palestinian 
civilians, including a child, were killed in the Gaza Strip. 310 
civilians, including 62 children, 9 women, 7 journalists and 2 
paramedics, were wounded; 11 of them sustained serious wounds./


Israeli forces continued to use lethal force against Palestinian 
civilians, who participated in peaceful demonstrations organized within 
the activities of the “Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege” in 
the Gaza Strip, which witnessed for the 29^th  week in a row peaceful 
demonstrations along the eastern and northern Gaza Strip border area. 
During the reporting period, the Israeli forces killed 8 Palestinian 
civilians, including a child, and wounded 310 civilians, including 62 
children, 9 women, 7 journalists, and 2 paramedics.  The injury of 11 of 
them was reported serious.  Moreover, 4 civilians, including 3 national 
security officers, were wounded during Israeli airstrikes.  In the West 
Bank, a Palestinian civilian was killed while a woman was killed by 
settlers in addition to 10 Palestinians wounded by the Israeli forces, 
including a journalist.

In the Gaza Strip, , the Israeli forces killed 8 Palestinian civilians, 
including a child, during their participation in the Return and Breaking 
the Siege March.  On 12 Oxtober, they killed 7 civilians, including 
‘Afifi Mahmoud al-‘Afifi (18) and Mohammed ‘Issam ‘Abbas (20) in eastern 
al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City; Ahmed Ibrahim al-Taweil 
(23), Mohammed ‘Abdel Hafiz Isma’il (29), Ahmed Ahmed Abu Na’im (17) and 
‘Abdullah Burham al-Daghmah (25) in eastern al-Bureij in the central 
Gaza Strip, and Tamer Eyad Abu ‘Ermanah (21) in al-Shokah village, east 
of Rafah City. Four of them were hit with bullets to the chest, 2 to the 
abdomen and 1 in the head.

On 16 October 2018, the medical sources at the Indonesian Hospital in 
Jabalia declared the death of Saddam Shlash (27) after succumbing to 
wounds he sustained during his participation in the Sea March in the 
northern Gaza Strip the day before.  Shlash was wounded with a bullet to 
the upper right thigh that cut the main artery.

As part of the use of lethal force against the peaceful protestors along 
the border fence during the reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 310 
civilians, including 62 children, 9 women, 7 journalists and 2 
paramedics. Eleven of them sustained serious wounds.

As part of targeting Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Sea, the Israeli 
forces continued to escalate their attacks against the Palestinian 
fishermen, pointing out to the ongoing Israeli policy of targeting their 
livelihoods.  On 17 October 2018, the Israeli authorities decided to 
reduce the area allowed for fishing to 3 nautical miles along the Gaza 
Strip shores as part of the Israeli policy to restrict fishermen and 
target their livelihoods.  During the reporting period, the Israeli 
forces opened fire 5 times at the fishermen; 3 incidents in the 
north-western Beit Lahia and 2 off al-Sudaniyah shore in western Jabalia 
in the northern Gaza Strip.  AS a result of those attacks, 2 fishermen 
who are also brothers were arrested after one of them sustained wounds 
while their boats sustained damage.

As part of the Israeli airstrikes, on 14 October 2018, the Israeli 
drones launched a missile at the Palestinians who were walking at the 
end of the Girls Street, southeast of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza 
Strip, wounding one of them.  On 16 October, the Israeli drone launched 
a missile at a group of civilians in the aforementioned are, but no 
casualties were reported.

On 17 October 2018, Israeli warplanes carried out many airstrikes in the 
Gaza Strip targeting military training sites for the Palestinian Armed 
Groups, a site belonging to the National Security Services and vacant 
lands. During the airstrikes, 17 air-to-surface missiles were launched 
resulting ion the injury of 3 Palestinian National Security Officers, 
including one sustained serious wounds.  .

As part of targeting the border areas, on 08 October 2018, the Israeli 
forces opened fire at the agricultural lands along eastern al-Shokah 
village, east of Rafah City in the southern Gaza Strip.  However, no 
casualties were reported.

In the West Bank, as part of excessive use of force, on 15 October 2018, 
the Israeli forces killed Elias Yasin (22) from Bedia village, northwest 
of Salfit when he was crossing the traffic light on ‘Aber al-Samerah 
Street, seemingly the traffic light was red and he rapidly crossed the 
street.  AS a result, an Israeli soldier opened fire at him and killed 
him immediately.  The Israeli forces claimed that Yasin attempted to 
stab soldiers so they opened fire at him without any of the soldiers 
being wounded.  The Israeli soldiers could have used, in case of 
suspicions about Yasin’s intent to stab, less lethal force and arrested him.

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces wounded 10 Palestinian 
civilians, including a journalist.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 104 
military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 6 
similar ones into Jerusalem and its suburbs. During those incursions, 
Israeli forces arrested at least 80 Palestinians, including 7 children 
and 3 women, in the West Bank. Meanwhile, 10 other civilians, including 
2 children and a girl, were arrested in Jerusalem and its suburbs.

*_Israeli Forces continued to create a Jewish Majority in occupied East 

As part of the Israeli house demolitions and notices, on 17 October 
2018, the Israeli municipality demolished a house belonging to Khalil 
Za’atrah in al-Mukaber Mount neighbourhood, south of occupied East 
Jerusalem’s Old City under the pretext of non-licensing.   The house was 
established 4 months ago and the municipality issued then a decision to 
demolish it, but the family resorted to the court and could delay the 
demolition and tried to obtain a license.  However, they were surprised 
with the municipality raiding he house and implementing the demolition 
decision without any prior warning.  The house sheltered 8 family 
members, including 5 children, and was built on an area on 100square 
meters and of sheets.

*_Israeli Forces continued their settlement activities, and the settlers 
continued their attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property_*

As part of demolition of houses and other civil objects, on 11 October 
2018, the Israeli forces demolished 3 residential barracks built of tin 
plates, a residential tent, barrack, 2 livestock barns, a kitchen and a 
water tank in Kherbet al-Hadidiyah area in the northern Valleys, east of 
Tubas belonging to ‘Omer Bsharat.

On the same day, the Israeli forces levelled 5 dunums and uprooted 100 
olive seedlings planted there in al-Khodor village, south of Bethlehem, 
belonging to Ibrahim Hamdan.  The land targeted is located between the 
settlements of /“Prophet Daniel” and “Eli ‘Azar”, /south of the city.

On 17 October 2018, the Israeli forces demolished a house and water 
collection well in Um al-Shaqhan area near Kherbet Khelet al-Mayeh, east 
of Yata in southern Hebron.  The house belonging to Mahmoud Abu Taha and 
is built on area of 170 square meters while the well capacity was 100 
cubic meters.  The house has been built for years and was fully 
constructed finally so the family of 24 members, including children, 
were moving their furniture to the house in order to live there.

On the same day, the Israeli forces demolished a barrack built of tin 
plates on an area of 300 square meters and used for livestock breeding 
in Kherbet Ghwein to the west of al-Samou’a village, south of Hebron.  
It should be noted that the barrack belonged to Shafiq al-Hawamdah.

As part of the Israeli settlers’ attacks against the Palestinians 
civilians and their property, on 12 October 2018, ‘Ashah al-Rabi (47) 
was killed from Bedia villahe, northwest of Salfit, when the car her 
husband was driving was thrown with stones by a group of settlers at 
“rihalim” settlement between the al-Sawiyah village and intersection of 
Za’tarah checkpoint, south of Nablus.

In addition to the crime mentioned above, PCHR’s fieldworkers in the 
West Bank documented 8 attacks by settlers against the Palestinian 
civilians and their property.  The attacks resulted in the injury of 3 
civilians with bruises and wounds after being beaten. Moreover, 540 
olive trees and grape vines were damaged.

*_Female Civilian Killed by Israeli Settlers, who threw Stones at her 
Car at Za’tarah Checkpoint, south of Nablus:_*

  * On Friday evening, 12 October 2018, a Palestinian female civilians
    was killed and her husband and daughter were very shocked after
    their car was stoned by Israeli settlers near Za’tarah checkpoint,
    south of Nablus, north of the West Bank.

According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 23:00 on the same 
day, a group of settlers, who were at the intersection of 
/“Rahalim”/ settlement between al-Sawiyah village, and Za’tarah 
checkpoint, south of Nablus, threw stones at a Palestinian car driven by 
Ya’qoub Mahmoud al-Rabi (52) and his wife Aisha Mohammed Talal al-Rabi 
(47) along with their daughter Rama (9), from Bedia village, northwest 
of Salfit, as they were coming from Hebron. A big stone hit the right 
side of the front glass, broke the window and fall on Aisha’s head. As a 
result, Aisha suffered a severe bleeding from right side of the  head 
front and above the eyebrow. Aisha’s husband drove to Ebn Sina 
Polyclinic in Howarah village, but she was dead. Aisha was then 
transferred as a dead body to Rafidiya Hospital in Nablus. After medical 
examination, it was clear that the brain exited from the head front, 
causing Aisha’s death. Her husband and daughter were very shocked. 
Ya’qoub said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:

/“I went to bring my wife, who was visiting our daughter in Hebron and 
were accompanied with our daughter Rama (9). After we crossed al-Sawiyah 
intersection near “Rahalim” settlement, adjacent to Za’tarah checkpoint, 
We suddenly heard a scream in Hebrew language and then stones started 
hitting our car. A big stone broke the front glass and hit the head of 
my wife Aisha, but I did not know that she was wounded because she did 
not scream at all. I looked at her and found that she was bleeding. I 
called her name twice, but it seemed that she died immediately. Her head 
was covered with blood. My daughter Rama started screaming as I was 
calling her mother. I quickly crossed Za’tarah checkpoint and arrived at 
Ebn Sina Polyclinic in Howarah village. Doctors there confirmed that 
Aisha died because of the stone that hit her head.”/

*_Use of Force against Demonstrations in Protest against the U.S. 
President’s Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel:_*

Israeli forces continued its excessive use of lethal force against 
peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians in in the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip, and it was named as “The Great March of Return and 
Breaking Siege.” The demonstration was in protest against the U.S. 
President Donald Trump’s declaration to move the U.S. Embassy to it. 
According to PCHR fieldworkers’ observations, the border area witnessed 
large participation by Palestinian civilians as the Israeli forces 
continued to use upon highest military and political echelons excessive 
force against the peaceful demonstrators, though the demonstration were 
fully peaceful. The demonstration was as follows during the reporting 

*_Gaza Strip:_*

  * On Friday evening, 11 October 2018, 5 Palestinian civilians,
    including a child, were wounded, east of Malakah intersection, east
    of al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City. Moreover, another
    civilian was hit with a live bullet to the left thigh, east of Abu
    Safiyah hill, northeast of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip.
    Doctors classified his injury as serious because the main artery was

  * On Friday evening, 12 October 2018, thousands of Palestinian
    civilians swarmed to the Return encampments established by the
    Supreme National Authority for the Great March of Return and
    Breaking Siege, east of Abu Safiyah Hill in the northern Gaza Strip,
    Malakah intersection, east of Gaza City, east of al-Buraij in the
    central Gaza Strip, east of Khuza’ah village, east of Khan Younis,
    al-Shawkah village, east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
    Hundreds of civilians approached the  border fence between the Gaza
    Strip and Israel, set fire to tires and threw stones at Israeli
    forces. The Israeli forces opened fire and fired tear gas canisters
    at them. As a result, 7 civilians, including a child, were killed.
    Four of them were hit with live bullets to the chest, 2 to the
    abdomen and one in the head. Moreover, 225 civilians, including 42
    children, 7 women, 4 journalists and a paramedic, were wounded on
    the same day and doctors classified 12 civilians’ injuries as serious.

  * *In Gaza City: *Israeli forces killed ‘Afifi Mahmoud ‘Ata al-‘Afifi
    (18) from al-Shati’a refugee camp  after firing a live bullet to the
    abdomen, and Mohammed ‘Essam Mohammed ‘Abbas (20), who was hit with
    a live bullet to the head. Moreover, 98 civilians, including 11
    children, 3 women and a journalist, were wounded. Seventy three of
    them were hit with live bullets, 24 were hit with tear gas canisters
    and one civilian was hit with a rubber bullet. Doctors classified 3
    civilians’ injuries as serious. The wounded journalist was
    identified as Bilal Bassam ‘Oudah al-Sabbagh (27) from al-Jala’a
    Street was hit with a live bullet to the right leg.

  * *The Central Gaza Strip: *Israeli forces killed 4 civilians,
    including a child, and wounded 37 others, including 7 children and
    one woman. Thirty of them were hit with live bullets and their
    shrapnel and 2 were hit with tear gas canisters during their
    participation in the March of Return and Breaking Siege, east of
    al-Buraij. Those killed were identified as:

 1. Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki al-Tawil (23) from al-Nuseirat refugee camp was
    hit with a live bullet to the chest.
 2. Mohammed Abdul Hafith Yusuf Ismail (29) from al-Buraij refugee camp
    was hit with a live bullet to the chest.
 3. Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah Abu Na’im (17) from al-Nuseirat refugee camp
    was hit with a live bullet to the chest. And incised wound to the
    left arm.
 4. Abdullah Barham Suleiman al-Daghmah (25) from ‘Abasan al-Jadidah in
    Khan Younis was hit with a live bullet that penetrated the abdomen
    from the right side of the abdomen and exited the left side.

  * *Rafah City: *Israeli forces killed Tamer Eyad Mahmoud Abu ‘Armanah
    (21) after they hit him with a live bullet to the chest. Moreover,
    27 civilians, including 4 children and 3 women were hit with a live
    bullets and their shrapnel and 3 were hit with tear gas canisters
    during their participation in the March of Return and Breaking
    Siefe, east of al-Shawkah village, east of Rafah in the southern
    Gaza Strip. Doctors classified 4 civilians’ injuries as serious.

  * *The Northern Gaza Strip:* 44 civilians, including 15 children and a
    journalist were wounded. Thirty sex of them were hit with live
    bullets and their shrapnel and 8 were hit with tear gas canisters.
    Doctors classified 2 civilian’s injury as serious. The wounded
    journalist identified as Safenaz Baker Mahmoud al-Louh (29), who
    works as a reporter and a photographer at Amad News Network, from
    Sheikh Redwan neighborhood was hit with a tear gas canister.

  * *Khan Younis: *24 civilians, including 5 children, 2 journalists and
    a paramedic, were wounded. Sixteen of them were hit with live
    bullets and their  shrapnel and 8 were hit with tear gas canisters.
    doctors classified 3 civilians’ injury as serious. The wounded
    journalists were identified as: Mohammed Majed Ismail Abu Daqqah
    (22), a photojournalists at Sharq News Network was hit with a lie
    bullet to the 2 legs, and Ahmed Riyad Mohammed al-‘Amoudi (29), a
    photographer at Palestine News Network. The wounded paramedic was
    identified as ‘Ammar Abdul Karim Musalam Abu Hamad (35), who works
    at PRCS was hit with a  tear gas canister to the head.

  * On Sunday, 14 October 2018, a 26-year-old civilian was hit with a
    live bullet to the right foot during his participation in the March
    of Return activities established in the east of Malakah in
    al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

  * At approximately 15:30 on Monday, 15 October 2018, Israeli gunboats
    stationed offshore, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence
    between the Gaza Strip and Israel, opened fire and fired sound bombs
    at dozens of Palestinian civilians who were at the Return camp along
    the border coastal, adjacent to adjacent to “Zikim” military base ,
    northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. It should be
    noted that this is the 11th time for Palestinian boats to sail for
    Breaking the Siege. As a result, 71 civilians, including 17
    children, 3 journalists and a female paramedic, were wounded. Forty
    two of them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel and 29
    were hit with tear gas canisters. Doctors classified the injury of
    Saddam al-‘Abed Mohammed Shalash (27), from Jabalia, as serious
    where he was hit with a live bullet to the right thigh, causing a
    cut in the main artery. At approximately 21:50 on Tuesday, 16
    October 2018, medical sources at the Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia
    announced Saddam’s death. They carried out a surgery for him to stop
    the bleeding. Saddam was admitted to the ICU Department where he
    stayed until his death was announced.

The wounded journalists were identified as:

 1. Safenaz Baker Mahmoud al-Louh (28), a photojournalists and reporter
    at Amad News Network from Sheikh Redwan neighborhood in Gaza City,
    was hit with a live bullet shrapnel to the right arm.
 2. Tha’er Khalid Fehmi Abu Rayash (24), a photojournalist at HIA
    Turkish News Agency from Beit Lahia, was hit with a live bullet
    shrapnel to the left hand and face.
 3. Khalid Ayman Salim Salah (17), a reporter at Noor News Network from
    Khan Younis, was hit with a live bullet to both legs.

The wounded paramedic identified as Habibah Mahmoud Abdul ‘Aziz 
al-Sekafi (22), from Beit Lahia, was hit with a tear gas canister to the 

  * On Tuesday, 16 October 2018, 8 civilians, including 2 children, were
    wounded during their participation in the March of Return activities
    established in the east of al-Buraij in the central Gaza Strip. An
    ambulance belonging to PRCS sustained a shrapnel to the right side.

*_West Bank:_*

  * At approximately 13:40 on Friday, 12 October 2018, Palestinian
    civilians and International activists organized a demonstration in
    the center of Kufur Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah and
    headed to the eastern entrance to the village, which has been closed
    for 15 years. The protestors chanted national slogans demanding end
    of occupation, condemning the Israeli decisions to demolish Khan
    al-Ahmer Bedouin Community deporting its residents and condemning
    the Israeli forces’ crimes against Palestinian protestors at the
    eastern border in the Gaza Strip within the Marcg of Return and
    Breaking Siege activities. Several representatives of national
    factions and representatives of National Action Factions in the
    north of the West Bank and a number of foreign and Israeli activists
    participated in the demonstration. Israeli soldiers fired live and
    rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a
    result, 6 civilians were hit with rubber bullets.

  * Following the same Friday prayer, dozens of Palestinian civilians
    and international human rights defenders gathered on agricultural
    lands of al-Resan Mount area, west of Ras Karkar village, west of
    Ramallah in protest against the Israeli settlers’ attempt to seize
    and confiscate the land. When the civilians arrived at the
    abovementioned area, the Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber
    bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a
    result, a 21-year-old civilian was hit with a rubber bullet to the foot.

  * *_House Demolitions and Notices:_*

  * At approximately 05:00 on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, the Israeli
    Municipality demolished a residential house belonging to Khalil
    Za’atrah in al-Mokaber Mount, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old
    City under the pretext of non-licensing. Su’ad Za’artah, Khalil’s
    wife, said that the Israeli forces raided their house at dawn after
    surrounding it and forcing them to get out of the house without
    allowing them to vacate its content. She also said that: “The
    Israeli forces ordered us to get out of the house. They pushed us
    and prevented us from taking our IDs, documents and other
    belongings. The Israeli Municipality staff vacate some furniture
    before demolishing the house while the Israeli bulldozers demolished
    another part of the house.” She added that the house was built 4
    months ago and the Israeli Municipality issued a decision to
    demolish the house, but the family headed to the court and managed
    to delay the demolition and attempted to license the house. She said
    that on Wednesday morning, they were surprised with storming the
    house and demolishing it without a prior warning. The
    100-square-meter house was sheltering 8 members, including 5 children.

*_Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian 
civilians and property_*

*_Israeli forces’ attack:_*

  * At approximately 05:30 on Thursday, 11 October 2018, Israeli forces
    accompanied with military vehicles, a vehicle of the Israeli Civil
    Administration and 2 bulldozers moved into Kherbit al-Hudaiydah in
    northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas. The Israeli soldiers deployed
    between houses and the Israeli bulldozers demolished a house
    belonging to Omar ‘Aref Mohamed Basharat, in addition to other
    civilian facilities belonging to him under the pretext of
    non-licensing. The material damage were identified as:
      o Three 100-square -meter barracks built of tin plates.
      o A 450-square -meter barrack used for breeding livestock.
      o A 30-square -meter residential tent.
      o A 40-square- meter kitchen.
      o Two 100-square-meter barns.
      o A water tank with a capacity 1.5.

  * At approximately 07:00 on Thursday, an Israeli bulldozer leveled an
    agricultural land in al-Khadir village, south of Bethlehem, and
    uprooted dozens of olives seedlings. Ahmed Salah, a Coordinator in
    Colonization and Wall Resistance in al-Khadir village, said that the
    Israeli forces leveled 5 dunums of agricultural land belonging to
    Ibrahim Hamdan and uprooted 100 olive seedlings under the pretext of
    state property. The targeted land is located between “/Prophet
    Daniel /“ and “/Eli Azar/“ settlements, south of Bethlehem.

  * At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 15 October 2018, Israeli forces
    accompanied with military vehicles and a vehicle of the Israeli
    Civil Administration moved into Sosiyia village, south of Yatta,
    south of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers deployed between residential
    tents and detained Palestinian civilians while the Israeli Civil
    Administration staff confiscated excavation tools, electric engine
    and electric crane used for excavating a water well in the village.
    The confiscated tools belong to Husam Na’iem Hamamdah. The Israeli
    authorities claimed that the abovementioned area needs a prior
    permit for working in it from the Israeli security.

  * *_At_* approximately 05:00 on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, Israeli
    forces accompanied with military vehicles, a vehicle of the Israeli
    Civil Administration, a digger, and a bulldozer moved into Um
    Shaqhan area near Kherbet Khelet al-Mayyah, east of Yatta, south of
    Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration staff raided a
    170-sqaure-meter house belonging to Mahmoud Shehada Taleb Abu Taha
    (48), vacated some of its content and then demolished it along with
    a 100-square-meter water well under the pretext of non-licensing.
    The house was built years ago and the family comprised of 24
    members, including 7 children, were transferring the furniture as a
    prelude to live in the house. It should be noted that the Israeli
    authorities notified Mahmoud to stop construction work in 2015. It
    should be noted that Sant Eve institution submitted a request to the
    Israeli competent bodies in order to license the house, because it
    is located in area classified as Area C and no written notice was
    issued to demolish the house.

  * At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces accompanied with military
    vehicles, a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a digger
    moved into Khebet Ghoween, west of Samou’a village, south of Hebron.
    The Israeli forces deployed in the area and the digger demolished a
    300-sauqre-meter barrack used for breeding livestock under the
    pretext of non-licensing. The barrack belongs to Shafeeq Saleem
    ‘Awadallah al-Hawamdah. It should be noted that the Israeli
    authorities fixed a notice on the facility on 24 January 2017 and
    took photos of it. The notice showed that on 12 February 2017, there
    was a hearing for the Israeli Civil Administration in “ /Beit Eill/”
    settlement, in order to discuss the demolishing of the facility.

*_Israeli settlers’ attack:_*

  * At approximately 17:00 on Saturday, 13 October 2017, an Israeli
    settler from an Israeli settler from a settlement outpost in
    Hebron’s Old City, attacked Nedal Ehmidan Mohamed Suhlob (40) while
    he was in front of his house in Tal al-Ramida neighborhood. As a
    result, Nedal’s left jaw bone was fractured and was then taken to
    al-Ahli Hospital in the city, where he underwent surgery. Nedal said
    to PCHR’s fieldworker that: “ /I arrived at my house located in Tal
    al-Ramida neighborhood, returning from my work. My house is around
    100 meters away from (56) checkpoint. After my arrival at the house,
    I heard shouting near the checkpoint, meanwhile, my children were
    heading to a shop for buying something. I went to the street along
    with my son Omar (14). We saw an Israeli soldiers pushing an Israeli
    settler. My son Omar headed to see what happen. Few minutes, he came
    back quickly and an Israeli settler was chasing him. Omar stood
    beside me and the settler attempted to steal Omar’s cell phone via
    which was covering what happened. The settler cursed us and then
    clapped me on my face. Three Israeli settlers then joint the
    abovementioned settler. A number of Israeli soldier arrived at the
    area and one of them attacked me and pushed me toward the wall
    without saying anything to the settlers. I felt dizzy and 10
    munities later, paramedics from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society
    (PRCS) arrived at the area and took me to al-Ahli Hospital via an
    ambulance parked behind the checkpoint. At the hospital, I underwent
    a surgery in my jaw/”

  * At approximately 17:00, a group of Israeli settlers, protected by
    the Israeli forces, from “/Yatizhar/” settlement, moved into
    al-Safafeer area from the eastern side of ‘Oreef village, south of
    Nablus. The Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian civilians’
    houses. After that, Palestinian young men gathered, confronted the
    Israeli forces and settlers and threw stones at them. The Israeli
    forces then arrested ‘Adel ‘Abed al-Hafiz Shareef ‘Amer (37), an
    employee in the village council and a volunteer in B’Tselem
    Insanitation for Human Rights. ‘Adel was taken to Jamal Shehadah’s
    house and detained for over half an hour. The Israeli forces
    confiscated ‘Adel’s camera , delated materials on his memory cards
    and then released him.

  * On Sunday, 14 October 2018, a group of Israeli settlers uprooted and
    damaged dozens of grape and olive seedlings in al-Khadir village,
    south of Bethlehem. Ahmed Salah,  a Coordinator in Colonization and
    Wall Resistance in the village, said that Israeli settlers from
    “/Afrat/” settlement established on Palestinian civilians lands,
    south of Bethlehem, uprooted 370 grape seedlings planted 2 years ago
    and 30 olive seedlings belonging to Ibrahim Siluman Subaieh. He said
    that the Israeli settlers, who attacked Subaieh lands several time,
    placed bee hives in his land.

  * On Sunday morning, according to a security coordination that
    previously declared and allowed Palestinian farmers to enter Tal
    village, west of Nablus, to harvest their olive trees in Khelet
    al-Doghi area, west of the village. When the farmers entered their
    lands, a farmer Saqer Ahmed ‘Asidah was surprised that settlers from
    “/Hafat Gilead”/ settlement, damaged and broke 50 olive trees from
    his 3 dunums of land. The damaged trees were planted 2 years ago.

  * At approximately 08:00 on Sunday, Palestinian farmers, from Fer’atah
    village, northeast of Qalqiliyia, managed to enter their lands in
    al-Sotouh area east of the village upon a security coordination.
    ‘Abdullah Mahmoud Ibrahim Hasan Salman and Ibrahim Mahmoud Suliman
    Salah were surprised that their crop was stolen, in addition to
    damaging the trees. Moreover, around 22 olive trees were uprooted
    and the land was turned into an empty land for celebration near
    “/Gilead“/ Ibrahim Salah said to PCHR’s fieldworker that: “/ On
    Sunday, 14 October 2018, I went along with my family and relative to
    al-Sotouh land, east of Fer’atah village, upon a security
    coordination, which is necessary to enter the area. When we arrived,
    we found the crop was harvested and the trees were damaged. There
    were around 150 olive trees their crops were stolen. We left the
    land without harvesting any crops.”/

Nada Salman, ‘Abdullah Salman’s wife, said that: “/We entered our land 
and we could barely recognized it. We found a large area was leveled, in 
addition to 22 olive trees. The land was turned to an empty yard for 
celebrations. We also found empty beer bottles put in boxes. All the 
crops were stolen.”/

  * On Sunday evening, a group of Israeli settlers cut with electric
    saws over 100 olive trees from agricultural lands in al-‘Ozal area
    in al-Moghair village, northeast of Ramallah. The olive trees belong
    to ‘Abed al-Latif Hamed Abu ‘Aliyia and his siblings. The settlers
    also wrote racist slogans on a dwelling in the land.

  * At approximately 11:40 on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers from “/Homesh“/ settlement, north of Barqah
    village, northwest of Nablus, attacked Mahmoud and Manna’ Sa’ied
    Mahmoud Hussain (20), fro, Bazariyia village. The Israeli settlers
    stole Mahmoud and Manna’s monkey while they were heading to their
    land to harvest the olive trees in al-Houd area. Mahmoud was hit
    with a stone at his left brow and beat with a stick at his right
    hand. Furthermore, Manna’ was hit with a stone at his right
    shoulder. Mahmoud was then taken to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus.

  * At approximately 14:30 on Wednesday, a group of Israeli settlers,
    protected by the Israeli forces, from “/Yatizhar/” settlement
    established in the eastern side of ‘Oreef village, south of Nablus,
    moved into al-Safafeer area. They threw stones at Palestinian
    civilians’ houses and broke their windows. The attacked houses
    belong to Sameer Mohamed Mohamed Sawalmah and Ahmed ‘Abed al*Kareem
    Fayiz Shehadah.

*Recommendations to the International Community*

PCHR warns of the escalating settlement construction in the West Bank, 
the attempts to legitimize settlement outposts established on 
Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the continued summary executions 
of Palestinian civilians under the pretext that they pose a security 
threat to the Israeli forces. PCHR reminds the international community 
that thousands of Palestinian civilians have been rendered homeless and 
lived in caravans under tragic circumstances due to the latest Israeli 
offensive on the Gaza Strip that has been under a tight closure for 
almost 11 years. PCHR welcomes the UN Security Council’s Resolution No. 
2334, which states that settlements are a blatant violation of the 
Geneva Conventions and calls upon Israel to stop them and not to 
recognize any demographic change in the oPt since 1967.  PCHR hopes this 
resolution will pave the way for eliminating the settlement crime and 
bring to justice those responsible for it. PCHR further reiterates that 
the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still 
under Israeli occupation in spite of Israel’s unilateral disengagement 
plan of 2005.  PCHR emphasizes that there is international recognition 
of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments 
and international humanitarian law. Israel is bound to apply 
international human rights law and the law of war, sometimes 
reciprocally and other times in parallel, in a way that achieves the 
best protection for civilians and remedy for the victims.

 1. PCHR calls upon the international community to respect the Security
    Council’s Resolution No. 2334 and to ensure that Israel respects it
    as well, in particular point 5 which obliges Israel not to deal with
    settlements as if they were part of Israel.
 2. PCHR calls upon the ICC this year to open an investigation into
    Israeli crimes committed in the oPt, particularly the settlement
    crimes and the 2014 offensive on the Gaza Strip.
 3. PCHR Calls upon the European Union (EU) and all international bodies
    to boycott settlements and ban working and investing in them in
    application of their obligations according to international human
    rights law and international humanitarian law considering
    settlements as a war crime.
 4. PCHR calls upon the international community to use all available
    means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to
    self-determination through the establishment of the Palestinian
    State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast
    majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including
    sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine.
 5. PCHR calls upon the international community and United Nations to
    take all necessary measures to stop Israeli policies aimed at
    creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and at voiding
    Palestine from its original inhabitants through deportations and
    house demolitions as a collective punishment, which violates
    international humanitarian law, amounting to a crime against humanity.
 6. PCHR calls upon the international community to condemn summary
    executions carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinians and to
    pressurize Israel to stop them.
 7. PCHR calls upon the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC to
    work hard to hold Israeli war criminals accountable.
 8. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva
    Conventions to fulfill their obligations under article (1) of the
    Convention to ensure respect for the Conventions under all
    circumstances, and under articles (146) and (147) to search for and
    prosecute those responsible for committing grave breaches of the
    Geneva Conventions to ensure justice and remedy for Palestinian
    victims, especially in light of the almost complete denial of
    justice for them before the Israeli judiciary.
 9. PCHR calls upon the international community to speed up the
    reconstruction process necessary because of the destruction
    inflicted by the Israeli offensive on Gaza.
10. PCHR calls for a prompt intervention to compel the Israeli
    authorities to lift the closure that obstructs the freedom of
    movement of goods and 1.8 million civilians that experience
    unprecedented economic, social, political and cultural hardships due
    to collective punishment policies and retaliatory action against
11. PCHR calls upon the European Union to apply human rights standards
    embedded in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and to respect its
    obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights when
    dealing with Israel.
12. PCHR calls upon the international community, especially states that
    import Israeli weapons and military services, to meet their moral
    and legal responsibility not to allow Israel to use the offensive in
    Gaza to test new weapons and not accept training services based on
    the field experience in Gaza in order to avoid turning Palestinian
    civilians in Gaza into testing objects for Israeli weapons and
    military tactics.
13. PCHR calls upon the parties to international human rights
    instruments, especially the International Covenant on Civil and
    Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic,
    Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to pressurize Israel to comply
    with its provisions in the oPt and to compel it to incorporate the
    human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the
    relevant committees.
14. PCHR calls upon the EU and international human rights bodies to
    pressurize the Israeli forces to stop their attacks against
    Palestinian fishermen and farmers, mainly in the border area.

/Fully detailed document available at the official website of the 
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)./ 


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