[News] The "israeli" occupation has assassinated Brigadier Fayeq Al-Mabhouh - in charge of coordinating with UNRWA to facilitate and secure humanitarian aid

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Mar 18 13:29:18 EDT 2024

🚨 Government Media Office: https://t.me/PalestineResist (from Telegram)
The "israeli" occupation has assassinated Brigadier Fayeq Al-Mabhouh, who
is in charge of coordinating with tribes and UNRWA to facilitate and secure
humanitarian aid into northern Gaza.

The "israeli" occupation forces committed a new crime by assassinating
Brigadier Fayeq Al-Mabhouh (https://t.me/PalestineResist/32793), who was
responsible for coordinating with tribes and UNRWA to facilitate and secure
humanitarian aid into northern Gaza. Brigadier Al-Mabhouh was engaged in
purely civilian humanitarian work, which should have been protected and not
targeted under international law.

The perpetration of such crimes and massacres by the "israeli" occupation,
including the killing of civilians and targeting humanitarian workers,
undoubtedly confirms its intention to spread chaos and lawlessness in the
Gaza Strip, and to prevent the facilitation of humanitarian aid to hundreds
of thousands of hungry people in the Gaza and Northern governorates. We
confirm that this assassination comes two days after the successful efforts
to bring 15 trucks of aid into northern Gaza (
https://t.me/PalestineResist/32674) following four months of "israeli"
occupation obstruction, demonstrating the occupation's commitment to a
strategy of starvation and deprivation of food supplies, despite their
limited availability until now.

This crime is a continuation of the occupation's targeting and bombing of
many humanitarian aid distribution centers for displaced persons, and the
assassination and killing of those involved in providing this aid, which
targeted dozens of them in recent days in the Rafah governorate,
Al-Nusseirat camp, the Gaza governorate, and other governorates.

We denounce and condemn the perpetration of this new crime, which violates
the provisions of international law, international humanitarian law, and
human rights agreements. We hold the "israeli" occupation, the American
administration, and the international community fully responsible for these
ongoing crimes against our Palestinian people and against civilians,
children, and women.

We call on UN and international organizations and all countries of the free
world to intervene immediately and urgently to restrain the occupation,
stop the genocide, halt its aggression, and stop targeting civilians,
children, and women, as well as stop targeting humanitarian workers and
bombing humanitarian aid distribution centers serving more than 2 million
displaced people in the Gaza Strip.

Government Media Office
Monday, March 18, 2024
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