[News] 'Israel's' goals from storming Al-Shifa Hospital & killing Al-Mabhouh

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Mon Mar 18 19:19:15 EDT 2024

'Israel's' goals from storming Al-Shifa Hospital & killing Al-Mabhouh
Al Mayadeen English
March 18, 2024

The expert in Palestinian resistance affairs, Hani Al-Dali, speaks to Al
Mayadeen about the occupation’s goals from storming Al-Shifa Hospital and
assassinating the martyr Fayeq Al-Mabhouh.
[image: 940249c9-0580-4c1a-8a6b-09a6584f1d1b.jpg]

   - Martyr police Brigadier-General Faiq Al-Mabhouh (Social Media)

Once again, Israeli occupation forces have stormed the Al-Shifa Medical
Complex in Gaza
after fabricating yet another hoax to justify their crimes and recurrent
invasions throughout the war. However, they leave empty-handed, besides
terrorizing and threatening the lives of Palestinian patients and refugees
in the hospital.

Hani al-Dali, an expert on Palestinian Resistance affairs
detailed to *Al Mayadeen* on Monday what the occupation's goals from the
assassination of the martyr Faiq Al-Mabhouh and the storming of Al-Shifa
Who was Fayeq Al-Mabhouh?

Al-Dali revealed that martyr Fayeq Al-Mabhouh was the brother of Al-Qassam
Brigades' martyr, Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, and had been incarcerated for 15
years in Israeli prisons. Al-Mabhouh came from a family who has offered
countless sacrifices for Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Reportedly, Al-Mabhouh had been conducting his work publicly within the
Ministry of Interior and National Security, which is a civilian apparatus
as per international law. Al-Dali clarified that Al-Shifa Hospital includes
a specialized department for the ministry itself which manages and
safeguards the hospital, which is chartered within the law.

Al-Mabhouh was martyred after he refused to succumb to the occupation's
demands to surrender himself. Instead, he clashed with the occupation
forces, killed a First Sergeant of the Nahal Brigade
and wounded others with his police gun.
The state of humanitarian aid deliveries

Al-Dali also stated that the Palestinian police forces, Al-Mabhouh at their
front, contributed to the attainment of humanitarian aid for the people of
Gaza, particularly in the north, and confirmed their success with the help
of local clans and popular committees, as well as the rejection of
cooperation with the Israeli occupation by the Palestinian people.

Al-Dali noted that the cooperation of all Palestinian communities in Gaza
foiled "Israel's" disruptive plots which aimed at fueling chaos and
portraying a false image of disorganization regarding aid deliveries to
justify its colonial project, be it through the United States intervention
or the imposition of a new authority.

*Read more: Hamas is prepared for all scenarios: Hamas official to Al
''Israel' gained nothing from Al-Shifa attack'

Regarding the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital, Al-Dali said "Israel" claimed
Resistance leaders resided in the medical complex, and recalled the first
time the occupation forces stormed it under the same guise that misled the
Israeli and global public opinion. However, the IOF left Al-Shifa without
any evidence of the presence of Resistance personnel or tunnels, after
destroying all the hospital's amenities.

Al-Dali then affirmed that the Al-Shifa attack indicated the occupation's
disarray among its military forces and the fickle nature of its field
movements. 'Israel', according to Al-Dali, is trying to enforce a
delusional victory, but consistently fails at achieving any win
signifying a loss of hope in any significant triumph despite dragging the
war to its sixth month.
Hamas responds to Al-Mabhouh's assassination

Protected by international humanitarian law
the assassination of Al-Mabhouh is more proof of the Nazi enemy's attempts
at inciting chaos, hitting societal security in the Gaza Strip, and
prolonging the state of starvation our people are suffering from, in
compliance with the displacement and genocide plans it has plotted against

Hamas, however, affirmed that the Palestinian people and their security
forces continue to strike the enemy's plots and prevent them from spreading
chaos and disorganization in our resilient society.

*Read more: Gaza Office holds 'Israel' responsible for abducted
journalists' lives
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