[News] ‘Israel’ Denies Access of UNRWA Chief into Gaza as EU, Jordan Accuse Tel Aviv of Starving Palestinians

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Mon Mar 18 11:34:12 EDT 2024

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‘Israel’ Denies Access of UNRWA Chief into Gaza as EU, Jordan Accuse Tel
Aviv of Starving Palestinians
March 18, 2024
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The Zionist entity barred the entry of UNRWA chief into Gaza Strip on
Monday as the European Union and Jordan accused the Zionist occupation of
starving the people in the besieged enclave.

“I intended to go to Rafah today, but I have been informed an hour ago that
my entry into Rafah is declined,” United Nations Relief and Works Agency
for Palestine Refugees chief Philippe Lazzarini says during a press
conference in Cairo with Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry.

Shoukry said Lazzarini was barred by the Israeli occupation authorities.

“You were declined by the Israeli government, refused the entry which is an
unprecedented move for a representative at this high position,” he said.

The UN relief chief also said that hunger in the Gaza Strip is “man-made.”

“We are engaged in a race against the clock to try to reverse the impact of
the spreading hunger and the looming famine in the Gaza Strip,” he added.

*Starvation in Gaza*

For his part, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell accused Tel Aviv
of using starvation as a “weapon of war.

Speaking at the opening of a conference on aid for Gaza in Brussels,
Borrell said the Palestinian enclave was in a “state of famine”.

“This is unacceptable. Starvation is used as a weapon of war. Israel is
provoking famine,” he said.

Meanwhile, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi said the Israeli
occupation has been “starving children to death and taking more than 2
million Palestinians hostages.”

At a press conference in Amman with his Brazilian counterpart, Safadi
called the alleged policies “a humanitarian crime driven by extremist
ideology and inhuman racism.”

“The Israeli war on Gaza is an aggression that flouts all international
laws and during which Israel commits war crimes for which those responsible
must face justice,” he said.
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