[News] Hamas, PIJ deliver response on Gaza ceasefire proposal to mediators

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Tue Jun 11 20:30:03 EDT 2024

Hamas, PIJ deliver response on Gaza ceasefire proposal to mediators
Al Mayadeen English
June 11, 2024

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan reveals to Al Mayadeen details of the
Palestinian Resistance factions' response to the Gaza ceasefire proposal.
[image: c7bf8061-4f1d-4ed0-86e5-489f75a66a26.jpg]

   - Hamas Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and PIJ Secretary-General
   Ziad al-Nakhalah discussing the Palestinian factions' response to the US
   proposal regarding a ceasefire in Gaza

The Hamas movement has presented a few remarks to the mediators regarding
the proposal laid out by the United States for a ceasefire in the Gaza
Strip, senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told *Al Mayadeen* on Tuesday.

Hamdan clarified that the proposal discusses a ceasefire in Gaza but does
not specify that it is permanent, whereas the US President had spoken about
a permanent ceasefire. "We have amended this," he said.

He pointed out that the amendments were made based on inter-Palestinian
dialogue, involving both the leadership of the Resistance inside and
outside Gaza.

Based on this dialogue, Hamdan revealed that three key points were agreed
upon. First, the Resistance is capable of continuing [its operations], and
the achievements of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood confirm that resistance is the
only legitimate option for the Palestinian people.

Second, Hamdan emphasized the need to achieve a ceasefire and alleviate the
suffering of the Palestinian people, stressing that "the Resistance cannot
compromise on the rights of its people under any circumstances."

Third, he pointed out that the Resistance's positivity should not be
misinterpreted as a sign of weakness or a willingness to make further

"Our response is our commitment to what we previously committed to, a
ceasefire and [complete] withdrawal from Gaza," Hamdan told *Al Mayadeen*.

He made it clear that the Hamas leadership does not succumb to pressure but
maintains positivity.

Regarding the US stance on the war on Gaza, the Palestinian official
considered that the American-Israeli position is aligned, noting that
the disagreement between the two sides "is only tactical."

Touching on the US-drafted UN Security Council ceasefire resolution
passed on Tuesday, Hamdan indicated that the text includes loopholes,
stressing that the main thing is to set a zero hour for a ceasefire.

He added that the Hamas movement welcomes the resolution because it
includes a ceasefire, relief for Palestinians, and prisoner exchange

Talking about the Israeli operation in Nuseirat, in central Gaza, in which
274 Palestinians were killed and hundreds of others were injured, the Hamas
official pointed out that the occupation, which tried to fabricate an image
of victory in Nuseirat, was exposed and had three of its captives killed.

Hamdan revealed that Hamas' information confirms the participation of
members from the US Delta Force in the Nuseirat operation.

He added that the true colors of Israeli racism were exposed when the
occupation forces killed and injured a thousand Palestinians in Nuseirat.

Hamdan affirmed that the Israeli failure in the war is evident, describing
the talk about "the day after" as a "delusion" created by the Israeli
occupation. For the Resistance, "the day after" in Gaza is distinctly
limited to the Palestinians, he underlined.

He recalled that the estimates given to the United States indicated that
the war would last six weeks, but it has been ongoing for eight months. The
Palestinian official stressed that the Israeli occupation cannot be
trusted, explaining that it only yields when it feels incapable of
"achieving victory".

Regarding the situation in the occupied West Bank, which witnesses daily
Israeli raids and arrests in parallel with the aggression on Gaza, Hamdan
considered that the ongoing Israeli assassinations there confirm one truth:
what frightens the occupation is the Resistance.
Egypt and Qatar receive Palestinian factions' response

In a related context, a joint delegation from Hamas and the Palestinian
Islamic Jihad (PIJ), led by Hamas Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and
PIJ Secretary-General Ziad al-Nakhalah, announced it delivered the
Palestinian Resistance factions' response regarding the ceasefire proposal
to the Qatari and Egyptian mediators.

The two movements indicated that the response prioritizes the interests of
the Palestinian people and the necessity of completely halting the ongoing
aggression on Gaza, adding they were ready "to engage positively to reach
an agreement that ends this war."

Egypt and Qatar, on their end, announced that they have received a response
from Hamas and the Palestinian factions regarding the US proposal for a
ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal, stating that they would study the
response and coordinate with the concerned parties regarding the next steps.

They maintained that joint mediation efforts with Washington will continue
until an agreement is reached.

A source with knowledge of the talks told *AFP* that Hamas proposed
amendments to the plan, including a ceasefire timeline and the complete
withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza.

*Read more: Hamas welcoming Security Council resolution 'hopeful' sign:
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