[News] Palestinian Resistance continues operations against IOF across Gaza

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Tue Jun 11 20:33:36 EDT 2024

Palestinian Resistance continues operations against IOF across Gaza
Al Mayadeen English
June 12, 2024

Al-Quds Brigades releases footage of a joint attack with other Resistance
factions shelling Israeli forces' gatherings in the Netzarim Axis.
[image: 5db2e0a9-1c6d-4fa2-9077-12a6999aed5d.jpg]

   - A screen grab from a video showing Al-Quds Brigades launching a joint
   rocket strike with other Palestinian groups targeting Israeli military
   gathering in the Netzarim Axis on June 12, 2024 (*Al-Quds Brigades
   Military Media*)

The Palestinian Resistance continues to confront and inflict heavy losses
on invading Israeli forces across Gaza for the 249th consecutive day as
part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, with fierce battles especially
concentrated in Rafah
and Gaza City.

The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in
Palestine, announced on Tuesday confronting Israeli occupation forces in
Rafah, using machine guns, in addition to anti-tank missiles and
anti-personnel weapons.

In a separate operation, the Resistance group said its fighters sniped at
an Israeli soldier in the Netzarim axis, south of Tal al-Hawa in Gaza City.

It also announced targeting the Israeli military site Kissufim with a
barrage of rockets.

*Read more: Palestinian Resistance blast Israeli unit in pre-prepared

The al-Quds Brigades released footage of a coordinated attack with other
Resistance factions, shelling Israeli forces' gatherings in the Netzarim.

On its part, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced engaging in fierce
battles with occupation soldiers and vehicles using appropriate weapons in
the advancement axes in the Shaboura camp in Rafah, adding that they also
targeted Israeli military gatherings with mortar shells.

The group also released scenes of its Resistance fighters shelling the
Netzarim axis with 107mm rockets and heavy caliber mortar shells.

The Martyr Omar al-Qassem Force, the military wing of the Democratic Front
for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), announced the detonation of an
explosive device under an Israeli military vehicle at the Abu al-Sabeer
junction in the Shaboura camp, adding that the IED destroyed part of the
vehicle, confirming the killing and wounding of its crew members.

*Read more: Israelis smothered by economic crises as war on Gaza continues

In a statement, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades said that, in response
to the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, its artillery unit
targeted occupation forces stationed east of Rafah and in the Tal Zo'rob
area with heavy caliber 120mm mortar shells.

Moreover, the al-Mujahideen Brigades targeted Israeli occupation forces'
gatherings, east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, with a barrage of 107mm

While the Resistance continues conducting its operations, Israeli media
admitted on Tuesday that four soldiers
were killed in the booby-trapped building detonated by the al-Qassam on
Monday in Rafah.

The Israeli media added that 18 soldiers were injured in the IED ambush.
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