[News] 'Bomber Blair' tasked to actualize Gaza Nakba plan in 'mediator' role?

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Mon Jan 1 12:22:17 EST 2024

'Bomber Blair' tasked to actualize Gaza Nakba plan in 'mediator' role?
Al Mayadeen English
January 1, 2024

The former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, could be assigned on an up and
coming Israeli initiative to implement a new Nakba in Gaza, disgused as a
[image: 82e268f7-61e0-4783-b361-6cea358ad67c.jpg]

   - Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair gives a speech at
   Hillsborough Castle, in Belfast, Wednesday, April 19, 2023. (*AP*)

Former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who gained the monicker of "Bomber
after he misled the UK parliament and public to bomb Iraq, was reportedly
in "Israel" last week for "undisclosed meetings with [Israeli] Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and war cabinet Minister Benny Gantz," according to a report by the *Jerusalem

According to a post on X by Israeli Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Blair
discussed with Netanyahu taking on the role of a "mediator" that will lead
the 2023 Nakba of Gaza, in reference to the 1948 Palestinian Nakba where
Palestinians were forced out of their land following a number of massacres
by Israeli settlers and troops.

Ben-Gvir welcomed, in his post, the idea of Blair
"heading a task force that will promote the emigration of Gaza residents to
other countries around the world."

In turn, the *Jerusalem Post* confirmed that "the idea of the former
British prime minister serving as a mediator was floated," stressing Blair's
<https://english.almayadeen.net/videos/figures-in-history-tony-blair> in
issues "revolving around the issue of displaced Palestinians
Furthermore, the Israeli outlet also emphasized that throughout this role
of his, Blair served as "a liaison communicating Israel's security needs to
the Western world."

The *Jerusalem Post* made its claims citing *N12*, another Israeli outlet,
which reported that Blair was positioned to act as a "mediator" in post-war
Gaza, despite the continued failure of the Israeli occupation forces to
contain or eliminate the Palestinian Resistance in the Strip. According to
*N12*, Blair would be tasked with "examining" whether Western countries
would be prepared
to take in Palestinian refugees.
Not the first time Blair's name is touted

It is important to note that a source close to Blair denied the reports,
saying "claims made over Blair's connection to displacement [of
Palestinians] are incorrect," adding "There never was such a discussion,
and Blair would not discuss such a proposal."

Significantly, however, this is not the first time talk of Blair taking
over the Israeli initiative in Gaza has been put forward. Earlier in
November, the *Times of Israel *and *Ynet *published similar reports,
where *Ynet
*reported that Netanyahu planned on appointing Blair as a humanitarian
in Gaza, in an effort to allegedly improve the humanitarian situation in
the Strip.

The report underscored that Netanyahu's line of reasoning is that he wants
to leverage Blair's experience as a former envoy to the Middle East Quartet
(international supervisors of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process) in an
effort to mitigate increasing international concerns.

The report indicated that Blair
<https://twitter.com/MayadeenEnglish/status/1403728807400558593> has been
contacted on the matter and talks have been ongoing in recent weeks.

The *Times of Israel* noted, at the time, that both the Israeli military
and the Israeli Security Ministry recognize that to sustain the aggression
against Gaza till the end, the war needs to be seen as legitimate, and that
legitimacy is predicated on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Instead of meeting the popular and international demands for a ceasefire to
end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, Netanyahu elected to appoint an
official experienced in inflicting catastrophic humanitarian conditions.
'Israel' contacting countries to facilitate ethnically cleansing Gaza

Netanyahu claimed last Monday that the occupation is in contact with
countries to persuade them to agree to take in Palestinian
"refugees from Gaza," Israeli media reported citing the premier as telling
members of his Likud Party.

His statement came in response to party member and lawmaker Danny Danon,
who, along with MK Ram Ben Barak of the Yesh Atid party, was promoting this

According to the report, Danon told Netanyahu that a team must be
established to manage "those who want to leave Gaza."

ِAt the time, Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas commented on the
Israeli Prime Minister's remarks, saying his plan to pass a "voluntary
immigration" scheme for the people from the Gaza Strip is ridiculous and
aims to compensate for the Israeli war failure.

"Netanyahu is trying to sell illusions to prolong the aggression after he
and his army failed to achieve their goals," the party said.

"Our Palestinian people affirmed their decisive stance by rejecting
deportation and displacement, and that there is no emigration and no choice
but to remain steadfast on our land."

*Read more: Egypt, Jordan reject Israeli plot to forcibly displace
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