[News] Gaza war takes medical apartheid to new extreme

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Mon Jan 1 11:53:16 EST 2024

Gaza war takes medical apartheid to new extreme

Sewar Elejla <https://electronicintifada.net/people/sewar-elejla> The
Electronic Intifada
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/electronic-intifada> 1 January 2024

New Year’s Eve in a Gaza hospital.
APA images

The Fourth Geneva Convention obligates an occupying power to ensure
<https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-55> that
proper medical supplies are provided and that hospitals and health services
are maintained
<https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-56> in
the territory under occupation.

Israel is doing the exact opposite.

It is subjecting healthcare to collective punishment so that Palestinians
are tortured, displaced and killed.

Israel has a long history of systematically undermining the health rights
of Palestinians and utilizing destructive tactics to achieve its ends.

Israel practices medical apartheid.

Though not defined formally in international human rights law, the term
“medical apartheid” has been used
<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37088108/> to describe similar situations
of pervasive segregation and discrimination in healthcare, based on race
and characterized by stark inequalities in healthcare accessibility,
availability and quality.

Israel has been hampering the development of, destroying and openly
targeting the Palestinian healthcare system. The system was built and
mainly by international donors.

Strategically, Israel made Palestinian healthcare dependent on aid.

Over the years, Israel has been attacking health facilities, medical
workers and ambulances in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Since 7 October, Israel has repeatedly attacked
hospitals and medical centers in order to push people out of Gaza. It has
caused a scarcity of medical supplies, fuel and necessities such as food
and water for the same purpose.

The estimated 800,000 people who remained
<https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/139332> in northern Gaza after
Israel’s evacuation orders have been left without any healthcare apart from
some field medical points that cannot provide anything beyond first aid.
Hospitals have been put out of service after Israel attacked them,
threatening the lives of patients, displaced people and healthcare

The same steps are being taken in southern Gaza.

Israel is now carrying out ethnic cleansing against Palestinians by wiping
out the basics of life in the south. That includes healthcare

The scale of human losses is enormous. Survivors have been left with no
choice but an exodus.

The underlying problems – de-development and destruction of healthcare –
started a long time before 7 October.
Condemned to preventable death

For almost 17 years a blockade has meant that Gaza’s healthcare system
cannot function properly. The health ministry has been unable to provide
sustainable services.

Israel has deliberately restricted access to medicines, consumables and
essential equipment such as medical imaging devices.

Israel has prevented
the entry of X-ray and other scanning machines and spare parts based on
claims that they can be used both for civilian and military purposes.

By February 2022, Israel had approved only 30 out of 120 requests submitted
by the Palestinian Authority in 2021 for the entry of such equipment into

Under siege, Gaza has not been able to devote the resources needed for
training and recruiting specialized staff. That has undermined the capacity
of hospitals to offer specialized services such as oncology, nephrology,
cardiology and advanced surgeries.

Moreover, patients who require specialized care frequently cannot access it
outside Gaza. Restrictions on movement have condemned many to deaths that
were preventable.

In 2021 alone, more than 36 percent of applications for permits to receive
treatment outside Gaza were either refused or left unanswered

According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, hospitals, clinics, ambulances
and their staff are protected at all times so they can freely treat the
wounded and sick. Attacks against them are war crimes
<https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule25> and violations
of international law.

Over the years, Israel has faced no consequences for its attacks.

Since 7 October, Israel has attacked
more than 140 health institutions, putting 23 hospitals and 53 medical
centers out of service.

Israel has killed more than 300 healthcare workers, some with a huge amount
of experience.

Many have been attacked at home with their families or while on duty. Such
attacks are clearly assassinations.

Their aim is to deprive Gazans of any hope of being saved or treated.

The ground invasion enabled Israeli forces to meticulously select their
targets among medical staff after besieging hospitals or blocking the roads
used by ambulances.

Israel has detained approximately 100 healthcare workers. They include
Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiya, director of al-Shifa, Gaza’s largest hospital and Dr.
Akram Hussein <https://twitter.com/HCWWatch/status/1727738919729455314>,
head of the surgery department at Gaza’s Indonesian hospital.

Worsened by the ground invasion, the obstruction of ambulances is becoming
a more commonly practiced tool of medical apartheid. The wounded are left
to bleed to death without help.

In addition to this overt destruction, Israel has engineered
<https://electronicintifada.net/content/horrors-hospital/43356> a public
health crisis.

Israel’s actions have led to the rapid spread of illnesses such as
diarrhea, scabies, lice, chickenpox, skin rash, hepatitis A and upper
respiratory infections. The disruption of vaccination programs,
overcrowding at shelters and winter weather exacerbate the problems.

Similarly, the tightening of blockade since the war began – and
particularly the restrictions on the entry of essential medical supplies –
has led to a surge in deaths that could have been prevented.

Until now, more than 9,000 people are reported
to have died during the war because hospitals lacked resources and supplies
and could not conduct operations.

These include patients who died from infections and births in inhumane
circumstances. They also include patients with chronic diseases who have
not been able to find medicines.

The effects of continuous bombardment on mental health is just as profound
as the physical effects. Yet mental health services remain grossly
inadequate, exacerbating the suffering.

More than 60 percent of homes in Gaza have been destroyed
in the current war. Universities, factories, governmental buildings and
hospitals have been attacked.

All this violence makes it impossible to provide the services necessary for
life and impacts the livelihoods and mental health of Gaza’s people.

The destruction and displacement which Israel is causing appears to be a
strategic move to make Gaza unlivable. Gazans are being pushed to leave

This approach is reminiscent of ethnic cleansing, as UN experts have noted

Urgent action is imperative to end the war, lift the blockade and ensure
the free flow of essential supplies and skilled professionals to Gaza.

Rebuilding healthcare infrastructure and giving comprehensive support are
crucial steps to mitigate the devastating effect of Israel’s war on Gaza.

*Sewar Elejla was formerly a doctor at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. She is
now a Canada-based researcher.*
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