[News] Hamas Strikes Back: Rockets Rain on Tel Aviv as Palestinian Resistance Holds Strong Against Israeli Aggression

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 1 19:15:51 EST 2024

english.almanar.com.lb <https://english.almanar.com.lb/2013794>
Hamas Strikes Back: Rockets Rain on Tel Aviv as Palestinian Resistance
Holds Strong Against Israeli Aggression
January 1, 2024
[image: manar-03105710017040968184-1024x683.jpg]

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, bombarded the
heart of the Zionist entity with a heavy barrage of M90 rockets just
moments into the new year. This retaliation came after relentless
aggression from the Israeli occupation forces against defenseless civilians
in the besieged Gaza Strip, drawing silence from many who champion human

Despite claims from the Israeli army that the Qassam’s rocket capabilities
had been significantly diminished, the attack on Tel Aviv and its suburbs
proved otherwise. Military correspondent Hillel Rosen was quick to
criticize the lack of intelligence and failure to prevent the strike,
highlighting the unexpected strength of Hamas even after months of war on

Israeli news outlet “Israel Today” conceded the victory of Hamas,
acknowledging the failure of their previous claims of destroying the
militant group’s missile capabilities. Another Hebrew website, “Kod Kod,”
also echoed this sentiment by stating that Hamas had emerged triumphant.

The news of the rocket attack was met with celebration in Palestinian
territories, with the city of Qalqilya erupting with joyous cries of
“Allahu Akbar” and the lighting of firecrackers. The Gaza Strip, meanwhile,
witnessed a momentous occasion as the Al-Qassam Brigades launched their
missiles towards “Tel Aviv” and its surroundings, further demonstrating
their resilience and determination.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time Al-Qassam has targeted
“Tel Aviv.” Just last month, they unleashed a missile barrage on the city
while continuing their near-daily bombardment of settlements surrounding

The Palestinian resistance’s continued stand against Israeli aggression,
despite complicity from Western countries and select Arab regimes.

Meanwhile, Al-Qassam Brigades fighters detonated the entrance of a tunnel,
targeting a group of occupation soldiers on Rees Mount east of Al-Tuffah
neighborhood in Gaza City and causing casualties among them, including
fatalities and injuries.

Al-Qassam Brigades announced its fighters targeted 5 infiltrating Zionist
vehicles east of Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City.

Soroka hospital indicated that 24 Israeli injured soldiers arrived at its
headquarters from Gaza Strip, two of whom were in serious conditions.

*Source: * Israeli and Palestinian media (translated and edited by Al-Manar
English Website)
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