[News] Israel attacks the remaining medical infrastructure in Gaza Strip

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Fri Feb 9 15:25:15 EST 2024

 News <https://english.palinfo.com/category/news/>
Euro-Med: Israel attacks the remaining medical infrastructure in Gaza Strip

Friday 9-February-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/02/09/314087/
[image: Euro-Med: Israel attacks the remaining medical infrastructure in
Gaza Strip]
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At the start of the fifth month of its genocidal war against the Gaza
Strip, Israel has not stopped targeting what is left of the health system
and sabotaging any chance it may have to save Palestinian lives by firing
and bombarding hospitals, ambulances, and medical teams, the Euro-Med Human
Rights Monitor said in a statement issued Friday.

Euro-Med documented several serious Israeli military attacks in the last
few days, which have disrupted the partial return of hospital services,
particularly in Gaza City and its northern regions. These attacks are part
of a larger Israeli attack that has been affecting the health sector since
October 7.

In this regard, Euro-Med teams have documented the killing of Muhammad
Al-Omari, a paramedic at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), and
the wounding of two other paramedics—one with shrapnel in his eye, the
other in his chest—after an Israeli sniper opened fire at their vehicle in
Gaza City on Wednesday evening, February 7, while evacuating wounded people
from Gaza City hospitals to the southern region despite their prior
coordination with the Israeli army.

The Israeli army targeted the Medical Development Foundation in the
Al-Shifa Medical Complex on the same day, according to the Euro-Med
Monitor, resulting in five displaced people being killed. The report also
stressed that the Israeli air raids and bombings, which included dropping
leaflets urging residents to evacuate, will result in putting this hospital
out of service and disrupting any attempt to resume its work, especially
that the hospital has been subjected to massive Israeli military attacks in
November, including bombing, storming, and purposeful destruction of its
departments, buildings, and equipment.

Artillery shelling and gunfire targeted the Al-Awda Hospital in the
northern Gaza Strip twice this month, according to Euro-Med, which
emphasized that Israel is still preventing the delivery of fuel and medical
supplies necessary for the hospital to be able to reopen.

The human rights organization further demanded that an independent
international investigation be launched immediately into the war crimes and
grave violations that Israel has committed against hospitals, medical
personnel, and medical transports in the Gaza Strip. These violations
included turning numerous hospitals into combat zones, the extrajudicial
killing of Palestinians, and denying health care to all Palestinians living
in the Gaza Strip, which puts their lives in danger.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor further demanded that efforts be made to
bring those responsible for these crimes and violations—as well as those
who gave the orders—to justice at all levels of the legal system, including
the International Criminal Court.
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