[News] Right-wing Israeli protesters block humanitarian aid to Gaza at Nitzana crossing

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 9 15:21:26 EST 2024

 News <https://english.palinfo.com/category/news/>
Right-wing Israeli protesters block humanitarian aid to Gaza at Nitzana

Friday 9-February-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/02/09/314098/
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Right-wing Israeli extremists, along with relatives of prisoners held in
Gaza, closed the roads leading to the Nitzana crossing on Friday,
preventing the passage of humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinians in
the Gaza Strip.

The Hebrew website Walla reported that Israeli protesters closed the
Nitzana crossing to prevent trucks carrying humanitarian aid from entering
the Gaza Strip.

The website stated that the protesters prevented supply trucks from
entering the Gaza Strip, declaring that “no aid will pass until the last
captive is returned,” referring to Israeli prisoners in Gaza.

Israeli extremists and relatives of prisoners held by the resistance are
staging protests on the roads leading to the Kerem Shalom and Nitzana
crossings to prevent the passage of humanitarian aid trucks to Gaza.

The World Food Program warned on Thursday that the risk of famine in the
Gaza Strip is increasing daily, adding that the arrival of aid to the city
of Gaza is not enough to prevent famine.
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