[News] Resistance fighters confront invading Israeli soldiers in Gaza

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Fri Feb 9 15:18:15 EST 2024

Resistance fighters confront invading Israeli soldiers in Gaza
Al Mayadeen English
February 9, 2024

Palestinian Resistance fighters are fiercely confronting the invading
Israeli soldiers in Khan Younis and Gaza, inflicting major losses upon
their ranks.
[image: 2e6269d2-51bf-4b24-aa26-46638f87e1e6.jpg]

   - A screengrab from a video posted by Al-Qassam Military Media depicting
   one of its fighters firing an RPG at an Israeli tank (Military Media)

The Palestinian resistance on Friday continued to engage in fierce
confrontations with Israeli occupation forces on multiple fronts in the
Gaza Strip and launching rockets at Israeli settlements as the Israeli
aggression on the blockaded strip persists for the 126th day.

The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
movement (PIJ), announced that its fighters fiercely confronted Israeli
occupation soldiers and vehicles using machine guns and anti-tank rockets
in areas resisting the invasion west of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

The al-Quds Brigades said they attacked Israeli military vehicles and
assembly points in the eastern part of central Gaza with a barrage of

Meanwhile, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah
movement, announced that its fighters sniped an Israeli soldier east of
al-Maghazi camp in central Gaza.

The Mujahideen Brigades, the military wing of the Mujahideen Movement,
revealed that they shelled the Israeli forces' gatherings in southeast Gaza
with a number of short-range rockets.

An *Al Mayadeen *correspondent reported intense clashes between the
resistance and the occupation in the neighborhoods of al-Rimal and Sheikh
Ajleen in Gaza City.

Various factions of the Palestinian resistance continue to resist the
Israeli forces advancing from various directions in the Gaza Strip, where
fierce clashes are taking place, especially west of Gaza City.
IOF injuries skyrocketing

Israeli newspaper *Yedioth Ahronoth* reported Thursday that the IOF has
 about 13,000 injured troops since October 7.

As a portion of the injured were discharged after receiving treatments,
2,830 troops remain in hospitals in ongoing treatment, the newspaper

The real number of wounded soldiers is in reality much higher than what the
occupation media reports, as the IOF censors the latter and the occupation
continuously attempts to hide the extent of its losses.

This comes in parallel with the Palestinian Resistance's continued
fierce clashes with the IOF on more than one axis in the Gaza Strip,
resulting in material and human losses for the occupation.

The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas
announced yesterday that they sniped an Israeli officer near the university
area in the center of Gaza, publishing a video clip showcasing this

Al-Qassam freedom fighters also targeted an Israeli “Merkava” tank and a
“D9” occupation military bulldozer with  Al-Yassin 105 charges in the
vicinity of Patient Friends Charity Hospital, west of Gaza while also
targeting a “Merkava 4” tank with a tandem shell, west of the Al-Sabra
neighborhood in Gaza City.

In addition, they targeted occupation forces invading the Al-Katiba area,
west of Gaza City, with mortar shells.

In a joint operation, the freedom fighters of the Al-Quds Brigades, the
military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, and those of
Al-Qassam Brigades, targeted a special Israeli force consisting of 10
Israeli troops hiding in a house west of the city of Khan Younis, using two
anti-personnel shells and machine guns, resulting in the killing and
wounding of Israeli troops.
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