[News] There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfil Human Needs, But Not Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed

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Thu Aug 3 11:45:12 EDT 2023

There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfil Human Needs, But Not 
Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed: The Thirty-First 
Newsletter (2023
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*There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfil Human Needs, But Not 
Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed: The Thirty-First 
Newsletter (2023)*

Kurt Nahar (Suriname), Untitled 2369, 2008.

Kurt Nahar (Suriname), /Untitled 2369/, 2008.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research 

On 20 July, the United Nations (UN) released a document 
called /A New Agenda for Peace/. In the opening section of the report, 
UN Secretary-General António Guterres made some remarks that bear close 

We are now at an inflection point. The post-Cold War period is over. A 
transition is under way to a new global order. While its contours remain 
to be defined, leaders around the world have referred to multipolarity 
as one of its defining traits. In this moment of transition, power 
dynamics have become increasingly fragmented as new poles of influence 
emerge, new economic blocs form and axes of contestation are redefined. 
There is greater competition among major powers and a loss of trust 
between the Global North and South. A number of States increasingly seek 
to enhance their strategic independence, while trying to manoeuvre 
across existing dividing lines. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 
pandemic and the war in Ukraine have hastened this process.

We are, he says, in a moment of transition. The world is moving away 
from the post-Cold War era, in which the United States and its close 
allies, Europe and Japan, (collectively known as the Triad 
exerted their unipolar 
power over the rest of the world, to a new period that some refer to as 
‘multipolarity’. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine 
accelerated developments that were already in motion before 2020. The 
gradual attrition of the Western bloc has led to contestation between 
the Triad and newly emerging powers. This contestation is most fierce in 
the Global South, where trust of the Global North is the weakest it has 
been in a generation. The poorer nations, in the current moment, are not 
looking to yoke themselves to either the fragile West or the emergent 
new powers but are seeking ‘strategic independence’. This assessment is 
largely correct, and the report is of great interest, but it is also 
weakened by its lack of specificity.

Gladwyn K. Bush or Miss Lassie (Cayman Islands), The History of the 
Cayman Islands, n.d.

Gladwyn K. Bush or Miss Lassie (Cayman Islands), /The History of the 
Cayman Islands/, n.d.

Not once in the report does the UN refer to any specific country, nor 
does it seek to properly identify the emergent powers. Since it does not 
provide a specific assessment of the current situation, the UN ends up 
providing the kind of vague solutions that have become commonplace and 
are meaningless (such as increasing trust and building solidarity). 
There is one specific proposal of great meaning, dealing with the arms 
trade, to which I shall return at the end of this newsletter. But apart 
from showing concern over the ballooning weapons industry, the UN report 
attempts to erect a kind of moral scaffolding over the hard realities 
that it cannot directly confront.

What then are the specific reasons for the monumental global shifts 
identified by the United Nations? Firstly, there has been a serious 
deterioration of the relative power of the United States and its closest 
allies. The capitalist class in the West has been on a long-term tax 
unwilling to pay either its individual or corporate taxes (in 2019, 
nearly 40 percent of multinational profits were moved 
to tax havens). Their search for quick profits and evasion of tax 
authorities has led to a long-term decrease 
in investment in the West, which has hollowed out its infrastructure and 
its productive base. The transformation of Western social democrats, 
from champions of social welfare to neoliberal champions of austerity, 
has opened the door 
for the growth of despair and desolation, the emotional palate of the 
hard right. The Triad’s inability to smoothly govern the global 
neo-colonial system has led to a ‘loss of trust’ in the Global South 
towards the United States and its allies.

S. Sudjojono (Indonesia), Di Dalam Kampung (‘In the Village’), 1950.

S. Sudjojono (Indonesia), /Di Dalam Kampung /(‘In the Village’), 1950.

Secondly, it was astounding to countries such as China, India, and 
Indonesia to be asked by the G20 to provide liquidity 
to the Global North’s desiccated banking system in 2007–08. The 
confidence of these developing countries in the West decreased, while 
their own sense of themselves increased. It this change in circumstances 
that led to the formation 
of the BRICS bloc in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South 
Africa – the ‘locomotives of the South’, as was theorised 
by the South Commission in the 1980s and later deepened in their 
little-read 1991 report 
China’s growth by itself was astounding, but, as the UN Conference on 
Trade and Development (UNCTAD) noted 
in 2022, what was fundamental was that China was able to achieve 
/structural/ transformation (namely, to move from low-productivity to 
high-productivity economic activities). This structural transformation 
could provide lessons for the rest of the Global South, lessons far more 
practical than those offered by the debt-austerity programme 
of the International Monetary Fund.

Neither the BRICS project nor China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are 
military threats; both are essentially South-South commercial 
developments (along the grain of the agenda of the UN Office for 
South-South Cooperation 
However, the West is unable to economically compete with either of these 
initiatives, and so it has adopted a fierce political and military 
response. In 2018, the United States declared an end to the War on 
Terror and clearly articulated in its National Defence Strategy 
that its main problems were the rise of China and Russia. Then-US 
Defence Secretary Jim Mattis spoke 
about the need to prevent the rise of ‘near-peer rivals’, explicitly 
pointing to China and Russia, and suggested that the entire panoply of 
US power be used to bring them to their knees. Not only does the United 
States have a vast network of roughly 800 overseas military bases – 
hundreds of which encircle Eurasia – it also has military allies from 
Germany to Japan that provide the US with forward positions against both 
Russia and China. For many years, the naval fleets of the US and its 
allies have conducted aggressive ‘freedom of navigation’ exercises which 
encroach upon the territorial integrity of both Russia (in the Arctic, 
mainly) and China (in the South China Sea). In addition, provocative 
manoeuvres such as the 2014 US intervention in Ukraine and massive 2015 
US arms deal with Taiwan, further threatened Russia and China. In 2018, 
the United States unilaterally withdrew 
from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (which followed the 
2002 abandonment 
of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty), a move which upset the apple cart 
of nuclear arms control and meant that the US contemplated the use of 
‘tactical nuclear weapons’ against both Russia and China.

Enrico Baj (Italy), Al fuoco, al fuoco (‘Fire! Fire!’), 1964.

Enrico Baj (Italy), /Al fuoco, al fuoco /(‘Fire! Fire!’), 1964.

The United Nations is correct in its assessment that the unipolar moment 
is now over, and that the world is moving towards a new, more complex 
reality. While the neo-colonial structure of the world system remains 
largely intact, there are emerging shifts in the balance of forces with 
the rise of the BRICS and China, and these forces are attempting to 
create international institutions that challenge the established order. 
The danger to the world arises not from the possibility of global power 
becoming more fragmented and widely dispersed, but because the West 
refuses to come to terms with these major changes. The UN report notes 
that ‘military expenditures globally set a new record in 2022, reaching 
$2.24 trillion 
although the UN does not acknowledge 
that three-quarters of this money is spent by the member states of the 
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Countries that want to exert 
their ‘strategic independence’ – the UN’s phrase – are confronted with 
the following choice: either join in the West’s militarisation of the 
world or face annihilation by its superior arsenal.

/A New Agenda for Peace/ is designed as part of a process that will 
culminate at a UN Summit for the Future 
to be held in September 2024. As part of this process, the UN is 
gathering proposals from civil society, such as this one 
from Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace, Basel Peace Office, Move the Nuclear 
Weapons Money campaign, UNFOLD ZERO, Western States Legal Foundation, 
and the World Future Council, who call on the summit to adopt a 
declaration that:

Reaffirms the obligation under Article 26 of the UN Charter to establish 
a plan for arms control and disarmament with the least diversion of 
resources for economic and social development;

Calls on the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly and other relevant 
UN bodies to take action with respect to Article 26; and

Calls on all States to implement this obligation through ratification of 
bilateral and multilateral arms control agreements, coupled with 
progressive and systematic reductions of military budgets and 
commensurate increases in financing for the sustainable development 
goals, climate protection and other national contributions to the UN and 
its specialised agencies.

This newsletter is dedicated to the memory of our comrade Subhash Munda 
(age 34), a leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), who was 
shot dead in Daladli Chowk (Ranchi, Jharkhand) on 26 July. Subhash, a 
fourth generation communist, was a leader of the Adivasi 
(indigenous-tribal) community and was killed for his fight against the 
land mafia. There are not enough resources in the world to satisfy the 
greed of the land mafias and the capitalists. But there are enough 
resources to fulfil human needs, as Subhash Munda knew and for which he 



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