[News] Israeli arms factory in Shenstone targeted days after forcing Elbit out of Oldham

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 14 11:43:57 EST 2022



Palestine Action breached security and gained entry to the heavily 
guarded Israeli arms factory in Shenstone. The site, used for the 
manufacture of engines and components for Elbit's murderous drones,was 
broken into at 11:00 this morning, with the two women evading an 
extensive security presence. Aiming to disrupt operations at the site, 
the activists have covered the factory in painted slogans including 
'Shut Elbit Down', 'Free Palestine', 'First Oldham, Next Shenstone'. One 
activist was arrested on the site.

The site has been targetted as part of an ongoing campaign of direct 
action against Elbit Systems, which is Israel's largest private arms 
manufacturer, and which has produced 85% of the drones in Israel's drone 
fleet. The UAV Engines factory is crucial for Elbit's manufacturing of 
drones. The site produces the engines and components for Elbit's 
Hermes drone - which has been used extensively to surveil, repress, bomb 
and murder Palestinians in Gaza. The drone has been linked directly to 
extrajudicial assassinations by Israel, as well as the murder of 4 
children playing on a beach in Gaza in 2014. It also produces for 
Elbit's Watchkeeper drones, which are sold to the British military and 
border forces to surveil migrants and conduct imperialist military 
interventions abroad.

The action comes on the heels of a major victory in the fight to end 
British complicity in Israeli war crimes, with news breaking this week 
that Elbit have permanently closed their Oldham factory and have sold 
their Ferranti Technologies business. This comes after months of action 
by Palestine Action, with activists regularly scaling, occupying, 
blockading, dismantling the factory, each time covering premises in 
blood-red paint to signify the bloodshed facilitated with Elbit weapons.

Prior to being shut down, the Oldham factory manufactured surveillance 
and targetting systems for Elbit drones, and is the first of Elbit's 10 
(now 9) sites in Britain to have been shut permanently.

Palestine Action will continue to undermine, disrupt, and shut down 
Elbit's British sites until they cease to operate on the streets of 
Britain, and all the remaining sites are closed.

Press Release 


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Palestine Action| 77 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom

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