[News] Israeli news sites hacked by Iran on anniversary of Soleimani assassination

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Mon Jan 3 14:42:36 EST 2022

qudsnen.co <https://qudsnen.co/33558-2/> Israeli news sites hacked by Iran
on anniversary of Soleimani assassination
january 3, 2022
An image showing a missile being fired from the ring of Qassem Soleimani
toward Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona is used the hack the Jerusalem
Post website on January 3, 2021, the 2nd anniversary of Soleimani's killing
(Screenshot/ The Jerusalem Post)

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- At least two Israeli news sites were reportedly
hacked earlier on Monday with warnings from an Iranian propaganda video
linked to the second anniversary of the assassination of top general Qassem

The website of The Jerusalem Post showed a scene from an Iranian missile
drill last month in which Tehran destroyed a mock-up of Israel’s nuclear
reactor of Dimona.

The rocket appears in the picture to be fired from the iconic ring of its
highest ranking general, Soleimani, with the caption: “We are close to you
where you do not think about it,” in English and Hebrew, according to The
Times of Israel.

The Twitter account of the Israeli Maariv newspaper, which has the same
owners as the English-language Post, briefly held the same message, but
soon took it down.

“We are aware of the apparent hacking of our website, alongside a direct
threat of Israel. We are working to resolve the issue,” the Post tweeted,
and the site was back online about two hours after the hack, The Times of
Israel said.

Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force and responsible for shaping Iran’s
foreign policy throughout the Middle East, was killed in a US drone strike
ordered by Trump, shortly after arriving at Baghdad airport in January 2020.

The missiles also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of
Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).
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