[News] Lakota Oppose Black Hills Jenny Gulch Gold Exploration Project

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 25 02:41:04 EDT 2022

Oglala Lakota Nation: Gold Mine Exploration Approval in Sacred Black Hills
Fails to Comply with Law
August 23, 2022

Censored News

The Oglala Lakota Nation has drafted a letter to ask the Black Hills Forest
Service to withdraw a decision notice on a gold exploration project.
Lakotas said the Forest Service has failed to comply with the law.

“The Black Hills are sacred to our people,” the Oglala Lakota Nation said.
“We know them as ‘the heart of everything that is.’ The Forest Service has
failed to comply with the law and has failed to consider the environmental
and cultural impacts of the Project under the National Environmental Policy

The Jenny Gulch Gold Exploration Project is a year-long drilling project
planned near Silver City, South Dakota, in search of gold.

In July, the Forest Service issued a decision notice providing the public
with 45 days to object to the project. The last day to do so is today,
August 22, KELO
news reports.

Last week, the Oglala Sioux Tribe wrote a letter
to oppose the project.

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