[News] ‘Israel’ finally returns body of slain Palestinian woman killed last year by Israeli forces

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 25 02:13:11 EDT 2022

‘Israel’ hands over body of slain Palestinian woman killed last year by
Israeli forcesAugust 24, 2022
[image: image.png]

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Israeli occupation authorities on Tuesday handed
over the body of slain Palestinian Mai Afana who was killed by Israeli
occupation forces in occupied Jerusalem in June 2021.

Large crowds took part in the funeral procession of Afana yesterday in her
hometown, Abu Dis town in the eastern part of occupied Jerusalem, after her
family received her body.

On June 16, 2021, 29-year-old Mai Afana was shot and killed in her car by
Israeli occupation forces near the Palestinian village of Hizma, northwest
of occupied Jerusalem. Since that day, Israeli occupation has withheld her

The Israeli military falsely claimed that Afana “attempted to ram into a
number of IDF soldiers, exited her vehicle with a knife drawn and was
neutralised in response.”

Afana, a mother of one little girl, was working as a lecturer at
Al-Istiqlal Palestinian Security University, located in the city of
Jericho, east of the occupied West Bank.

Media coverage: "Palestinians take part in the funeral procession of
Palestinian woman Dr. Mai Afana who was shot dead by the Israeli occupation
forces at Hizma checkpoint in Jerusalem while she was driving to Ramallah
on 16 June 2021 after IOF released her corpse today."
pic.twitter.com/Qhj1d0BhVq <https://t.co/Qhj1d0BhVq>

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) August 23, 2022

Media coverage: "The daughter of Palestinan slain Dr. Mai Afana, who was
shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces on 16 June 2021, cries during
the funeral procession of her mother after IOF released her withheld corpse
today." pic.twitter.com/ilJshoLAt8 <https://t.co/ilJshoLAt8>

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) August 23, 2022

Regarding withholding Palestinian martyrs’ bodies, for families, Israel’s
practice of withholding their sons’ bodies amounts to collective punishment
in violation of international humanitarian law.

Since 1967, ‘Israel’ had also established cemeteries of numbers in closed
military zones where it held the bodies of Palestinians and Arabs who were
killed during the war or the struggle against the Israeli occupation of the
West Bank, eastern part of Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.

‘Israel’ is still withholding the bodies of 104 Palestinian martyrs killed
by its forces since 2015, including the bodies of nine detainees, according
to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees.

Al-Haq, a Palestinian human rights group, says “the withholding of
Palestinian bodies is a standard practice long used by Israel which
violates its obligations as an Occupying Power under international law.
Customary international humanitarian law stipulates that parties to an
armed conflict must respect the dead who “must be disposed of in a
respectful manner.” It further obliges parties to the conflict to return
the remains and personal effects of the dead to their families. In
addition, Article 17 of the Second Geneva Convention requires that the
deceased must be held in accordance with the religious rites that they
belong to.”
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