[News] Palestine Action Scale Trees & Occupy the Ground Beneath to Uproot Israel's Arms Factory in Shenstone

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Aug 27 12:42:27 EDT 2022

Palestine Actionists have set up a ground camp and scaled the adjacent 
trees, erecting unreachable hammocks overlooking UAV Engines Ltd — the 
Israeli drones factory that has rightly been a prime target for 
extensive action as part of the #ShutElbitDown campaign.

We plan to hold our ground, and will not leave until Elbit have left 
Shenstone. The factory produces engines and other components used to 
make drones such as the Hermes 450 — these are lethal munitions that 
have maimed and killed countless Palestinian men, women and children for 

Elbit Systems are the linchpin behind Israel’s technological, military 
dominance over the Palestinian people, supplying 85% of the apartheid 
regime's drone fleet — the company also produces a wide range of 
artilleries, chemical weapons, high calibre bulletry and much more. Over 
the years, they have literally 'made a killing' in profits by using 
their products, often experimentally, on the people of Gaza and 
elsewhere — only this month, Elbit's weaponry was used to bomb Gaza for 
three solid days, killing 49 Palestinians including 17 children.

The Hermes 450 drone, which has been 'tested' on Palestinians and the 
populations of Iraq and Afghanistan, laid the foundations for the design 
and production of the Watchkeeper drone: the Watchkeeper is currently 
being deployed by both the UK Border Force and the British police for 
surveillance purposes.

The camp in Shenstone comes after two solid years of direct action 
against UAV Engines — in fact, the factory has been hit no less than 
five times in the past two months. But, it doesn't stop here: we intend 
to ramp up the pressure in the village, educating and galvanising local 
residents to join the movement to rid their streets of these resident 
war criminals. Palestine Action's intentions are clear: direct action 
will continue until UAV Engines becomes the third Israeli weapons site 
to permanently close, joining Elbit Ferranti in Oldham and London's 77 
Kingsway offices — both now vacated.

We are here to pressure the war criminals to leave Britain and shut 
their killer factories. We welcome community support and engagement in 
support of the Palestinians on the receiving end of this factory's 
weaponry. Elbit's net contribution to the world is one of abject misery, 
pain and suffering. Their business has a massive human cost, and so on 
our part, no cost is too big to stop them.

*Rain or sun, we'll hold our ground, resist, remain and in the end, we 
will #ShutElbitDown: We ain't leaving until Elbit does!*

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  *Where is the camp?*

The camp is directly facing Israel's arms factory in Shenstone. To find 
the camp, use the address of UAV Engines: Lynn Lane, Lichfield, WS14 0DT

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