[News] Chile Is at the Political Crossroads: Social Renewal or Decades of Painful Neoliberal Policy

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*Chile Is at the Political Crossroads: Social Renewal or Decades of 
Painful Neoliberal Policy* 

*By Vijay Prashad and Taroa Zúñiga Silva*

“If [Augusto] Pinochet were alive, he would vote for me,” said 
José Antonio Kast in 2017, during the Chilean presidential election when 
he ran as an independent candidate. This was an especially provocative 
statement made by him out of the many he has made over the years—he had 
also said 
that “Chileans need God,” during his campaign in 2017, while proposing 
religious teachers in all public schools in Chile.

Kast, who is now a member of Chile’s right-wing Republican Party, is in 
the running in the 2021 presidential election in Chile as a candidate 
for the party. The first round of voting for the election took place 
on November 21.

Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), to whom Kast was referring in his 2017 
statement, was a military dictator in Chile from 1973 to 1990. A few 
days after Pinochet led the U.S.-backed coup on September 11, 1973, that 
overthrew the popularly elected government of President Salvador 
Allende, he said 
“From time to time, democracy must bathe in blood, so that it can remain 
a democracy.” Kast, who came fourth in the first round of the 2017 
presidential election, supported the eventual winner and now-outgoing 
President Sebastián Píñera, who is a billionaire. This year, Kast has 
the most votes in the first round of the presidential election and sits 
just behind the left candidate Gabriel Boric in opinion polls 
for the second round of voting, which is expected to take place on 
December 19. This year, Kast did not assert that Pinochet would vote for 
him. He knows that he would.

*The Heir to Pinochet*

Kast’s parents 
fled Germany in the aftermath of World War II because Kast’s 
father—Michael Kast Schindele—was a member 
of the Nazi party under Adolf Hitler. They arrived in Chile in 1950, 
where they built a family business and raised nine children (Kast was 
born in 1966). The Kast family has a deep history of being involved with 
the far-right. José’s brother Miguel Kast was one 
of the many “young economists trained by Milton Friedman” (known as the 
“Chicago Boys 
who launched a “neoliberal experiment” in Chile under 
Pinochet “that saw social spending slashed and wealth funneled upward to 
the very rich,” according to the Intercept. Pinochet might be a dictator 
for many in Chile, but for the Kast family, he was a heroic leader, 
which is why it is with no sense of embarrassment that José Antonio Kast 
said that the dead dictator would vote for him.

In fact, the 30 years of Pinochet’s dictatorship are not looked upon 
with a sense of shame or embarrassment by a large section of the Chilean 
population. When Pinochet was removed from power in 1990, a series of 
cases appeared in Chilean courts to bring Pinochet and others to justice 
for various human rights violations carried out under his regime, 
including kidnapping and murders 
None of the more than 300 cases 
that implicated Pinochet directly, which were filed by his 
death—including the assassination of Carlos Prats, a former Chilean Army 
commander who was an “outspoken 
opponent” of Pinochet, and other assassinations carried out 
under Operation Condor—came to any conclusive end. In July 2002, 
meanwhile, the Chilean Supreme Court closed the prosecution of Pinochet 
in the cases involving the “Caravan of Death 
was “an elite death squad” that executed “dozens of former mayors, 
police chiefs, labor leaders and other local officials” in Chile—stating 
that Pinochet was “mentally unfit due to dementia.” Using universal 
jurisdiction, the Spanish Supreme Court prosecutor Carlos Castresana 
tried to open a separate 
road within the Spanish judicial system in July 1996, leading to 
Pinochet’s arrest in London in 1998. But the “Pinochet case” was 
when the then heads of government of Britain (Tony Blair), Chile 
(Eduardo Frei), and Spain (José María Aznar) colluded to shield Pinochet 
by sending him home to Santiago. The impunity for Pinochet marked 
Chilean politics for years to come, since it meant that no one needed to 
be embarrassed to claim his lineage despite the atrocities he was 
accused of.

Kast denies that Pinochet was a dictator. He pointed to the Constitution 
of 1980 and said 
that this document “contained the entire transition to democracy.” 
Between 1973 and 1980, before the constitution was introduced, Chile was 
not a dictatorship, Kast argued, because the government of Pinochet 
willingly produced a “democratic” constitution (which remains in force 
today, and is being rewritten 
by a Constitutional Convention that will close its work after the new 
president has been elected). Kast, without embarrassment, claims that 
Pinochet—who personified every attribute of the late 20th century’s 
dictators—is ironically a guardian of Chilean democracy.

*Contempt for Human Rights*

Kast has demonstrated a contempt for human rights. During a presidential 
debate in October 2021, Kast proposed 
the closure of the human rights institution in Chile, the National 
Institute of Human Rights 
(INDH), saying: “We have suggested that there has to be a reformulation, 
and to make a reformulation… [of the INDH. W]e believe that the current 
one (INDH) [has to be closed] because it is clearly not fulfilling its 
aims.” The reason Kast made these comments is that the INDH, which 
recently investigated 
the human rights violations by the Chilean police against the 
anti-government demonstrators—who have been protesting for more than two 
years now—concluded that there had been “a breach of the protection of 
human rights” during these protests. “The Carabineros [Chilean Police],” 
Kast said 
during the presidential debate, “is a great institution that does not 
violate human rights.” Chile has been witnessing a massive political 
upsurge that began in 2019 and has remained in place up until now as 
part of a broad dissatisfaction with the plummeting economic conditions 
and with police violence that has come in response to the peaceful 
protests. As a consequence of the kind of political discourse Kast has 
been indulging in and the propaganda being spread by the hard-right, 
now show that more people in Chile trust the police more than the INDH.

Total alignment with the police and the army defines Kast’s politics. 
That is why he pledged to remove 
Chile from the UN Human Rights Council, which has since 2019 published 
that have criticized the Chilean police for violating basic human rights 
protocols in their handling of the “mass protests” in Chile. Kast’s 
contempt for the UN Human Rights Council reflects his general position 
on such international cooperation. In February 2021, while tweeting 
about withdrawing from the council, he said 
“While the UN attacks Chile with various policies and false accusations, 
the [UN] Human Rights Council has as members Venezuela and Cuba, the 
bloodiest dictatorships in Latin America.” Hatred for the socialist 
project in Venezuela is amplified in Kast’s hatred for the Venezuelan 
migrants who have had to leave their country as a consequence 
of the sanctions imposed by the United States. Kast proposed 
the construction of a ditch on the Chilean border with Bolivia to 
prevent migrants—mostly Venezuelans—from crossing into Chile.

*Trump of the Southern Cone*

Many comparisons have been made between Kast and other far-right 
leaders: he has been called 
the Bolsonaro of Chile, drawing similarities between him and Brazil’s 
President Jair Bolsonaro, and he also has been referred to as Chile’s 
Donald Trump. Kast has ambitions to form an “anti-globalist 
bloc with Bolsonaro and former U.S. President Trump as well as Hungary’s 
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (he made these comments on a show 
where he put on a red “Make America Great Again” hat worn by Trump 
supporters). In late November, Kast traveled to Washington, D.C., to 
with U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Issa Kort (the former Chilean 
representative to the Organization of American States), as well as María 
Paulina Uribe (marketing manager at PepsiCo) and Joel Velasco (vice 
president at UnitedHealth Group). Kast is close to the far-right Spanish 
party, Vox, and its leader Santiago Abascal 
Kast has also joined Abascal in the formation of a new far-right group 
across Latin America called the Madrid Charter 

Like Abascal, Bolsonaro, and Trump, Kast is in favor of small government 
when it comes to the regulation of big business and of large government 
when it comes to law and order and family values. Kast’s deep misogyny 
comes out in his promise to abolish 
the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality 
in Chile and to roll back 
the modest provisions for abortion 
which is partially 
allowed in Chile (he eventually had to rescind 
both promises due to the growing social consensus for women’s rights in 
the country). “I do not feel right-wing,” said 
Kast in May 2018 in order to appeal to the center, although his program 
is entirely in accord with the far-right.

Chile faces a real choice in this presidential election: between the 
far-right’s Kast and the left’s Boric. Boric says 
that he will reverse Chile’s habits of neoliberalism. But the election 
might not be a choice between the far-right and the left as much as it 
might be an election about the failure of Chile to prosecute those who 
violated the rights of Chileans during the 30 years of Pinochet’s rule.

/*Vijay Prashad* is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a 
writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter 
He is the chief editor of LeftWord Books 
and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research 
He is a senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial 
Renmin University of China. He has written more than 20 books, 
including/ The Darker Nations 
/and/ The Poorer Nations 
His latest book is/ Washington Bullets 
with an introduction by Evo Morales Ayma./

/*Taroa Zúñiga Silva* is a writing fellow and the Spanish media 
coordinator for Globetrotter. She is the co-editor with Giordana García 
Sojo of/ Venezuela, Vórtice de la Guerra del Siglo XXI 
/(2020). She is a member of the coordinating committee of Argos: 
International Observatory on Migration and Human Rights 
and is a member of the Mecha Cooperativa 
a project of the Ejército Comunicacional de Liberación 
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