[News] StandWithThe6 Website Launch and Addameer Updates

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 14 11:31:33 EST 2021


Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association Addameer


*Human Rights Defenders Targeted by Israel Launch Joint Website* 


*/Online Hub for Information & Action:
Reverse the Ban on Six Palestinian NGOs/*
The Palestinian civil society organizations (CSOs) targeted by the 
Israeli government, alongside partners, have launched a new website as 
part of our #StandWithThe6 campaign. Visit PalCivilSociety.com to learn 
more and join us in challenging Israel’s attempts to shrink civic space 
and defund and criminalize human rights defenders.
The website consolidates the efforts of our six targeted Palestinian 
CSOs and provides resources for supporters. The website will be a 
central space where supporters can mobilize in solidarity with civil 
*_Take action now:_ send an email 
to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Josep Borrell, High 
Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security 
Policy, asking them to take decisive action to force Israel to reverse 
the unlawful designation.*
Read more about our new campaign website here 
Click here 
for graphics that you can use to amplify our campaign on social media.
Visit the New Campaign Website 


*Update on Palestinian Political Prisoners* 

In November 2021,*Israeli Occupation Forces arrested 402 Palestinians, 
including 66 children and 3 women. *Israel continues to place 
Palestinians under administrative detention indefinitely without trial 
and based on ‘secret material’, as a coercive measure targeting 
Palestinian activists, civil society members, students, and former 
prisoners. This month alone, the Israeli military commander issued 123 
administrative detention orders. *Prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash will be 
entering his 120 days of hunger strikes protesting his administrative 
November Statistics 


*Israeli Occupation Authorities Target Individual HRDs to Escalate 
Attack on Palestinian Civil Society* 
In an alarming escalation of the Israeli Occupation's systematic 
targeting of Palestinian HRDs and CSOs, Israeli occupation authorities 
renewed a persecution campaign against 79-year-old Bashir Khairi. Khairi 
is a Palestinian lawyer who served as legal advisor to several 
Palestinian CSOs. *Noting Mr. Khairi's age, health condition, and the 
dated charges laid against him, the Israeli military court ordered his 
release on bail in late November.*
Yet, on Dec 6, the terms of Khairi's release were amended to increase 
bail to 10,000 NIS, along with a third-party guarantee of 20,000 NIS. 
The Israeli military prosecutor then requested to postpone Mr. Khairi's 
release for 24-hours to consider an administrative detention order, to 
which the court acceded. *This highlights the arbitrary detention of Mr. 
Khairi, as when charges are insufficient to indict him, he is detained 
under administrative detention without charge or trial.*
On Dec 7, a 6-month administrative detention order was issued against 
Bashir Khairi, based on "secret evidence" that he constituted an 
imminent "security threat" to the region.*Mr. Khairi announced his 
boycott of Israeli military courts on the same day, requesting that his 
legal counsel not appear before these courts to represent him.*
Read More 

info at addameer.ps






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