[News] The U.S. Harasses Venezuela Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Thu Mar 26 14:08:21 EDT 2020

U.S. Harasses Venezuela Amidst the Covid-19 PandemicMarch 26, 2020

Regardless of the human costs that the economic blockade causes to the
Venezuelan people, the U.S. Attorney General William Barr
Thursday announced that his country will designate Venezuela as a state
sponsoring terrorism.


*8 Nations Address Letter to UN Chief Urging Sanctions Be Lifted*

The State Department also announced indictments against President Nicolas
and other Venezuelan officials, whom the Trump administration accuses of
having ties to international drug trafficking networks.

Additionally, the U.S. government offers US$15 million for "any
information" leading to the arrest of the Bolivarian president as well
as rewards of US$10 million for information related to National Constituent
Assembly (ANC) president Diosdado Cabello, Vice President Tareck El
Aissami, former general Hugo Carvajal, and former military chief Cliver
Alcala Cordones.

To justify its arbitrary actions, the U.S. argues that Venezuela allowed
the then Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to use its national
airspace to transport drugs and "flood the U.S with cocaine," as the
Southern District of New York Attorney Geoffrey Berman said.

Since it is unrealistic to imagine that President Maduro could be arrested,
the U.S. government's actions appear to be actually pointing at other

One of them is to symbolically strengthen the blockade against
the Bolivarian people at a time when the international community requests
the lifting of sanctions that the U.S. keeps against Venezuela, Cuba, and
Iran, the latter of which was also harassed with new sanctions on Thursday.

Charges against Venezuelan officials also occur when Colombia is losing its
fight against drug trafficking, as both international and local authorities
have been forced to admit.

To divert attention from this, the Trump administration seeks to revive the
accusation of an alleged alliance between Venezuela and the FARC, which is
now a political party in Colombia.

Finally, the U.S. government's actions against the Bolivarian people also
occur amidst the campaign of unconventional military aggressions.

On Thursday, President Maduro denounced that an arsenal of military
weapons, which was seized in Colombia, was destined to provoke new attacks
in Venezuela.
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