[News] Cuba: FM Denounces US Defamation of Cuban Medical Collaboration

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Thu Mar 26 14:03:33 EDT 2020

FM Denounces US Defamation of Cuban Medical CollaborationMarch 26, 2020

Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla denounced the claims by
the U.S. government about Cuban medical collaboration in the countries
affected by Covid-19.


*Cuba to Send Doctors to Four Caribbean Countries and Argentina*

In an official statement, the Cuban government representative stated that
Washington's hostility towards his country cannot affect Cuban solidarity
with nations in need.

On his official Twitter account, Parrilla denounced the U.S. allegations
about Cuba's reasons for providing medical aid and medicines. According to
the Cuban Foreign Minister, these statements show the little credibility of
the U.S. government. He also qualifies this as inhumane as the permanence
of the blockade during the exceptional situation due to the virus spreading.

“Unfortunately, while Covid-19 threatens humanity, the U.S. government is
hindering the combat of the epidemic by attacking countries that practice
solidarity and international cooperation instead of ending the illegal
system of unilateral coercive measures, such as the blockade vs Cuba”
Parrilla tweeted.

*"Cuba promotes peace, health, life. Proud of our health professionals who
from this island or from different corners of the world join the fight
against Covid-19. They embody the humanist and solidarity vocation of the
Cuban Revolution. "*

In other publications, the Cuban diplomat said: "Cuba promotes peace,
health, life. We are proud of our health professionals who from this Island
or different corners of the world joined the fight against the Covid-19.
They embody the humanist and solidarity vocation of the Cuban Revolution."

According to Cuban media, the political persecution and ideological
campaign against Cuban doctors began with the suspension of aid programs in
Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia.  Cuban doctors serve in 65 nations, many of
them affected by the virus.

In his complaint, Parrilla also mentioned that the U.S. government is
pressuring the aid recipient states to refuse the island's health services.
He mentioned that Cuba considers it immoral and unacceptable that the
dignity and professionalism of its health care workers be questioned.

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