[News] Former UN Rapporteur on Human Rights: US Sanctions Have Killed More Than 100 Thousand Venezuelans

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Mon Mar 2 13:22:12 EST 2020


  Former UN Rapporteur on Human Rights: US Sanctions Have Killed More
  Than 100 Thousand Venezuelans

March 2, 2020 
- <https://orinocotribune.com/author/orinocotribune/> Alfred de Zayas 

The Swiss-American historian and Human Rights expert, Alfred de Zayas, 
said that more than 100,000 Venezuelans have died as a result of the 
sanctions implemented by the United States government and that such 
deaths were due to the impossibility of timely access to medicines.

De Zayas, who served as an independent expert for the United Nations 
Human Rights Council for the promotion of an international democratic 
and egalitarian order, participated on Wednesday in the forum 
“Unilateral Coercive Measures as a crime against humanity: The case of 
Venezuela”, held in Geneva, Switzerland, and which was attended by 
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, as well as other academics 
specializing in international law.

Referring to the effects of unilateral sanctions and citing economists 
Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot, the professor said that considering 
only the year 2018, 40,000 of those deaths were caused by the sanctions. 
For that reason, he does not hesitate to affirm: “February 13 is a key 
day in the Venezuelan case. Unilateral coercive measures kill, I found 
in my report, constitute a crime against humanity.”

On the other hand, the historian also alluded to Venezuelan migration. 
In his opinion, “the migratory flows of Venezuela have their origin in 
financial suffocation, in the blockade. That is the cause and they want 
to ignore it, they seek to blame the victim”, in reference to the 
criminalization of Venezuelan migration and other xenophobic practices 
that are growing in some countries of Latin America, as well as the 
almost hegemonic tendency to blame the government of President Nicolás 
Maduro and even that of his predecessor, Commander Hugo Chávez, for 
being responsible for the crisis and forcing the exit of millions of 

RELATED CONTENT: Venezuela Ratifies Willingness to Dialogue with UN 
Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights 

For de Zayas, the brakes on coercive measures implemented against the 
government and people of Venezuela, denounced last week by Foreign 
Minister Arreaza before the International Court of Justice as crimes 
against humanity, is the action of UN Human Rights Council from a 
multilateral perspective. Only this would prevent more vulnerable people 
from dying.

“We must save multilateralism, we must demand the Human Rights Council 
provide advice, the necessary technical assistance to the Venezuelan 
people, to prevent more vulnerable people from losing their lives,” he said.

Source URL: Lechuginos 

Translated by JRE/EF

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